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I group of questions
1. Classification of breach presentations.
2. Definition of complete breech presentation.
3. Definition of frank breech presentation.
4. Definition of incomplete foot-link presentation.
5. Definition of complete foot-link presentation.
6. Classification of fetal malpresentations.
7. Classification of deflexed presentations.
8. Definition of sinciput vertex presentation.
9. Definition of brow presentation.
10. Definition of face presentation.
11. Classification of multiple pregnancies.
12. Definition of polyhydramnios. The most probable reasons
13. Definition of oligohydramnios. The most probable reasons.
14. Pelvic classification according to the degree of contraction.
15. Classification of the pelvis according to the form of contraction.
16. Definition of anatomical and functional contracted pelvis.
17. Clinical signs of the clinical (functional) contracted pelvis.
18. Definition of the general contracted pelvis.
19. Definition of simple flat pelvis.
20. Definition of flat rachitic pelvis.
21. Classification of uterine contractions abnormalities.
22. Which fetuses are called as “large” and “giant?
23. Definition of hypotonic uterine dysfunction.
24. Definition of hypertonic uterine dysfunction.
25. Etiology of hypotonic uterine dysfunction.
26. Indications for perineotomy, episiotomy,
27. Indications for amniotomy.
28. Indications for c-section
29. Indications for vacuum extraction of the fetus.
30. Indications for application of obstetrics forceps.
31. Conditions for obstetrics forceps operation.
32. The conditions for the c-section
33. Anesthesia for the c-section .
34. Etiology and pathogenesis of perineal and cervical lacerations.
35. Classification of cervical lacerations.
36. Classification of perineal lacerations
37. Etiology, pathogenesis of uterine rupture.
38. Classification of uterine rupture.
39. Classification of puerperal genital tract infection after Sazonov and Bartels.
40. Pathogenesis of puerperal genital tract infection.
41. Pathophysiology and Etiology of placenta previa.
42. Classification of placenta previa
43. Pathophysiology and Etiology of placental abruption
44. Diagnostic evaluation of placental abruption
45. Etiology of Postpartum hemorrhage
46. Principles for monitoring women who are at risk of postpartum haemorrhage.
47. Etiology of the third stage of labour bleeding.
48. Etiology of the early postpartum period bleeding.
49. Causes of postpartum pathological haemorrhage.
50. Main terminal states in obstetrics
51. Stages of Hemorrhagic shock.
52. High risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage.
53. Anatomy of Female Reproductive Organs.
54. Female Internal Genitalia.
55. Blood supply of the female genitalia.
56. Instrumental methods of examination in gynecology.
57. General and special methods of investigation in gynecology.
58. Instrumental methods of examination in gynecology.
59. Endoscopic methods of investigation in gynecology.
60. Regulation of menstrual cycle.
61. Definition of menarche.
62. Definition of menopause.
63. Definition of Oligomenorrhea.
64. Definition of Polymenorrhea.
65. Definition of Amenorrhea.
66. Classification of Amenorrhea.
67. Definition of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
68. Definition of Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
69. Definition of Sheehan’s syndrome
70. Definition of Premature ovarian failure
71. Definition of Asherman’s syndrome
72. Definitions of Premenstrual Syndrome
73. Definition of Endometriosis.
74. Classification of Endometriosis.
75. Definitions of Climacteric syndrome.
76. Classification of Benign Breast Diseases.
77. Classification of Gestational trophoblastic disease.
78. Classification of Benign cervical lesions.
79. Definition of Cervical Dysplasia
80. Classification of uterine leiomyoma.
81. Prevention of genital tract infection
82. Etiology of vaginal infections
83. Etiology of pelvic inflammatory disease
84. Clinical signs of gonorrheal infection
85. Role of human papillomavirus infection in development of genital problem
86. Classification of method of contraception
87. Etiology of female infertility
88. Symptoms of “Acute abdomen”
89. Classification of ectopic pregnancy
90. Etiology of ectopic pregnancy

