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Case Report

Bilateral Buccal Exostosis Evaluated by Cone‑beam Computed

Tomography: A Rare Accidental Finding
Humaira Siddiqui, Dhirendra Kumar Singh, Silpiranjan Mishra1, Arnab Mandal
Departments of Periodontics and Oral Implantology and 1Oral Medicine and Radiology, Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Buccal exostoses are broad-based, non-malignant surface growth occurring on the outer or facial surface of the maxilla and/or mandible, found
usually in the premolar and molar region. Etiology is still not established, but it has been suggested that the bony overgrowth can be because
of abnormally increased masticatory forces to the teeth. Compensatory response to periodontal disease has been proposed to explain some
cases of exostoses; they tend to appear in early adolescence and may very slowly increase in size with time. They are painless, self-limiting
and may increase patient concern about poor esthetics, inability to perform oral hygiene procedures, and compromised periodontal health by
causing food lodgment. The following article presents a very rare case of bilateral buccal-sided maxillary and mandibular exostoses in the
anterior region which was an accidental finding in a chronic generalized periodontitis patient.

Keywords: Bony exostoses, buccal exostoses, cone‑beam computed tomography, exostoses, tori

Introduction due to retention of food while chewing instead of flushing

away. The treatment of bony exostosis is usually not required,
Exostosis or hyperostoses are localized cortical bone growth
unless it is affecting the periodontal condition or causing pain
on the mandible and maxilla. It is usually found along the
or discomfort to the patient, or when causing pseudo‑swelling
alveoli or on the hard palate and depending on the location
over the lip. Only, then conservative surgical excision can be
and extent; they can be classified as torus mandibularis (TM),
torus palatinus (TP), buccal, or lingual maxillary exostosis.[1]
Most common types of intraoral osseous overgrowths are TP The etiology of tori has not been established yet. Most probable
and TM.[2,3] Buccal and lingual maxillary exostoses are a rare reasons include genetic factors, environmental factors,
finding. When found on alveoli, exostosis most frequently masticatory hyperfunction, and continued jaw bone growth.[6,7]
tends to be thickest next to molars, extending anteriorly
Diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis
sometimes as far as second premolar and in rare cases, up
The diagnosis of a buccal exostosis is based on the clinical
to the canine and incisors  (Hrdlicˇka 1940; Tadakuma and
examination along with radiographic interpretations. The torus
Ogasawa 1969).[1] Exostoses and tori are well known by
may appear clinically as numerous rounded protuberances or
anthropologists, and the first article on them was published
calcified multiple lobules, whereas the exostosis is a single,
by Fox.[4] These occur as bilateral, smooth bony growth along
smooth broad‑based mass, may have a sharp, pointed bony
the facial aspect of the maxillary and/or mandibular alveolus.
projection producing tenderness just beneath the mucosa.[8]
It appears in the premolar‑molar region commonly. Exostoses
Lesions may slowly enlarge up to 3–4 cm in greatest diameter;
are hard bony masses on palpation. The overlying mucosa
appears normal color stretched but intact. Due to trauma
Address for correspondence: Dr. Humaira Siddiqui,
or any injury ulcerations may be seen on the mucosa. They Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantology,
tend to develop during teenage and may gradually enlarge Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, Campus‑5, KIIT University,
over the years. Buccal exostoses may be seen as self‑limiting Patia, Bhubaneswar ‑ 751 024, Odisha, India.
and painless bony masses. The increased size may be a E‑mail:
contributing factor to periodontal disease of adjacent teeth
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DOI: How to cite this article: Siddiqui H, Singh DK, Mishra S, Mandal A.
10.4103/IJDS.IJDS_95_16 Bilateral buccal exostosis evaluated by cone-beam computed tomography:
A rare accidental finding. Indian J Dent Sci 2017;9:34-7.

34 © 2017 Indian Journal of Dental Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

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Siddiqui, et al.: Bilateral buccal exotosis evaluated by CBCT

Figure 2: Labial view of the mandible.

Figure 1: Labial view of the maxilla.

Figure 3: Digital orthopantomogram.

Figure 4: Axial section of the maxilla.

Figure 5: Axial section of the mandible.

however, it does not have malignant transformation potential.

