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1.0 Introduction
Poverty and hunger has been a chronic problem for several decades. Out of the six billion
people living in the world today one billion receive 80 percent of income while more than one
billion barely survive on less than one United States dollar a day. It is estimated that today half of
the world population lives on two U.S dollars or less per Úy; while “20 percent of the world’s
population consumes 86 percent of the world’s resources”. This is an indication of the great
disparities that exist in our world; and points to the gap between the rich and poor nations
culminating on one of the biggest obstacles to development.
In September 2000, 189 nations at the United Nations millennium summit adopted the
action and target contained in the declaration. These documents, known as Millennium
Declaration’ is geared to address the massive problem of poverty under development, also
designed policies and promote sustainable development in the world. The declaration (Millennium
Development Goals) represents a global partnership and this is arising from commitment and
targets set at the world summits of the 1990’s. The declaration consists of international agreed
frame work of 8 goals and 18 targets which were complemented by 84 technological indicators of
measure progress towards the millennium development goals. And those goals focus on the world
community and ways to achieve significant and measurable improvement in peoples live.

1.1 Background to the study

The problem of Poverty and Hunger has occupied the attention of scholars, activists,
politicians, development workers and international organization for many years with an increased
tempo in the last decade. The United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] 1998 report,
advocated that even though there are different perspectives to development, there is a general
consensus that development will lead to good change manifested in increased capacity of people to
have control over materials assets, intellectual resources and ideology and obtain physical
necessities of the life (food, clothing and shelter) employment, equality participation in
government, political and economic independence, adequate education, gender equality,
sustainable development and peace.
This is why some people have argued that the purpose of millennium development goals is
mostly to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger as their number one goals to be achieved in the
year 2015. However, the reality of the world is that many countries are under developed with
previous development indices. More than 12 billion people or about 20 percent of the world
population live and survive on less than 1u.s dollar per day according to UNDP report because
wealth is concentrated in the hand of a few people.
The UNDP in its 1998 report documented that the three richest people in the world:
(Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett) have assets that exceed the combined gross domestic
product (GDP) of the 48 least developed countries.
Nigeria which was one of the richest 50 countries in the early 1970, according to The
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) evaluation, has retrogressed to become
one of the poorest countries at the three hold of the twenty first century as reported by transparency
international (TI). It is honic that Nigeria is the south largest exporter of oil according to OPEC
report and at the same time hosts the third largest number of poorest people after china as also
reported by transparency international (TI). Statistic shows that the incidence of poverty using rate
of one u.s dollar per-day increase from 28.1 percent in 1980 to 46.3 percent in 1985 and declined to
42.7 percent in 1992 but increase again to 65.5 percent in 1996. If the rate of two U.S dollar is used
in measuring the poverty level, the percentage of those living below poverty line will jump to
90.8percent. Nigeria fares very poorly in all development indices. The average annual percentage
growth of GDP in Nigeria from 1990-2000 was 2.4; this is very poor when compared to Ghana
(4.3) and Egypt (4.6). The gross national income per capital is 260 U.S dollar, under five mortality
rate per 1,100 and life expectancy at birth is 46 years for males and 48 years for females.
Poverty in Nigeria is in the midst of plenty. Nigeria is among the 20countries in the world
with the widest gap between the rich and the poor. The Gini index measure the extent to which the
distribution of income (or some cares consumption expenditure) among individual or house hold
with in an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution. A Gini index of zero represent
perfect equality while an index of 100 implies perfect in inequality.
Nigeria has one of the highest Gini index in the world. The gini index for Nigeria is 506.
This compares poorly with other countries such as India (37.8), Jamaica (37.9), and Manitania
(37.3) and 12 Rwanda (28.9).
In order to address the problem of Poverty and hunger and promote sustainable
development, the United Nations Millennium Declaration was adopted in September 2000 at the
largest ever gathering of heads of states committing countries of both rich and poor to strive and