II group of questions
1. Diagnosis of complete breech presentation.
2. Diagnosis of frank breech presentation.
3. Diagnosis of incomplete foot-link presentation.
4. Diagnosis of complete foot-link presentation.
5. Complications of delivery in breech presentations.
6. Diagnosis of transverse lie.
7. Diagnosis of oblique lie.
8. Diagnosis of sinciput vertex presentation.
9. Diagnosis of brow presentation.
10. Diagnosis of face presentation.
11. Diagnosis of polyhydramnios.
12. Diagnosis of oligohydramnios.
13. Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy.
14. Vasten’ sign evaluation.
15. Diagnosis of the general contracted pelvis.
16. Diagnosis of simple flat pelvis.
17. Diagnosis of flat rachitic pelvis.
18. Percularities of delivery in case of macrosomia.
19. Signs of multifetal pregnancy.
20. Peculiarities of pregnancy duration in multiple gestation.
21. Peculiarities of pregnancy duration in polyhydramnios, oligihydramnios.
22. Peculiarities of labor duration in polyhydramnios, oligihydramnios.
23. Clinical signs of hypotonic uterine dysfunction.
24. Clinical signs of hypertonic uterine dysfunction.
25. Clinical signs of ineffective maternal pushing efforts.
26. Complications caused by application of obstetrics forceps.
27. Complications caused by c-section.
28. Clinic manifestation of endometritis
29. Clinic manifestation of peritonitis,
30. Clinic manifestation of progressive thrombophlebitis.
31. Clinic manifestation of general septic process.
32. Diagnosis of different types of uterine rupture by the location and degree.
33. Clinical manifestations of placenta previa.
34. Diagnostic evaluation of placenta previa.
35. Pathophysiology and etiology of uterine rupture.
36. Clinical Manifestations of uterine rupture.
37. Diagnostic Evaluation of uterine rupture.
38. Clinical Manifestations of placental abruption.
39. Diagnostic evaluation of placental abruption.
40. Postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony: clinic and diagnosis.
41. Diagnosis of placenta in situ.
42. Diagnosis of DIC syndrome
43. Diagnosis of fetal distress.

44. Diagnosis of 1 stage of hemorrhagic shock
45. Diagnosis of 2 stage of hemorrhagic shock
46. Diagnosis of 3 stage of hemorrhagic shock
47. Diagnosis of 4 stage of hemorrhagic shock
48. Complications of placenta previa.
49. Differential Diagnosis of Amenorrhea.
50. Symptoms of Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
51. Differential Diagnosis of Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
52. Diagnosing of Juvenile bleeding
53. Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome.
54. Diagnosing of Premenstrual Syndrome.
55. Differential Diagnosis of Premenstrual Syndrome.
56. Symptoms of Climacteric syndrome.
57. Differential Diagnosis of Climacteric syndrome.
58. Clinic of Endometriosis.
59. Diagnosis of Endometriosis.
60. Differential Diagnosis of Endometriosis.
61. Diagnosis of Benign Breast Diseases.
62. Clinical features of uterine leiomyoma.
63. Differential Diagnosis of Uterine leiomyoma.
64. Diagnosis of Benign cervical lesions.
65. Diagnosis of Dysplasia
66. Diagnosis of the ovary tumors.
67. Differential Diagnosis of the ovary tumors.
68. Clinical features of Gestational trophoblastic disease.
69. Diagnosis of Gestational trophoblastic disease.
70. Symptoms of cervical cancer.
71. Symptoms of Ovarian cancer.
72. Symptoms of endometrial cancer.
73. Differential Diagnosis of Benign and malignant ovarian tumors
74. Symptoms of Special forms of ovarian tumors
75. Differential Diagnosis of the endometrial cancer.
76. Pap smear test importance
77. Diagnostic criteria of acute bartholinitis
78. Diagnostic criteria of endometritis
79. Diagnostic criteria of pelvic inflammatory disease
80. Diagnostic criteria of parametritis
81. Diagnostic criteria of unruptured ectopic pregnancy
82. Diagnostic criteria of ruptured ectopic pregnancy
83. Diagnostic criteria of ovarian apoplexy
84. Diagnostic criteria of ovarian torsion
85. Diagnostic criteria of rupture of ovarian cyst
86. Diagnostic criteria of vaginitis caused by Tr. Vaginalis
87. Diagnostic criteria of bacterial vaginosis
88. Indication for culdocentesis
89. Uterine atony: clinical signs
90. Couvelere uterus: clinical signs

