Route Used For Collection and Transportation of Solid Waste of The City

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Annexure – I

Micro-Project Proposal

Route Used For Collection and Transportation of Solid Waste of

the City.

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

Preparation of Report about Route Used For Collection and Transportation of Solid
Waste of the City.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

a) Execute the relevant method of collection and transportation of solid wastes.
b) Implement the relevant laws related to solid waste management.
c) Implement the relevant method of collection and transportation of solid waste.

3.0 Proposed Methodology

a) Collect the information about route used for collection and transportation of solid waste
in city.
b) Collect the methods used for collection and transportation in the city.

4.0 Action Plan

S. Planned Name of Responsible
Details of activity Finish
No. Start date Team Members
20 feb 20 Feb Vivek Marapwar, Aniket
1 Collecting information
2020 2020 Masal, Kishor Waghmode.
21 feb 21 feb
2 Study on collected data Kishor Waghmode.
2020 2020
23 feb 23 feb
3 Preparing report. Vivek Marapwar
2020 2020

Name of Team Members with Roll Nos.

1) Vivek Bhagwan Marapwar (31106)
2) Aniket Ravindra Masal (31107)
3) Kishor Bhaskar Waghmode (31108)


Annexure – II
Micro-Project Report

Route Used For Collection and Transportation of Solid Waste of

the City.

1.0 Rationale
Industrialization and urbanization is increasing day by day. As a result of this, the
generation of solid waste is a major problem all over the country with in the urban as well as
rural area and it increasing day by day. In view of this, the management of solid waste is
produced is of prime need to keep the environment safe and clean. Information on
classification and characteristics of solid waste will enable to decide appropriate technology
about the collection and transportation of solid waste produced.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

Preparation of Report about Route Used For Collection and Transportation of Solid
Waste of the City.

Collect information of the methods of collection and transportation used in city.

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved

a) Execute the relevant method of collection and transportation of solid wastes.
b) Implement the relevant laws related to solid waste management.
c) Implement the relevant method of collection and transportation of solid waste.

4.0 Actual Methodology Followed

4.1 Collection of solid waste.
 It is the transfer of solid waste from the point of use and disposal to the point of
treatment or landfill.
 Waste collection also includes the curbside collection of recyclable materials that
technically are not waste, as part of a municipal landfill diversion program.

4.1.1 Methods of collection of Municipal Solid waste

1. House to House Collection
a) Kerb system
b) Alley system
c) Set out system
d) Set out – set back system
e) Back yard system
2. Storage Bin System.

1) House to House collection
a) Kerb System:
The house owner is responsible for placing the refuse containers at the kerb on a
schedule day.
When the workman from refuse vehicle collect and empty the container in the vehicle
and place them back at the kerb.
The house owner is required to take back the empty container to his house.

b) Allay System:
 The containers are places at the allay line from where they are pickup by work man
from refuse vehicle who deposit the back container.

c) Set Out System:

 The responsible person is house owner. The workman collect solid waste container
from house to house and collect back by house owner.

d) Set out – Set back system:
 In this system workman is responsible person who collect container from house and
keep it back at that place.

e) Back Yard System:

 In a congested area this system is follow.
 Work man collects the solid waste by using handcart or trolley.

2) Storage Bin System:
 In the storage waste is collected at a specified point in the bin or container which is
provided by Municipal Corporation.
 The container is made up of galvanise iron, mild steel etc.
 The house owner or street slipper store the waste in that bin or container.

4.1.1 Tools and Equipments Used For Collection of Solid Waste:

1) Litter Bins:
 In a liter bin having size of small medium and large.
 It is a waste container for storage of waste temporary.
 It is usually made up of metal or platic.
 The normaly capacity of beam for domestic collection is 250 liters.

2) Hand Cart:
 It is use for household as well as commercial unit also use in alley system.
 The worker can push hand cart easily and lift the solid waste to either movable or
fix bins.
 The capacity of hand cart is upto 500 liters.

3) Movable Bins:
 It is a container are taken the solid waste to disposal site. If can be move from one
place to another place.
 This system is flexible depending upon amount of solid waste.]

4) Stationary Bins:
 In this system bins are not transported from there location but it is emptied into the

5) Pedal Tricycle:
 It is used to transfer of waste. it is made up of metal.
 The capacity of tricycle as 1.5 cu.m.

6) Broom:
 It is exlent tool for collecting dust and sand. Also use swiping leaves and collected
solid waste emptied in the container.
 It is made up of long filament to held take a long strock without exerting high
pressure on a ground.

7) Spade or Shovel:
 It is use to pickup material and place into the container.
 It is made up of plastic and metal.
 The metal shovel are use to remove the material stick to pave areas.

4.2 Transportation of Solid Waste
The transportation of waste is the movement of waste over a specific area by trains,
tankers, trucks, barges, or other vehicles. The types of wastes that may be transported range
from municipal garbage to radioactive or hazardous wastes. Hazardous wastes may
be transported to be treated, stored, or disposed of.

4.2.1 Transportation vehicles with their capacity.

1) Dumper:
 It is use to carry solid waste from transferstation to disposal plant.
 The capacity of dumper is 15 cu.m.
 It carry use amount of solid waste to disposal site.
 It is useful for handling wet refuse mostly.

2) Animal Cart:
 It is commonly used to transport solid waste from household point to the transfer
 It can carry upto 1.5 cu.m. solid waste upto 7 Km.

3) Tractor:
 It is a type of motor vehicle and it is almost available everywhere use to carry the
solid waste.
 The cost is low as compare to the heavy vehicle.
 It is efficient to use in a difficult site situations like a landfill due to large tyre and
high torque.
 The capacity of tractor for a one trolley is 6 cu.m. per trip.

4) Truck:
 It is use to transport a solid waste from transfer station to the disposal point.
 The heavy weight of solid waste can be carry by truck
 It easy for loading and unloading.
 The capacity of truck is 12 cu.m

5) Compactor vehicle:
 It is use to compress the solid waste by compactor which is erected on vehicle it can
carry large amount of solid waste easily.
 It can transport from site to directly disposal point.
 The capacity of a compactor vehicle is 10-20 cu.m

6) Auto riksha/ three wheeler:

 It is the type of motor vehicle which is transport solid waste from household site
 The capacity of auto riksh is near about 3-5 cu.m

5.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects
 Collected information of route used for collection and transportation of the city.
 Collected various types of vehicles is used for the collection and transportation of
solid waste.
 Capacity of vehicles used for transportation of solid waste.

6.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcomes of this Micro-Project

 We studied the route used for collection and transportation of solid waste.
 We studied various vehicles and tools & equipments used for collection.
 We studied capacities of various vehicles and equipments.

7.0 Applications of this Micro-Project

 To know the route used for collection and transportation of solid waste in the city.
 To study which are the vehicles used for collection and transportation of solid waste.
 To know about collection method in city.



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