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Pacifico Cabalit St., Taloto Dist., 6300 City of Tagbilaran, Bohol

Philippines P.O. Box 3
Tel Nos. (038) 412-5651
E-mail Address:


SY 2020-21


1. The whole month of January 2021 serves as vocation campaign month for potential
applicants to IHMS.

2. During the entire month, vocation promotion videos are to be released for social media
platforms. Members of the seminary community are ardently encouraged to share these
promotional materials in their social media accounts.

3. On Saturdays during the month of January, vocation promotion interactions are to be

organized in parishes where seminarians are assigned. Ideally, an interaction is to be
held in the morning and another in the afternoon. If the interactions require a longer
period for the preparation and the transmission of invitations, they may be extended to
the month of February. The idea is to hold interactions for at least two (2) Saturdays per
parish, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. If there is a need to organize
more interactions, seminarians may decide to hold them on a Sunday.

4. Whenever viable, the said interactions are to be organized in other nearby parishes
where there are no seminarians assigned. An arrangement in this regard will be made
through Fr. Absalon Florenosos for parishes in the Diocese of Tagbilaran and Fr. Christian
Tecson for parishes in the Diocese of Talibon. Of course, the presumption is that we have
already obtained the consent of parish priests.

5. The vocation promotion interactions are to be held either in the parish or in strategic
chapels. Each interaction is to be participated in by 10-15 targeted potential applicants.
It is recommended that the assistance of the parish (or chapel) youth coordinator be
sought in identifying the participants. Given the restrictions, and hence the limited
number of participants, it is important to limit participation to those who may actually
apply for admission to the seminary.

6. The targeted participants are to be identified according, but not limited, to the following
6.1 Incoming Grade 7 or 8 student (for Junior High School) or incoming Grade 11
student (for Senior High School);
6.2 Incoming Pre-College seminarian (those who have already finished Senior High
School or those have taken courses in college or with graduate degrees);
6.3 Especially those who exhibit special talents (e.g. performing arts) and/or those
who excel academically (e.g. honor students), or in sports (e.g. athlete), or in leadership
(e.g. parish youth leaders), or those who are active in parish organizations or activities
(e.g. Knights of the Altar, Parish Youth Ministry, Singles For Christ, Youth For Christ).

7. Each interaction should not exceed an hour and a half. The following steps are given as
suggestion while allowing for creativity and sensitivity toward the participants:
7.1 Prayer
7.2 Getting-to-know-you Activity (Participants are given time to move around the
venue in order to look for appropriate symbols. Each will share on the questions, “What
symbolizes me?” and “Why?”)
7.3 Showing of Vocation Promotion Video
7.4 Sharing of Vocation Story (A seminarian shares the story of his journey to and in
the seminary, focusing on the good aspects of his experience without denying the
difficulties, and expounding on the pillars of holistic formation.)
7.5 Animation (Song or Dance)
7.6 Open Forum
7.7 Snacks (Provision for simple snacks is to be respectfully requested by the
seminarians from the parish or from generous friends and supporters. If this proves
difficult, funding is to be requested from the Office of the Procurator)
7.8 Closing Prayer

8. It is important to be mindful of health protocols during the interactions (e.g. physical

distancing, wearing of face masks, taking of body temperatures, etc.).

9. A follow-up is to be made by way of text messages, or calls, or home visits to the

participants, especially those who manifest signs of interest. In the event of hesitation,
a respectful inquiry about the reason(s) is to be made (e.g. financial difficulties).

10. The entire undertaking should be pursued with the approval of and in close consultation
with parish priests.

11. Utmost seriousness is expected from all seminarians in the planning and execution of the
vocation month activities. Alongside the presence of seminarians in the parishes and the
vocation promotion videos, the vocation interactions should be able to generate
applicants for the incoming school-year. Father Rector may require a written explanation
from seminarians as to why applications are not generated in specific parishes.

12. The schedule of entrance examinations is as follows:

12.1 Grade 11 and Pre-College applicants

1st batch – 13 February 2021
2nd batch – 13 March 2021
12.2 Grade 7 and Grade 8 applicants
1st batch – 20 February 2021
2nd batch – 20 March 2021

13. For the convenience of applicants, aside from the tests administered at IHMS, the
following parishes will also serve as venues for the entrance examinations:
13.1 St. Isidore Parish (Tubigon);
13.2 St. Michael the Archangel Parish (Jagna);
13.3 St. Anthony the Abbot Parish (Carmen);
13.4 Holy Trinity Cathedral Parish (Talibon).


1. The whole month of February 2021 serves as parish aid month for the current school-
year. The parish priests are requested to make a brief announcement and gentle
exhortation for seminary support during Sunday masses on February 7.

2. Printed envelopes will be sent to parishes. Instead of placing the envelopes inside the
churches during Sunday masses as was done in the past, the parish priests are requested
to send them to chapels and clusters for a more efficient distribution. Because the
number of envelopes is limited, one envelope may be shared by all the members of a

3. The envelopes are designed to function not only as vessel of the faithful’s love-offering
for the seminary. They may contain as well the mass intentions of parishioners. These
intentions will be remembered in the masses celebrated daily by seminary formators.

4. The envelopes will be collected by the end of February. The Office of the Procurator will
make arrangements with parish priests as to the manner of collecting or remitting the
love-offering and/or mass intentions coming from the faithful.

The Bishops of Talibon and Tagbilaran have reviewed and approved the provisions of the
foregoing guidelines.

For our information and guidance.



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