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Dear Student,

Please prepare Disaster Management presentations by keeping in view Disaster Management (DM)
process (4 stages of Disaster Management).

1. Each student has to prepare and present Disaster Management project separately.
2. DM project Presentation should explore detailed analysis based on disaster management process.
2. Minimum 10 to 12 slides should be prepared including Title slide, Title slide should incorporate – Project
Title, Enrolment No, Name of the student & Course Name.
3. Presentation time will be 10 minutes including question and answers.
4. Test-3 Presentation will be evaluated for 30Marks.
5. Presentation will be evaluated based on following parameters –

Disaster Management NCP-3 Evaluation Format

Category Scoring Criteria Marks

The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic. 5

Organization (10 Marks)

Information is presented in a logical sequence. 5

Presentation contains accurate information. 5
Content (10 marks)
Material included is relevant to the overall
Good language skills and pronunciation are used;
Communication (10 marks) Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth
Question Answers 5
Score Total Points 30

6. All student needs to select particular Disaster Topic of their choice and submit the topic in the provided
Google form on or before 17/04/2021.
7. Presentation will start from 26/04/2021; All students should be ready with their presentations
on 26/04/2021 and submit the same through provided Google Form on or before 26/04/2021.
8. Only registered students presentations will be conducted for 30Marks, non-registered students
presentations will be conducted with subsequent reduction into the marks.
9. In case of any query please feel free to contact undersigned.

- Dr. Jaipal Dhobale

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