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NAME: _____________________________________ Score: ___________

GRADE & SECTION _________________________ Teacher: _________


Third Quarter
Week 6


 Work Immersion Portfolio

1. Define portfolio;
2. Identify the forms and content of a portfolio; and
3. Familiarize oneself on the home-based immersion portfolio.

Directions: Write True if the statement is true; if it is incorrect, write False.
_____1. A portfolio helps students reflect on their academic goals and progress as learners.
_____2. A student can include negative and damaging comments about employers, teachers,
community leaders or other individuals in the portfolio.
_____3. It is one’s responsibility to cite any print or online source materials that he/she uses.
_____4. A resume nor parent’s consent are not included in a work immersion portfolio.
_____5. Portfolios help teachers determine whether students can apply what they have
learned to new problems and different subject areas.

In previous Work Immersion/ Culminating Activity, learners have to be deployed for

10 days in the respective workplaces or if it is a Culminating Activity, they have to present an
actual performance or do actual social responsibility. But during the time of crisis, we need to
adjust to the situation where you will do it online or offline at home.
Being a work immersion learner/trainee in a company or at home, you have to take
note of the duties and responsibilities of the immersion learner.
As a work immersion learner, you are expected to:
1. attend Pre and Post Immersion Activities;
2. report to the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor during actual immersion; (if
done in the company) but if at home, you have to report to your Immersion teacher/Focal
3. perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the prescribed template for work immersion list
of tasks/activities; or if at home, perform the instructions in the home-based work plan;
4. prepare the documentations and reports required in the curriculum and by the Partner
Institution or by the Immersion Teacher and Focal Person in your school.
As stated in your duties and responsibilities especially in number 4, you have to
prepare the documentations and reports which you will be submitting to your Work
Immersion Teacher after completing your Home-based Work Immersion Plan.
So for today’s discussion on portfolio, you will be guided on what to prepare as part
of your documentations and reports.
Stated in the Glossary of Education Reform, student portfolio is a compilation of
academic work and other forms of educational evidence assembled for the purpose of (1)
evaluating coursework quality, learning progress, and academic achievement; (2)
determining whether students have met learning standards or other academic requirements
for courses, grade-level promotion, and graduation; (3) helping students reflect on their
academic goals and progress as learners; and (4) creating a lasting archive of academic
work products, accomplishments, and other documentation.

Forms of Portfolios:
1. Notebooks filled with documents
2. Notes
3. Graphics
4. Letters
5. resumes
6. Physical collection of student work like written assignments, journals, tests, artworks, lab
reports, physical projects or any other material evidence of learning progress and academic
accomplishments including awards, honors certifications, recommendations, written
evaluation by teachers or peers and self-reflections by the students.

What is Online Portfolio?

Online portfolios are often called digital portfolios or e-portfolios. Examples:
1. Blogs
2. Online Journals
3. Reflection about learning activities, progress and accomplishments.
4. Digital artefacts like student-created videos, multimedia presentations, spreadsheets,
websites, photographs
Those are forms of portfolios which can be used as proofs of your accomplishments
and learnings. Whether it’s online portfolio or printed, it’s up to you based on your resources.
What is important is you have documents as entries in your portfolio. Immersion teacher uses
it as basis and part of your grade in Work Immersion which is a requirement for graduation.
Besides those that are mentioned above, you have to take note of the following:

In any portfolio – whether print or online – it is also important to follow guidelines of

academic integrity.
1. All materials – including language, content and images – must be suitable for all
audiences, including young children who may view the portfolios.
2. Please do not include negative or damaging comments about employers, teachers,
community leaders or other individuals in your portfolio.
3. Do not include personal contact information, including phone numbers or addresses. If you
want to include an email address on your resume for potential employers to contact you, you
may do so, but if are under 18, please obtain your parent or guardian's permission. When you
post your resume in the portfolio, you should include just your name, the name of your school
and, with your parent or guardian's permission, your email address.
4. Don't include any personal information about yourself or others in a database or other
portfolio product. Remember that users can download files from the web, so they could
download a copy of your database.
5. Carefully cite any print or online source materials that you use. Please acknowledge the
role of other people in any of your projects and explain your role if you were a member of a
team. Today's workplace requires collaboration and teamwork, and so readers will be
interested in seeing how you were able to work with others to complete projects.
In preparing for your portfolio, please be guided by its content based on the DepEd’s
Curriculum Guide for Work Immersion.
1. Accomplished forms
You learned from your last module, the different forms you need to fill out and
accomplish. So those forms will be included in your portfolio.
2. Pictures of work site and nonwritten output/ projects with captions
Since you cannot perform your Work Immersion in a real workplace, you can ask
somebody to take a photo of yourself in a workstation at home while you perform your
3. Illustrations of activities performed (as needed)
4. Weekly diary (narrative/ account of learnings and achievements, issues faced and
corresponding resolutions)
5. Sample written output (if any)
It is expected that you will be doing written activities/tasks assigned by your Work
Immersion Teacher, so you can include your written outputs in your portfolio.
6. Other relevant pictures/documents
You may include any picture or document that are related or show an evidence of your
performance for your work immersion.

Activity 1:
Your View Portfolios can encourage students to take more ownership and
responsibility over the learning process. What does it mean? Explain it in a 50-word
paragraph on your sheet of paper.

Activity 2:
Unique Introduction After making a table of content of your portfolio, you need to
make your own introduction. An introduction catches every reader’s attention that leads
him/her to read the entire work. Remember this: Start your portfolio with a bang. Imagine
you have finished your training in one of the companies/ in your barangay or town/at home.
What will you write on your introduction to catch your reader’s attention? Write it in 100
words on a sheet of paper you used in Activity 1.

Activity 3:
One of the contents of your portfolio is the highlight of an immersion. To practice you
to write a narrative, think of your past experiences that you believe is the highlight of your
life as a student. Write your narration about it.

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it in your notebook.
_____1. Which of the following content shows the highlight?
A. employer’s greetings C. satisfactory experience
B. last struggle D. remarkable experience
_____2. Blogs and multi-media presentations are examples of _________.
A. digital artefacts C. e-portfolios
B. digitized workplan D. printed portfolios
_____3. What does academic integrity mean?
A. acknowledging contributions of other people
B. professional researches
C. plagiarism
D. honesty
______4. Which of the following is NOT included in portfolios?
A. Barangay clearance C. Parent’s birth certificate
B. Medical certificate D. Parent’s consent
______5. Why is portfolio for work immersion important?
A. To determine if the learning competencies are achieved
B. To help students reflect on their progress
C. To treasure the school’s contribution
D. Both A & B

Published by the Department of Education - Schools Division of Pasig City Pre- Immersion –
Grade 12, Quarter 3 – Module 6: Immersion Portfolio, First Edition, 2020
Memoradum DM-CI-2020-00085, Guidelines on Work Immersion during Crisis
Situation, CSSDD-O-1956-OUCI-SHS Work, June 2, 2020
Venzon, Wilbert C. LPT. MBA. Work Immersion Handbook. 2019-2020 Oct. 2, 2020

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