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Assessment task

Asignment 1


“Our philosophy remains, to create a series of wines that taste as good as they look” - Tempus Two.
Everybody likes holding and tasting a delicious good-looking wine, Tempus Two was showing how
suitable their product appearance when it is combined with food on the table for luxuries looking. In
this report, I am going to define difference concepts of marketing, reveal it’s origin and analyze
difference aspect of the advertisement. Firsly I will reveal marketing definitions
Term Definition Reference
Marketing is the process of Cyberclick Agent S.L. - R.M Barcelona, Tomo 32.063, Folio 52, Hoja
getting potential B-201.583, Inscripción 1 NIF B-62084959, Marketing,
clients or < >
interested in your
products and
Marketing mix The marketing The Economy Times,2021.,Definition of Marketing Mix,
mix refers to the set <
of actions, or tactics, marketing-mix>
that a company uses
to promote its brand
or product in the
Product  a product is Boundless,2019, Marketing What is a
anything that can be Product.<
offered to a market ting/chapter/what-is-a product/#:~:text=In%20marketing%2C
that might satisfy a %20a%20
want or need. product%
Place the process of Martin Luenendonk,.2021,Marketing mix|Place on four
moving products P’s,<
from the producer to mix/#:~:text=In%20the%20marketing%20mix%2C%20the,as%
the intended user 20distributors%2C%20wholesalers%20and%20retailers. >
Price is the amount of Mark Acutt,2019,Marketing mix- Price.
money that your <>
customers have to
pay in exchange for
your product or
Promotion  all activities that Maritn Luenendonk,2019,Promotion in four
involve p’s,<
communicating with mix/>
the customer about
the product and its
benefits and
Positioning a strategic process Haley,2018,Positioning in Marketing
that involves creating <
an identity/ image of marketing.html.>
the brand or product
within the target
customers’ minds.
Category are how the target Meg Harvey,2018How to define your brand’s categories,
market segments the
options available to category/#:~:text=Categories%20are%20how%20the%20target,
them to satisfy a believe%20you%20are%20competing%20in.
particular want or


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Tempus Two Copper Series Wilde Chardonney 750ml is a vintage
Terms Definitions References
wine from 2018 with 13% con alcohol. Copper Wilde Chardonney’s grapes
Sub-category Extra category
from Hunter valley and Adelaide
 particular approach to
Hills in Australia. This wine is a
SendPulse,2019,What is Brand
mixed and strong Burgundian style organ
creating a brand name performing
Marketing?, fruit, citrus, and
apple perfumes. It is contributed and design,via wild zyme barrel excitement
characteristics and biscuity establishing
suggestions clear from lees <
mixing. Copper Wilde
Chardonney is price $30 dollars in Australia on and pricedglossary/brand-marketing>
communications, and
$49.99 in Vietnam according to . If you want to buy Copper
performing marketing
Wilde Chardonney you could activitieslook forwill
that this wine throught its website: “ tempus
two” , “”, “”, differentiate amazon,
your supermarket, retail store. The
product have been promote throughothers.
product from facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Lastly, Tempus two co-operate with Mercedes-Benz on Benz’s fashion week
to promote them in 2017.Illustrate 2 feature of the
This advertisement
product which Due are Simplicity
to the and perfection.
above informative The paragraph, I identified the
simplicity of theof
prime target product are describeisthrough
this advertisement middle the economy class families people.
picture layout and the content of the advertisement.
First of all, the price of the product is affordable for normal families. 30 dollars
The foradvertise’s
a week that picture is extremely
is reasonable. uncomplicated,
Secondly, The Copper Wilde Chardonnay
there are a bottle
transaction of wine centring
in supermarket, retaila dinner.
store where Theirfamilies people usually go to.
caption electrolyze their image, It
Last but not least, the advertise mention their said: “ The Copper
product with dinner which is a
daily Wilde
task ofChardonnay
people, familiesis thenormally
perfecethave complement
their dinner at home, but their
to adesire
light dinner!”.
is to feel The advertise
the same waybecame
that they feel in a restaurant, Chardonnay is
comprehensive, people could
the key for them to taste the air of a easily understand
restaurantthe inside their house which make
message aboutperfect
their dinner the value of ads
as the this wine. Ongoing
said. That are 3with
reason why people purchasing
product.this advertise also represent the
perfection of the product. The layout of the image
initialize the Last but not
perfect least,
of the in the industries
product, above theof wine there are a lot of famous
there areintwothelemonnades
world, mostand famousa glassoneofiswater
Bordeax whichof France. Tasting Wine is
seeman art for luxurious
tasteless. people.
colorless andTempus
monotonous, Two have delivered the idea of normal
but below
thepeople tasting
wine there arewine in their
a poke bowldinner as aof
– “a bowl daily routine. In the perspective of the
foodtarget audience,
“ which they would
is extremely think of
appetizing andthemselves
colorful. The luxuriously when they have
this wine
advertise in their
wants dinner. Otherwise,
to express about Tempus
about the borderline of a Two, they have a
delicious dinner of and
must tast as dinner good as it appear,ait is understandable that
is throught
bottle wine.the Copper Wilde Chardonnay next to a delicious poke bowl to
convince people of the beauty in skin deep.
Simplicity and Perfection are 2 varieties that
In conclusion,
this advertisement deliverI have go throught
butlogically saying, all aofbrand
marketing aspect and this
Tempus Two has wouldimpressive
not deliver details,
just somegoodfeature,
psychological attack and
want mor. image.
This Beside
advertise it represent
attack people manymind,idea such as simplicity, perfection,
and wine for the
Psychologically, normie. people identified food, they
are unintensionally hungry. Throught inputting food
Beside all of that, I have my perspective about this ads. I personally
inside this advertisement, this brand want their
not impress about this advertise, their caption are unattractive, not so
audience to have a bite, after seeing this advertise. At
convince like other brand. To put this on the scale, the qualities advertise
the moment they are taking their meal their brain will
cant be compare with other brand like Bordeax, gallo, changyu. This
think of wine because earlier they have acknowledge
advertise did not transfer enough value of this brand.
that wine is perfect for dinner throught this ads. The
concept “wine” have rooted inside the consciousness.


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