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Tia-Clair Toomey Swim Workouts - Starting Nov 2016

Workout Description
1 Swim Workout Total: 2100m
400 with fins (150 swim/50 kick on back, repeat)
6x50 (kick/any drill by 25) w/ 30sec rest
Main Set:
• 2x100 tempo increase by 25s (1st 25 slow, last 25 fastest) w/ 45sec rest
• 30sec extra rest
• 1x100 for time (max effort)
• 50 easy
• 4x50 descending (#1 slowest, #4 fastest) w/ 35sec rest
• 30sec extra rest
• 1x100 for time (max effort)
• 50 easy
• 8x25 descending 1-4 & 5-8 (slow to sprint) w/ 25sec rest
• 30sec extra rest
• 1x100 for time (max effort)
• 50 easy
4x100 kick with fins w/ 45sec rest
100 cool down

2 Swim Workout Total: 1950m

100 warm up
Main Set:
• 3x150 dolphin kick w/ fins w/ 45sec rest
• 8x25 swim w/fins 20sec rest (one easy, one no breathing)
• 3x150 pull w/ 30sec rest
• 8x25 w/ 20sec rest (from the middle of the pool...FAST turns & long push off)
• 3x150 swim w/o fins w/ 30sec rest (last 50 at max effort)
100 cool down

3 Swim Workout: 2050m

100 warm up
Main Set:
• 4x75 w/ 30sec rest (kick on back/drill/swim by 25)
• 12x25 w/ fins w/ 20sec rest (2 easy, 1 sprint)
• 100 easy
• 5 x 50 at max effort w/ 100 easy recovery swim after each rep.
• 4x100 pull w/ 30sec rest
100 cool down

4 Swim Workout Total: 2100m

100 warm up
8x50 w/ 30sec rest (25 dolphin kick w/o fins/25 drill)
Main Set:
• 200 pull w/ 30sec rest
• 200 kick w/ fins (max effort)
• 8x25 w/ 20sec rest (odds easy; evens: max effort from a dive)
• 150 pull w/ 30sec rest
• 150 kick w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
• 6x25 w/ 20sec rest (odds easy; evens: max effort from a dive)
• 100 pull (max effort)
• 100 kick no fins w/ 30sec rest
• 4x25 w/ 20sec rest (odds easy; evens: max effort from a dive)
• 50 pull w/ 30sec rest
• 50 kick w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
• 2x25 w/ 20sec rest (odds easy; evens: max effort from a dive)
100 cool down

6 Swim Workout Total: 2000m

100 warm up
6x25 finger-tip drag drill (high elbows) w/ 20sec rest
6x75 swim descend 1-3, 4-6 (slow to fast) w/ 40sec rest
6x25 single arm drill w/ 20sec rest
6x75 pull w/ 40sec rest
6x25 kick w/ fins w/ 20sec rest
6x75 (25 fast swim, 25 easy swim, 25 underwater) with fins w/ 40sec rest
100 cool down
Tia-Clair Toomey Swim Workouts

7 Swim Workout Total: 2200m

6x50 any drill (switch every 25) w/ 30sec rest
Main Set:
• 400 pull
• 6x50 kick w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
• 300 pull
• 6x50 swim w/ fins w/ 30sec rest
• 200 pull
• 6x50 swim (sprint/easy by 25) w/ 30sec rest
100 cool down

8 Swim Workout Total: 1950m

100 warm up

Main Set:
• 3x100 kick w/fins w/ 30 sec rest
• 6x25 kick w/ fins (max effort) w/ 30sec rest
• 3x100 pull w/ 30 sec rest
• 6x25 pull (max effort) w/ 30sec rest
• 3x100 swim (no fins) w/ 30 sec rest
• 6x25 swim no fins (max effort) w/ 30sec rest
100 cool down
12x25 underwater swim with fins (rest as needed to make length underwater)
100 warm down

9 Swim Workout Total: 2050m

100 warm up
6x50 swim with fins (easy 25/no breathing 25) w/ 20sec rest
Main Set:
• 2x25 dolphin kick, no board, w/ 15sec rest
• 2x50 any stroke but free w/ 20sec rest
• 2x100 pulling w/ 25sec rest
• 2x150 kick w/ board & fins w/ 30sec rest
• 2x200 swim w/ fins w/ 35sec rest
• 2x250 swim w/ 40sec rest
100 cool down

10 Swim Workout Total: 2000m

200 warm up
6x50: 2x (kick, drill, swim) w/ 40sec rest
6x50: 2x (back, breast, free) w/ 40sec rest
4x100 pulling w/ 40sec rest
3x200 with fins: 2x (25 dolphin kick on back, 150 swim, 25 dolphin kick on stomach w/o board) w/ 40sec rest
4x25 underwater for time (you pick your rest b/t reps)
100 warm down

11 Swim Workout Total: 1950m

300 warm-up (100 free, 100 drills (pick any 4), 100 kick)
6x50 descend 1-3, 4-6 (1&4 are slowest/3&6 are fastest) with 30sec rest
4x75 pulling with 30sec rest
8x50 with fins (odds are max efforts & evens are recovery) with 30sec rest between efforts
6x25 100% max effort with 30sec rest
300 kick without fins (50 breaststroke/25 free)
100 head-up swim w/ fins for time
100 cool down

12 Swim Workout Total: 1700m

100 warm up
100 kick w/ 30sec rest
100 pull w/ 30sec pull
8x50 w/ 15sec rest (25 fast/25 easy)
2 sets:
• 100 easy kick w/ 15sec rest
• 200 pull w/ 30sec rest
• 300 swim FAST!! (for time) w/ 60sec rest
100 cool down

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