What Is: Shear Stress?

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Shear stress, force tending to cause deformation

of a material by slippage along a plane or

WHAT IS SHEAR planes parallel to the imposed stress. The
resultant shear is of great importance in nature,
STRESS?  being intimately related to the downslope
movement of earth materials and to

How is Shearing Stress

Shearing Strain in Real Life
The moment you wake up and crawl on
Average shear stress can

τ= F/A
the bed to get out of the bed, till you go
be calculated by taking back to sleep. Almost every instance of
the ratio of force per unit the day to day activity involve shear
area stress. Some of such real-life scenario
Where, are listed below
τ is the shear stress
F is the force applied. All forms of cutting (Cutting fruits,
A is the area of cross-section, that is vegetables, paper, cloth, tree etc)
parallel to the force vector. Painting, Brushing, Applying
creams/soaps/lotion/ointment etc.
Shearing Stress in Fluids While Chewing food between the
While walking or running while our
Shear stress is observed in fluids
feet push ground back to move
too. When a fluid flows within the
boundary of solids, the shear
When a moving vehicle starts or
stress is observed along with the
stops, The surface of the seat
point of contact between fluid experience the shear stress
and boundary. Fluid comprises of .When water flows River beds
various levels, each level travel at experience shear stress. Sometimes
different speeds. The layers as a result of this erosion can be
which are at the same height noticed.
from the boundary experience
same speed. This varying speed To brief, Shear stress is an unavoidable
between the layers is also a event involved in our day to day life.
result of shear stress. In
fluids,  stress and strain  are
related differently. Here, shear
stress is proportional to strain
rate with viscosity as Sample Problem
proportionality constant.
A steel bar with diameter d = 14 mm is subjected to a
tensile load P = 10 kN (see figure). (a) What is the
maximum normal stress σmax in the bar? (b) What is the
Shear stress failed application maximum shear stress τmax?
World War II tanker Solution 
broken in two by a brittle
(a) Maximum normal stress
fracture, despite the
normal ductility of the
used steel. σx = P / A = 10KN / ((π /4) * (14mm)2) = 64.9MPa
Impact loading, (b) Maximum shear stressThe maximum shear stress is on a
Sharp notches,
Low temperatures, 45o plane and equals σx / 2

Can promote brittle fracture of usually τmax = σmax / 2 = 64.9MPa / 2 = 32.45MPa

ductile material

BERGANIO, Ronnah Rei O.


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