work hard to eradicate poverty and hunger; promote human dignity and equality to achieve peace,
democracy and environmental sustainability.
In Nigeria recognizing the pivotal roles of Civil Society Organizations (CSOS) in
mobilizing public pressure for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Civil Society Action Coalition of Education for all (CSACEFA) and Civil Society Coalition on
Poverty Eradication (CISCOPE) with the support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
in Abuja, Nigeria on 20th April, 2004 that aimed at enlightening people of Nigerians on the
purpose and the objectives of Millennium Development Goals.
This forum adopted various means of passing information such as Television, News-paper,
Internet, Bill Boards and most importantly Radio to the people.
Since mass media is a vital means of communication which has the capacity of reaching
large heterogeneous group of people at the same time. Over the years, it has becomes a tool in the
hand of this forum CISCOPE, CSOS, and CSACEFA etc. to pass effectively information on
poverty and hunger eradication in Nigeria in a perfect way.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Poverty and hunger is a deprives of people which has occupied the attention of the International
Organization, Civil Society, Politicians, Scholars, Nation State and Development Workers.
This research work Seek to measure the role of the mass media against Poverty and Hunger in
Nigeria and to move further in suggesting more means on how mass media can eradicate poverty and
hunger in Nigeria however, this study is to state how the mass media necessary influence the general
public on poverty and hunger in Nigeria.
1.3 Significance of the Study
This work will be relevant to Nigerians and Nigerian Government o the area they need to pay
more attention to. At the same time, the study of this project work is of great importance because it will
go a long way in helping people to know the positive contribution of the mass media in Eradicating
Poverty and Hunger in Nigeria
1.4 Reason for the Study
The main reason for this research work is to measure the role of the mass media in Eradicating
Poverty and Hunger in Nigeria. (A case study of Ajilete F.M 92.1 Ogbomosho)
1.5 Objectives of the Study
- To measure the role or impact of the mass media on the study
- To bring out the negative effect of poverty and hunger in Nigeria
- To inform and educate the public on poverty and hunger
- To measure the lapses of mass media on this study.
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study is meant for the entire citizenry of Nigeria to know the role of the mass media play in
achieving poverty and hunger eradication and to know the entire element or method use in eradicating
poverty and hunger in Nigeria
More so, the study will be limited to the role of the mass media in eradicating poverty and
hunger in Nigeria at large. Time is also another limitation to the study since the research work is
combined with class and school activities.
1.7 Research Questions
- To what extent has Ajilete F.M 92.1 Ogbomosho been in forming the people
about poverty and hunger in Nigeria?
- In what way has the Ajilete F.M 92.1 Ogbomosho been informing the people
about government accountability on the issue of Poverty and Hunger?
- How far has the Ajilete F.M 92.1 Ogbomosho carrying the message of Poverty
and Hunger?
- What do people understand by poverty and Hunger?
- To what extent are the people influenced by the Ajilete F.M 92.1 Ogbomosho
message on Poverty and Hunger.
- What are the attitudes of people towards the campaign of Poverty and Hunger
Eradication on Ajilete F.M 92.1 Ogbomosho
1.8 Definition of Terms
Role: - The way in which some-one or something is involved in an activities or situation and
how much influences they have on it. It can be also be seen as a work that someone or
something is obligated to perform for moral or legal reason; “the duties of the job”
Mass Media: - Refers to collectivity of all media technologies, including the internet,
television, film and radio which are used for mass communications and to the organization
which control these technologies. Also, mass media is defined as a means of public
communication reaching a large audience or large numbers of people in a short time such as
television, newspaper, magazine and radio.
Eradication: - This word is from a Latin-word eradicate. It means to tear up by the roots or to
get rids of something. It can also be refers to the means of wiping out, abolition destruction,
elimination, removal extinction, extermination of a bad thing in the society or organization.
Poverty: - Poverty is what deprives people of their security and being. It is also a deprives of
people not only of safe water and adequate food, clothing and shelter, but also education and
health care. Furthermore, poverty is what that takes people right and their freedom, dignity and
peace of mind and also it puts people’s lives in danger and robs them of their future.
Hunger: - Hunger is a strong desire or need for food and the comfort, weakness or pain caused
by a prolonged lack of food.

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