III group of questions

1. The manual aid by Tsovyanov I on the labor in the frank breech presentation.
2. The classic manual aid in labor in breech presentation.
3. The manual aid by Tsovyanov II in labor in the footling breech presentation.
4. Management of pregnancy in breech presentations.
5. Management of pregnancy with oblique lie.
6. Management of pregnancy with transverse lie.
7. Management of labor in sinciput vertex presentation.
8. Management of labor in brow presentation.
9. Management of labor in face presentation.
10. Management of pregnancy and labor with polyhydramnios.
11. Management of pregnancy and labor with oligohydramnios.
12. Management of pregnancy and labor with multiple pregnancy.
13. Management of pregnancy with clinical (functional) contracted pelvis.
14. Principles of pregnancy management in contracted pelvis.
15. Principles of labor management in contracted pelvis.
16. Peculiarities of labor duration in multiple gestation.
17. Management of labor in multiple gestation.
18. Principles of hypotonic uterine dysfunction’ management.
19. Principles of hypertonic uterine dysfunction management
20. Principles of ineffective maternal pushing efforts management.
21. Principles of postpartum septic complications treatment
22. Complications caused by c-section.
23. Prevention and treatment of cervical lacerations.
24. Prevention and treatment of perineal lacerations
25. Treatment of different types of uterine rupture by the location and degree.
26. Management of marginal placenta previa.
27. Management of total placenta previa.
28. Management placental abruption .
29. Management of Uterine rupture.
30. Complications of Uterine rupture.
31. Pprinciples of management of the third stage of labour bleeding.
32. Principles of management of the early postpartum period bleeding.
33. Uterine contractile drugs.
34. Treatment of postpartum haemorrhage due to uterine atony
35. Management of I degree of Hemorrhagic shock
36. Management of 2 II degree of Hemorrhagic shock
37. Management of III degree of Hemorrhagic shock
38. Treatment of cervical lacerations.
39. Treatment of perineal lacerations.
40. Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
41. Management of Abnormal uterine bleeding in menopause
42. Management of Abnormal uterine bleeding in reproductive period
43. Treatment of Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in climacteriem
44. Treatment of Juvenile uterine bleding
45. Treatment of Sheehan’s syndrome
46. Treatment of Premature ovarian failure
47. Treatment of Asherman’s syndrome
48. Treatment of Climacteric syndrome.
49. Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome
50. Treatment of Endometriosis
51. Conservative treatment of uterine leiomyoma
52. Indications for surgical treatment of uterine leiomyoma.
53. Surgical treatment of uterine leiomyoma
54. Management of cervical ectopia
55. Treatment of the cervical polyp
56. Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Dysplasia of I degree
57. Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Dysplasia of I degree
58. Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Dysplasia of II degree
59. Treatment of Cervical Intraepithelial Dysplasia of II degree
60. Management of Benign Breast Diseases.
61. Treatment of Molar pregnancy
62. Treatment of Choriocarcinoma
63. Treatment of Bartholin duct cyst
64. Management of barholinits
65. Management of follicular cyst
66. Management of ovarian cystoma
67. Treatment of vulvitis
68. Treatment of vaginitis
69. Treatment of endometritis
70. Treatment of Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
71. Treatment of Parametritis
72. Treatment of infection caused by N. gonorrhea
73. Treatment of infection caused by C.trachomatis
74. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis
75. Treatment of unruptured ectopic pregnancy
76. Treatment of ruptured ectopic pregnancy
77. Treatment of ovarian apoplexy
78. Indication for conservative management of ectopic pregnancy
79. Indication for surgical management of ectopic pregnancy
80. Differential diagnosis between ovarian cyst and cystoma
81. Management of chocolate cyst
82. Management of cervical endometriosis
83. Management of endometrial hyperplasia in reproductive period
84. Management of local placenta accreta
85. Management of ovarian cystoma pedicle torsion
86. Management of pregnant woman in 32 week of gestation and rupture of amniotic
87. Management of pregnant woman in 30 week of gestation with signs of danger of
preterm labor
88. Management of pregnant woman in 28 week of gestation with initial preterm labor.
89. Management of fetal distress in first stage of labor
90. Management of fetal distress in second stage of labor

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