Buccal exostoses are usually found only on the facial surface Figure 6: Three‑dimensional view frontal.
of the maxillary alveolar bone, especially in the posterior
segment. Radiographically, exostosis appears as well‑defined health, denture placement, or cause recurrent traumatic
round or oval calcified structure superimposing the roots of ulcerations.
teeth. Biopsy should be performed if there is any dilemma
regarding diagnosis. The patients having multiple bony
growths or lesions which are not in the classic torus or Case Report
buccal exostosis locations should be evaluated for Gardner A male patient who was aged 54  years reported to the
syndrome. This autosomal dominant syndrome shows other Department of Periodontics, Kalinga Institute of Dental
features such as intestinal polyposis and cutaneous cysts or Sciences College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India,
fibromas.[2,7] No bony exostosis or tori requires treatment for a routine checkup and oral prophylaxis. On clinical
unless it becomes large enough to interfere with periodontal examination, it was found that his oral hygiene status was

Indian Journal of Dental Sciences ¦ Volume 9 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2017 35

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Siddiqui, et al.: Bilateral buccal exotosis evaluated by CBCT

poor, and multiple bony nodules were found in the lower and Figures 1 and 2. The patient had not previously noticed the
upper anterior region of his maxilla and mandible as seen in “nodules” and he was otherwise healthy. He had a medical
history of hypertension since 3 years, for which he was taking
medicine regularly, and there was also no history of any other
family illness or any tissue tumors which were suggestive of
any syndrome.
On examination, the patient was found to be apyrexic, and
there was no lymphadenopathy intraorally, an intact dentition
was present, and all the mucosal surfaces appeared to be
healthy. Multiple bony protuberances were evident along the
labial aspect of the maxilla and mandible. The approximate
diameter of the bony swellings varied from 5 to 6 mm. On
palpation, 10 round, firm, raised, nontender protuberances were
diagnosed in the maxillary arch and six‑rounded protuberances
in the mandibular arch. An orthopantomogram was taken to
confirm the presence of multiple radiopaque masses along the
middle thirds of roots of maxillary central incisors to second
premolars on both the right and left side, and mandibular
Figure 7: Three‑dimensional view left lateral.
anterior region, which extended from canine to canine, that
demonstrated a buccolingual growth of the alveolar bone in the
region of the bony swellings as seen in Figure  3. Radiolucencies
were seen in between these teeth, and clinically, no mobility
in the teeth was present. To reach a confirmed diagnosis, a
cone‑beam computed tomography (CBCT) was taken.
CBCT is a helpful diagnostic tool to identify anatomical
variations. Multiple radiopaque masses seen on the labial
aspect of maxillary anterior, measuring approximately 5 mm
with loss of labial cortical plate 7 mm approximately below
the cementoenamel junction giving a beaded appearance over
the anterior maxilla and mandible suggestive of bony exostoses
as depicted in Figures 4‑8. In the CBCT, it was apparent that
buccal cortical plate was missing in the areas of exostoses as
seen in Figure 9. Maybe compensatory response to periodontal
disease can be proposed to explain this case of exostoses as
Figure 8: Three‑dimensional view right lateral. suggested by Glickman and Smulow 1965.[9]

Figure 9: Sagittal section.

36 Indian Journal of Dental Sciences ¦ Volume 9 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2017
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Siddiqui, et al.: Bilateral buccal exotosis evaluated by CBCT

Discussion Financial support and sponsorship

Buccal exostoses are nonmalignant lesions having little clinical
significance. The multiple masses in the maxilla are consistent Conflicts of interest
with multiple buccal exostoses. These are bony protuberances There are no conflicts of interest.
that arise from the cortical plates in the maxilla and mandible.
The clinical, radiographic, and CBCT findings confirm the
diagnosis of buccal exostosis. Nery et al. in 1977 reported that
1. Pechenkina EA, Benfer RA Jr. The role of occlusal stress and gingival
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for diagnostic support is usually not recommended. It remains 2. Neville  BW, Damm  DD, Allen  CM, Bouquot  JE, editors. Oral and
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requires treatment unless it becomes large enough to interfere Buccal exostosis: A rare entity. J Int Oral Health 2015;7:62‑4.
with normal function or causes recurring traumatic surface 6. Jainkittivong A, Langlais RP. Buccal and palatal exostoses: Prevalence
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7. Horning  GM, Cohen  ME, Neils  TA. Buccal alveolar exostoses:
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Conclusion J Periodontol 2000;71:1032‑42.
8. Bouquot  JE. Bond’s Book of Oral Diseases. 4th  ed. Philadelphia:
The case report presented above illustrates a unique and rare Churchill‑Livingstone; 1988.
presentation of exostoses on the buccal side of the maxillary 9. Glickman I, Smulow JB. Buttressing bone formation in the periodontium.
and mandibular anterior‑premolar region, bilaterally. J Periodontol 1965;36:365‑70.
10. Nery EB, Corn H, Eisenstein IL. Palatal exostosis in the molar region.
Exostosis is rarely found on the facial surface of maxilla and J Periodontol 1977;48:663‑6.
mandible thus should not be ignored and should be carefully 11. Puttaswamaiah RN, Galgali SR, Gowda VS. Exostosis: A donor site for
differentially diagnosed. autograft. Indian J Dent Res 2011;22:860‑2.

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