Work Immersion Module Week 5

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NAME: _____________________________________ Score: ___________

GRADE & SECTION _________________________ Teacher: _________


Third Quarter
Week 5


 Appreciating the Importance of Credentials

1. get familiarized with the different credentials for a job;
2. practice filling out forms and writing application letter; and
3. give the importance of the functions of credentials for a job.

One of the duties and responsibilities of the Work Immersion students is to prepare
the documentations and reports required in the curriculum and by the partner institution. It is
assumed that after your work immersion, you either study in college or land for a job.
When you start applying for a job, you will realize that often, a college degree is not
enough for you to be qualified. Nowadays, employers are usually looking for a “complete”
package; not only you should be competent in your chosen field, but you should also be able
to exhibit a pleasing personality and above average speaking and writing skills. Although
these may not be directly related to your job, these can surely facilitate effective
communication both within the workplace and potential clients.
One of the most important aspects of workplace communication involves the reading
and writing of on-the-job texts. These are treated as official company documents because of
this, they should be treated with utmost care.

Resume is a short document used to summarize a job seeker’s experience and

qualifications for a prospective employer. It includes the job seeker’s contact information,
work experience, education, and relevant skills in support of a job application

Through this record of both your personal background and accomplishments, it helps
the employers to evaluate whether you are qualified for a particular job or not.

1. A well-organized, tailored resume will increase your chances of landing in an interview.
2. It gives the hiring manager an overview of the qualifications you have for the job for which
you’re applying.

Tips in Writing a Resume

 Begin resume by writing your full name, address, telephone number, fax, a*
 Write an objective. The objective is a short sentence describing what type of work
you hope to obtain.
 Use dynamic action verbs such as accomplished, collaborated, encouraged,
established, facilitated, founded, managed, etc.
 Begin work experience with your most recent job. Include the company specifics and
your responsibilities.
 Do not use the subject 'I', use tenses in the past, except for your present job. Example:
Conducted routine inspections of on-site equipment.
 Place your work experience before your education. In English speaking countries,
especially in the United States, work experience is the most important factor in hiring.
 Ask for permission to use someone as a reference before you interview for a position.
It's also a good idea to let your references know that you will be interviewing if you
haven't interviewed for a while. In this way, references will be in the loop if a
potential employer calls or sends an email for further information. But don’t include
the contact information of your references on your resume. The phrase available upon
request will suffice.
 Your entire resume should ideally not be any longer than one page. If you have had
several years of experience specific to the job you are applying for, two pages are also

Aside from producing a resume, you also have to learn how to write business letter. It
is an official form of communication used for several business purposes such as presenting
proposal, filing a leave, or even in applying for a job.

Below is an example of application letter applying for a higher position. Study the
parts and its content.

September 19, 2020

Mr. John Wu
Chief Executive Officer
JW Group of Companies
Ayala Avenue, Makati Philippines

Dear Mr. Wu:

Greetings of peace!

I am Nicholas C. Reyes, and I believe that my work experience and

educational background qualify me to be the Vice President for Operations of
JW Group of Companies.

My venture into the professional world started when I was in college. All that
time I decided to work as a service crew at Jollibee Katipunan in order to
orient myself with the rudiments of the fast food business, and perhaps, how
medium and large-scale business operate in general. Because of my
dedication as an employee and my foresight, I was later promoted as the
outlet’s store manager. Nonetheless, this was only beginning of my
professional growth. Later, I landed in managerial and executive positions in
two other companies and eventually earned my master’s degree in business
administration (MBA). Thus, at this point in my life, I feel that I have already
acquired enough experiences
To enable me to efficiently oversee the operations of your company.

Should you decide to hire me, I promise to do my best to ensure the growth of
your company.

Thank you so much for going through my application. I am looking forward to

working with you soon.


Nicolas C. Reyes

Another important skill you need to learn is filling out application forms. Most
employers, colleges, training organizations etc. produce their own application form, which
you need to complete when applying for a job, course or training program. This is your first
opportunity to create a good impression and meet the standards and criteria set by the
company, college, and training organization. Remember you only get one chance to make an
initial good impression.

The time taken to complete an application form can be rewarded with an interview,
therefore allow yourself plenty of time to complete the form.
Read the following guidelines to help you.
 Read the whole form carefully before completing it.
 Make a rough copy and ask someone to check it.
 Write neatly and use black ink or biro.
 Follow instructions exactly, it may ask for BLOCK CAPITALS in some sections.
 Answer the questions fully, using sentences where possible.
 Write your address in full, not forgetting the post code.
 Make sure you list all course and qualifications. List examinations taken or about to
be taken. Enter estimated grades if known.
 Complete the section on previous employment by entering part-time jobs, paid or
voluntary, and your work experience placement.
 Include the things you enjoy doing in your spare-time in the interests and activities
 Use the opportunity to sell yourself in the section which asks for further information.
Try to relate your strengths to the skills and qualities that the employer will be
looking for.
 Check if your application is accurate and has no misspelled words.
 Keep a copy of your application form for future reference.
 Use your Personal Education Plan (PEP)/progress file and action plan to help you
complete the form.
 Return your application form promptly – there is often a closing date for receipt of
 Don’t leave blank spaces, write ‘not applicable’ (N/A for short) or none to questions
that do not apply to you.
Besides resume and application forms, you will also need other documents such as:
Barangay clearance, Police clearance, mayor’s clearance and medical certificate. How
do you get them? You must visit the barangay hall, and other offices where they are being

What is Barangay Clearance?

