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Cod Liver Oil Side Effects

Cod liver oil is probably going SAFE for many adults once taken orally.

It will cause side effects together with belching, bad breath, heartburn, loose stools, and nausea.
 .Taking cod liver oil with meals will usually decrease these side effects

Cod Liver Oil (multivitamin) Drug Interactions

: interact with Cod Liver Oil (multivitamin) are

major drug interactions 1-2

moderate drug interactions 2-8

minor drug interaction 3-1

:Medications known to interact with Cod Liver Oil multivitamin

Medications that slow blood clotting interacts with COD LIVER OIL cause increase the
chances of bruising and bleeding

Medications for high blood pressure interacts with COD LIVER OIL Cod liver oil appears to
decrease pressure. Taking cod liver oil along side medications for high pressure may cause
your pressure to go too low

:cod liver oil contraindications

sarcoidosis - high amount of phosphate in the blood - high amount of calcium in the blood -
kidney stones - decreased kidney function - excessive amount of vitamin D in the body 1040/cod-liver-oil

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