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1.Find out about the different types of plants in your locality And classify them
from Bryophytes to Angiosperms and mention their uses.( ALICHA SAIKIA)

2.Explore Tyndall Effect in our daily life.(Mention The concept,Uses in our daily
life and where is it observed in our daily life)(BHUMI DAS)

3.Write a report on Chromatography.Write its basic principle,types and application

in our daily life.(DIKSHITA BORO)

4.Why are viral diseases incurable?Explain this in context of Coronavirus.Analyse

the spread of Covid In Assam.(DRISTIPRIYA CHAKRABORTY)

5.Give some real life examples and uses of the conversion of potential energy to
kinetic energy and vice versa.(JOYEETA TARAFDAR)

6.Prepare a solution,suspension and colloid from easily available materials at

home.Write the properties of these mixtures and preparation method.Write your
observation in terms of its transparency,size of the particles,solubility,stability and
Tyndall Effect.(KRIPA BORA)

7.Collect information about atleast 20 animals and insects in your

surrounding.Identify them and classify them according to the hierarchy of
classification : (SNEHA RAO)

a)Kingdom b)Phylum c)Class d)Order e)Family f)Genus


8.Mention the importance of Gravitation in the development of life on earth and

the Creation of The Universe.Also discuss what would have happened had the
gravitational forces didn’t exist.(KUSHAL SWARGIARY)

9.Report on CO2 concentration on environment before CoVid 19 and after CoVid

19 lockdown period.Observe the changes occurred in the environment and make a
list of these changes.(RAHUL KASHYAP)
10.Study of first 20 elements of Periodic Table.(Include Atomic number,,Atomic
Weight, Valency, Electronic Configuration,Reactivity and uses).(SHREYA

 The project documentation should contain the following heads:
 Cover Page
 Declaration
 Index
 Content
 Visual Representation/Pictorial representation
 Derivation/Survey
 Graphical representation(if data is available)
 Conclusion
 References
The Declaration should be of the following format.

I……………………………………….. (Class……………Sec……..for the

session 2020-21) a student of Kendriya Vidyalaya No 4,Central University
Tezpur hereby declare that this project is done by me independently.’
 The Project Work is to be expressed in own language and should not
be copied directly from any website/book.
 Last date of submission of project is 25th April 2021.
 The Project may be Handwritten/typed and is to be compiled in
approximately 800-1000 words.

 The evaluation of the project will be based on the following Rubrics:-

S.No. Item Marks
1 Quality & Originality of the Content 20
2 Visual Presentation of the facts like Description/Content/ 20/30
Picture/Map/Graph/Diagram/ Derivation etc.
3 Overall Presentation(Neatness, Handwriting and word limit etc.) 20

4 Assessment of the Project through Questionnaire (Google Form- 10

10 MCQ or telephonic viva..

Total 70/80

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