This certificate is usually requested for employment requirements, ID application,
supporting documents in application to government agencies, supporting documents to
medical certificates, Affidavits, and whenever any office requests or requires it.

The certificate is signed by the Barangay Chairman. Stamped and sealed with the
official Barangay Seal.

Barangay Clearance Requirements:

Recent Cedula (Community Tax Certificate)

Application Form
Application Fee (may vary depending on the Barangay, some barangays charge fee) Valid

Steps in securing the Barangay Certificate (may vary in different barangays)

1. Look for the location of entrance especially during this new normal.
2. Wait for temperature check.
3. Log in and get a number.
4. Wait until your number is called.
5. Fill out a given request slip.
6. Wait again until your clearance is signed by the Barangay Chairman. Your name will be
again called.
7. No fee is collected unless for business purposes.

What is Police Clearance?

Police Clearance is a document issued to a person
to prove and certify that he/she is free and cleared from any
case, liability, crime, offense, and bad
record in the local town or
municipality he/ she is currently
residing. The Police Department
or PNP Station is authorized to
issue this certificate to any individual
under its jurisdiction.

Police Clearance is usually

requested when you apply for a
job either local or abroad or when you need to show some supporting documents in applying
for an ID like passport or when a government agency or any office requires it. Police
clearance is valid for 6 months while NBI is valid for one year.
Mayor’s Clearance
Individuals need to secure a Mayor’s Clearance before they can apply for a firearms
license. People seeking employment are sometimes also required to secure the same. This is
especially true of applicants to the Philippine National Police (PNP). Some schools and
overseas employment agencies require their students/recruits to secure a Certificate of Good
Moral Character before they are allowed to enroll or apply.

Original Copy of Police Clearance
Latest Community Tax Certificate
Official Receipt from the Municipal Treasury Office

1. Filing / Recording of request. Submit documents required to the receiving clerk or
2. Preparation of Clearance or Certification Staff prepares the Clearance of Certification
3. Approval of the Municipal Mayor Municipal Mayor approves the Clearance or
4. Release of Clearance or Certification. Client leaves 1 copy with the Records Section for

Obtaining a Medical Certificate

It is so important for medical practitioners to keep in mind their legal and professional
responsibilities when issuing medical certificates. When issuing a medical certificate, it must
be honest and not misleading. Practitioners may only sign medical certificates they believe, to
be completely accurate. This means the medical certificate must be based on facts known to
the doctor. Many doctors require a consultation before providing a medical certificate. This
includes the practitioner’s own observations as well as information provided by the patient.
Any medical statements in the certificate must have a factual basis. With this being said,
medical practitioners may decline to issue a certificate. This may occur if they do not
consider that absence from work is necessary given the nature of the illness. This could also
be if a certificate is requested retrospectively. The practitioner must be confident about the
facts of the matter.

What should be included in a medical certificate?

In order to be considered valid, documentation of a medical certificate must include:
 Being in the form of an official, original & hard copy document.
 The name and address of the practitioner issuing the certificate are clearly stated.
 Date of the certificate is written and signed by the practitioner.
 Date of the medical examination.
 The condition of degree of incapacity of the patient.
 Date the medical practitioner considers the patient is likely to be recovered.
 Be addressed to the party requiring the certificate as evidence of illness, for example,
an employer, insurer or magistrate.
Sample of Medical Certificate Form

Name of Hospital
Medical Certificate
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that I have personally examined
___________________________________age _______, sex __________, born on
___________________ and have found that he/she is physically fit, during the time of
examination, to do the work immersion at Shakeys Sipag.

Physical Examination

Date Examined: _____________

Height: ______________Weight: ___________________Blood Pressure: ___________
Pulse, Resting: ____________________Respiratory Rate: ______________________

Other Remarks
Other findings Yes No If Yes, please
Food allergy
Kidney infection
Heart ailment
Medical Officer

For Work Immersion Only

Job Interview Skills

Developing skills in interview is a must for all would-be young professionals, who,
after graduating from Senior High School or College will certainly apply for a job.

A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant

and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant
should be hired. How you answer questions during job interview can have a big impact on
you being hired or accepted as an employee.

The interview is frequently impromptu in character. There are two general types:
1. Private interview consists of talking between an employer and a job applicant or
between school official and student seeking admission into college. In this kind of talk, the
person interviewed is assessed and evaluated by means of his responses during the interview,
by his personal appearance and by his qualities as a candidate for acceptance or admission
into the organization.
2. The public interview is a formal or informal talk performed before a large group of
audience who may or may not be present within the premises where the interview takes place.

Department of Education – Schools Division of Pasig City, Work Immersion Self Learning Module
Pre- Immersion – Grade 12, Quarter 3 – Module 5: Appreciating the Importance of
First Edition, 2020

Wyson, John Daryl B. English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Quezon City:
Vibal Group Inc., 2016., Accessed September 15, 2020, Accessed September 1, 2020
%2520Applications.doc+&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ph, Accessed Sept. 18, 2020
Padon, Kris. WORK IMMERSION PORTFOLIO (based on DepEd Order No. 30 s.
2017) file:///C:/Users/Arlene
Accessed Sept 19, 2020
Dungo, Fehl. How to get Barangay Clearance- Requirements and Procedure., Accessed
September 19, 2020
Medical Certificate: What You Must Know, Accessed
September 12, 2019

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