Perdev Midterms Notes

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(Personality Development with Human Relations)

Course Description

This course introduces the students to the importance of personality enhancement, the external and
internal aspects of personality with inclusion of physical health and hygiene, grooming, poise and
posture. It also gives emphasis on human relations as part of personality development.


Unit 1:

At the end of the topic, students will be able to:

• define personality and explain its meaning;

• discuss the components of personality;

• distinguish a developed personality; and

• examine the significance of one’s personality to his personal life, social life, and professional life.

Why do we need this subject?

 Working in the industry requires a well rounded personality (FOR EXAMPLE IN THE NEAR
government, bad attitude and personality might cause something bad in your career)
 That’s why the industry and the clients’ demands are continually evolving and so we need to
have a flexible attitude
 Most of all in the near future you will be encountering different types of people. Likewise,
Personality as well is a foundation for Ethical Practices

Ask yourself these…

• Do you have the skills and personality of a future Customs Broker?

• Can we deal with different types of people?

• Can we provide excellent service as required?

“Personality development helps you develop an impressive personality and makes you stand apart from

the rest. Personality development also plays an essential role in improving one's communication skills.
Individuals ought to master the art of expressing their thoughts and feelings in the most desired way.”
The industry needs the right people who have the following characteristics to meet its demands:

• Articulate in English and Filipino (and some foreign language is also an advantage)

• Strong customer service skills

• Well organized

• Highly trainable

• Highly focused

• Professional

• Guest focus

• Able to deal with various types of guests

• Strong leadership skills

• Excellent interpersonal skills

• Patient

• Strong and pleasing personality



 it encompasses not just the physical being of an individual but also the intellectual, moral,
spiritual, emotional and psychological state as well

 Personality comes from the Latin word “persona” meaning “mask”. It is generally a summation
of those characteristics that may either be seen or unseen.

 Overt Behavior-are characteristics that can be seen or perceived through the senses.

 Covert Behavior-are traits that are hidden deeply within an individual.


The reasons why people are different from each other and make them unique.

1. Heredity – born from a set of genes and chromosomes which are inherent from your parents.
Determines physical and biological features like weight, eyes, physical stature, color of the skin
and hair, etc.

2. Environment – includes individuals, groups and institutions with whom you interact from
childhood to adulthood. Consists of family, relatives, friends, peers, classmates, community and
co-workers. Through socialization, you learn values, beliefs, and attitudes.
3. Experience – You act differently because of different experiences you have encountered in your
life. It reflects a lasting impression which affects one’s thoughts, feelings and decisions in life.


1. Physical Aspect

Heredity, transmission of genetic characteristics

Examples: hair, skin, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, height

2. Intellectual Aspect

Heredity also plays a part in the transmission of the parents’ intellect to their children known as
mental capacity or IQ .

3. Moral Aspect

-The knowledge of what is right and what is wrong.

-This is not known soon after being born but this is developed as the individual grasps concepts
of good manners and right conduct.

4. Emotional Aspect
Children inherit some emotionality from their parents but as they grow older the people around
him play a big role on how he or she can express likes or dislikes towards something or
Reactions can be aggressive or timid, dominant or passive.
5. Social Aspect
-It is the ability of the individual to deal with the people around him through protocol of human
relations or social etiquette.
6. Spiritual Aspect
-This is developed through religious affiliations and practices that mold an individual

• The physical aspect of personality relates to the shape, movement, positioning and posture of
the body.

• There are certain physical attributes that are acceptable in the corporate world which includes
the care of a person’s physical characteristics.

Good Grooming and Proper Hygiene

• How you look accounts for 55% of impact on impression, an untidy and unclean appearance is
not acceptable in the industry.

• Always remember that interacting with clients always call for a professional image and that
includes proper grooming.

• How you look accounts for 55% of impact on impression, an untidy and unclean appearance is
not acceptable in the tourism and hospitality industry.

Daily Habits for Overall Grooming

• Daily bath or shower

• Use of deodorant or antiperspirant

• Regular hair and grooming

• Daily change into fresh, clean and well-pressed clothes

• Brushing of teeth 2-3 times daily, with mouthwash and dental floss
The Face

• As professionals it is important to take good care of your face as you are someday slated to be
front liners in the industry.

• Meaning you will have daily face to face interactions with the guests

• It is important to match your hairstyle and make up with your face


• Hair should be brushed or combed at least twice a day

• Hair should be shampooed and conditioned well. Untidy hair does not inspire confidence or a
sense of orderliness in the hospitality industry.

