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Nuggets Gained:

My chosen topic or lesson was “Preventing and Managing Infections in Childcare and
Pre-school”. In this topic, I was able to dig more about the prevention of diseases by knowing
how to control it and how we are going to apply it in a child care setting as they are more prone
to infections. In our first week, we were taught about germs and its capabilities when it is
transmitted already to human beings. Second week was about vaccinations and how it works for
people most especially those who are in their early years.

First week is the part where I get introduced to germs, I always thought that they are not
that harmful. I loved the part wherein they focused more on hand hygiene, it is true that hand
hygiene is the most effective way in preventing the transmission of germs to our whole body. It
is important for young children to know how to wash their hands properly and know the
advantages of it. In the second week, I was able to learn the basic steps that I should do when a
child is ill. It is important to me as a future early childhood educator to know these things and to
know how to give them first aid when they are not feeling well.

In conclusion, it is always better to know how to avoid the things that might harm us and
do everything that we can to always spread the right thing to do in controlling the infectious
diseases from occuring.


Name of Course Enrolled Preventing and Managing Infections in

Childcare and Pre-school.

MOOC Website


No of hours/week 2 hours per week (2 weeks)

Date Started and Date Finished September 18 - 20, 2020.

Name of Facilitator Angela Baker

University Partner Royal College of Pathologists

Share your experiences in doing the MOOC. At first, MOOC is very complicated. I thought
Include the features that you can find in the that it would take time for me to find a course
MOOC site. but MOOC has this feature wherein I am able
to put the title or subject that I want to see.
My site that I used was, I
used this last summer when I took a short
course. MOOC let me explore future learn
more. In the first part of every session, I
clearly saw the learning outcomes per week
and good thing that it is self-paced.

My topic was all about Preventing and

Managing Infections in Childcare and Pre-
School. I really love and appreciate the topic.
This could be very useful for me in the near
future. I loved how the course first taught me
some background about the cause of
infection such as the three microbes which
are the bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The
course was really focused about its topic and
it clearly stated the key points and facts about
infection in relation with childcare and pre-
school and what should be done when illness
comes and what shouldn’t be done.

Give your Reflections in using MOOC. I have realized that this kind of platform is a
great chance to explore more even beyond
your capabilities. It taught me that your
chosen program will continue to help you
explore more through this kind of platform. I
am thankful that we have learned this. I was
hesitant at first because I thoughtI won’t be
able to finish any online courses but then,
MOOC gave me the chance to appreciate
online short courses more and do it at my
own pace.

Recommendations in using MOOC (How will you As a frequent user of social media, I would
recommend? Will you recommend it or not?) love to use it as a way to promote MOOC. I
would post the link to spread it and have a
little background and review about it. People
will surely love this as it is busy person
friendly, self-paced, very informative and has
a lot to offer in terms of other articles or PDFs
related to your chosen course.

Documentations: (example: welcome note,

completion note, assignment, etc.)

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