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Who am I?
I. Talents
a. What are your greatest talents or skills?
The fact is I didn’t discover my talent yet. I have a lot of things I want to try, but the one that I love most
is drawing, only when I’m busy. I dance too and sing (in the private place only XD). Some of my skills, is
that I cook also.

b. Which of your talents or skills gives you the greatest sense of pride or satisfaction?
Drawing. I just draw and paint whenever I get bored.

c. Which of your talents or skills gives you the greatest sense of pride or satisfaction?
I cook also, whenever I’m craving for something.

d. Which of your talents or skills gives you the greatest sense of pride or satisfaction?
Sometimes, I love playing volleyball. But for now, since it’s pandemic and I gain weight it’s a little bit
difficult for me to play. But still I have the passion to play it.


a. What are your five greatest strengths?
1. resilience
2. competative
3. loyal
4. optimistic
5. determined
b. What do you feel are your two biggest weaknesses?
1. Overthinker
2. unconfident
c. What are your best qualities/characteristics?
1. Determined
2. Humble
d. What are your best qualities/characteristics?

 Humble and Determined

e. What qualities do you wish you had?

 Determined

f. What qualities or traits do you most admire in others?

g. Their trustworthy and their understanding
h. What behaviors, traits, or qualities do you want other people to admire in you?
My resiliency and determination

a. What are ten (10) things that are really important to you?
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Love one’s
4. God
5. Self-care
6. My review papers
7. Books
8. Drawings
9. Cellphone/ Laptop
10. LMS account

b. What are the three most important things to you?

1. God
2. Family/friends
3. My future self

c. Do you spend enough time on/with the things you most value? Why or why not?
Yes. We must put God first in our life. Never forget also about your family and friends. And ofcourse, you
need to take care of yourself too.

d. What are the values that you hold most near to your heart?
 My God, family and friends.

a. How is the “public you” different from the “private you”?
 They say that I look grumpy in the first place, but deep inside I am a nice person.

b. What makes it hard to be yourself with others?

 Most of the times, I’m an introverted person. Maybe it’s hard for me to socialize with

c. How are you trying to please others with the way you live your life?
 I’m trying my best to socialize with others

d. What do you want people to think and say about you?

 I want to expect from them that they’re going to say that I’m a nice person in some

e. How do your behaviors and actions support what they think or say?

f. What do you least want people to think about you?

 Supportive

g. Is it more important to be like by others or to be yourself? Why?

 I feel both. Being like by others can also boost our ego.

h. Who are the people who allow you to feel fully yourself?
 Some of my close friends is enough. I don’t need to be complimented by a lot of people.

i. What places allow you to feel fully yourself?

 Mountains and cozy weather, such as Baguio. Seeing a beautiful nature is like a
relaxation therapy for me.

j. What activities allow you to feel fully yourself?

 I love traveling.

k. How do you want people to remember you when you are gone?
 I can’t answer that yet.

a. What three things are you most proud of in your life to date?
1. Graduated in college
2. Finding a perfect job.
3. Having a lot of travels
b. What do you hope to achieve in life?

 Having a better future.

c. If you were to receive an award, what would you want that award to represent? Why?
 Best in determination

d. If you could accomplish only one thing during the rest of your life, what would it be?
 Established an arts museum

e. What do you believe you are here to accomplish or contribute to the world?
 Make a history of my own record. Char

a. List three (3) things that you are:
b. List three (3) things that you are not:

c. What is something that represents you? (e.g. song, animal, flower, poem, symbol, jewelry, etc…)
- I represents a Jellyfish, because it symbolizes strength, protection and defending one’s family
and friends. While jellyfish appears calm and serene, its tentacles can deliver deadly stings,
making it one of the most stealthy and dangerous creatures when threatened.

d. What do you like best about yourself?

- I like the best of myself like being competitive,

e. What do you like least about yourself?

Being a critical person

f. What three things would you like to change most about yourself?
1. Being an overthinking person
2. Being irresponsible
3. Being undisciplined
g. Who are two people you most admire?
1. My parents
2. My Professors

h. What do you admire about them?

- Being good in their jobs and professional

i. What are five things you love to do?

1. drawing
2. exercising
3. watching historical tv series
4. Cooking
5. hanging out with friends to get socialize

j. What matters to you most in my life?

- The need of the people I love most.

k. What makes you happy?

- Achieving every goal in life.

l. What are three things you believe you need in order to have a great life?
1. I need a supportive people in my life
2. Faith in God
3. believing in myself

m. Why are those things important to you?

- Because they are the instruments to enhance my self

n. What do you stand for (Principles)?

- “I believe in my own supremacy, that there is no easy way to achieve yoyur dreams”

o. How do you want to impact the lives of others?

- Encouraging them to their future self and to become more improved for their own good.

Finish the sentence

I do my best when… when I start dreaming.
I struggle when… anxiety manifest me
I am comfortable when… someone supports me.
I feel stress when… there’s a lot of negativity that surrounds you.
I am courageous when... God is beside me.
One of the most important things I learned was... never give up.
I missed a great opportunity when... there is bad luck.
One of my favorite memories is… learning with my mother
My toughest decisions involve... is whenever I choose between my friend and my love one
Being myself is hard because… I drew a lot of attention
I can be myself when… I’m happy
I wish I was more… sufficient.
I wish I could… hug my Lola before she dies.
I wish I would regularly… get a work out.
I wish I had… two brains.
I wish I knew… myself before I did something wrong.
I wish I felt… comfortable.
I wish I saw… my future self.
I wish I thought… being in a good life.
Life should be about… enough for you to enjoy it
I am going to make my life about…

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