• Corporate hair styles are usually proper when they are an inch above the collar and above each
ear. Long hair should be tied to make it presentable.

• A hair trim is needed every 2 months. Keep it clear from dandruff, and do not use huge
amounts of oil.

Different types of Hair Brushes:


• If you have body odor, do not wait for someone to embarrass you. Use deodorant. It is always
safe to use one to acquire a fresh feeling while you are dealing with clients.

• Foods that are oily should be avoided.

• One good source to help your skin glow is by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day ,
especially when you are having a work out or exercise.

• It’s normal to go out . Just make sure that you avoid too much exposure to sunlight as it can
damage your skin. Avoid it from 10:00 am to 2:pm.

• Take vitamins that could help enhance your skin. Vitamin E will be helpful as it is good for skin to
glow . Vitamin C will also help. Eat fruits every day.

Grooming Checklist:

1. Do you clean your face thoroughly always before going to bed?

2. Are you brushing your teeth at least twice daily and after each meal whenever possible?

3. Do you regularly have a dental check up?

4. Is your hair clean and shiny?

5. Do you take a bath daily?

6. Do you remember to use an effective deodorant daily?

7. Are your nails clean?

8. Do you always use clean shoes?

9. Are you clothes neat and clean?


Myers Briggs Personality Type:

The Four Temperamaments:

In ancient Greece, Hippocrates (c. 460–370 BC) introduced a theory of four temperaments, which is the
first written theory on links between personality and health known today, although his temperament
theory took its origin in the even older Egyptian and Mesopotamian philosophy of “humorism”



Warm, friendly, outgoing, witty, optimistic, and to be around with—the life of the party. Good at
communications, public relations, entertainment, and short bursts of energy. Basically ,a people person.


Can be superficial, quickly discourage ,and easily hurt by rejection . Often covers up deep feelings of
inferiority and inadequacy with a happy - go- lucky façade

Strengths: imaginative ,creative ,sensitive ,and artistic –a real lover of beauty ,solitude ,and perfection
Usually ,quiet ,gentle and philosophical .Able to concentrate ,feel deeply ,go to the heart of things ,stay
at something a long time ,and remain calm in adversity .Basically an ideal person.

Weaknesses: can be moody ,touchy ,withdrawn ,and extremely shy .Easily hurt by broken relationship s
and capable of extreme depression .Tendency to escape from reality and the relationship into
themselves .


Strengths: strong ,self-confident ,disciplined ,determined and dedicated ,usually succesfull in whatever is
undertaken .Good at organizing ,talking risks , planning great endeavors and following through with zeal
.Basically a born leader.

Weaknesses: can be cruel ,sarcastic ,hot tempered ,and intolerant .Sometimes ruthless ,unscrupulous ,
insensitive ,and often “burned out” before life is over .


Strengths: easy going , likable ,dependable ,loyal ,ever cautious ,conservative , and practical. A good
follower ,friend , and partner for a strong –willed person. One who is inclined towards unselfish
service ,peace making ,and the simple life .Basically ,is a person.

Weaknesses :can be lazy, half-hearted ,easily stepped on and abused by the other personalities .Open
,has deep feelings of low elf-esteem and self-worth.
Interest and Attitude

• Interest is meant any aim or object that stimulates activity towards its attainment.

• Attitude is the state of consciousness within the individual human being. It refers to certain
regularities of an individual's feelings, thoughts and predispositions to act towards some aspect
of his environment.

• A society's true nature consists in the state of mind of the beings that compose it. From this
nature of society the two concepts of interest and attitudes arise. These two concepts are
primarily psychological ones.

ATTITUDE- state of mind of the individual towards a value. It is sentiment or a feeling pattern of

behavior in response to particular people or objects. 


• Attitudes are subjective, interests are objective.

• Different people cannot have a common attitude any more than they can feel a common pain.
They can have only like pains and like attitudes because the subjective element is always
individualized. It is also to be seen that whereas like interests lead to competition for the same
good, common interests lead to cooperation.

When can an individual becomes a free individual?

1. A person is free if she has control over her own life. That is, her interactions with others are both
voluntary and unforced: “Effective control self-ownership” (ECSO).

2. Interaction is unforced when all parties are able to decline interaction: ECSO freedom entails
the power to say no.

3. The power to say no requires an acceptable default option: ECSO freedom requires

4. For most people, freedom as independence is largely satisfied by freedom from specific
interference by others.

5. ECSO Freedom is important to social justice because the absence of unnecessary force is a good
in its own right, because it ensures that interaction is actually voluntary, and because it helps to
make sure that interaction is mutually beneficial, fair, and reasonable.

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