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SPORT (Group 6 – XI MIPA 3)

1. Delly Ofi Ani (05)

2. Joseph Bherlian H (12)
3. Safira Isma Aulia (22)
4. Salim Ardiansyah (23)

Video Script
One morning, in a park.
Isma : Hi, Delly!
Delly : Oh, Hi, Isma! Good Morning!
Isma : Good morning! Doing exercise, right?
Delly : Yes, right. I have run four rounds.
Isma : Wow, I think you really like running.
Delly : Haha, not really. I'm jogging is to take care of my health. I always do this every
weekend. What if you come with me jogging every Sunday morning?
Isma : No, thank you. I don't really like jogging. I prefer swimming than running because
swimming is fun for me.
Delly : Really? I also like swimming.
Isma : Wow, you really are a sports lover. Someday, let's swimming together with me.
Delly : Alright.
Then, they walked while still talking.
Delly : By the way, what are you doing here, Isma?
Isma : I’m looking for fresh air at this park.
Delly : Oh
Isma : What sport do you like besides jogging and swimming, Delly?
Delly : I like playing badminton. I usually play badminton with Salim and Joseph in this
park at afternoon. If you want, you can play badminton with us every afternoon.
Isma : No, Thank you. I can't play badminton.
Delly : Don’t worry. I can teach you how to play badminton.
Isma : Really? Thank You.
Delly : Yes, you are welcome. Oh look! There are Joseph and Salim there.
Isma : Where?
Delly : Those who are playing badminton
Deli and Isma met Joseph and Salim.
Isma : Hi, guys!
Josep, Salim : Hi, Isma, Deli!
Salim : What are you doing, here?
Delly : I accidentally met with Isma when I was jogging. What about you?
Joseph : As you can see, we are playing badminton.
Salim : I think we've played too long, Joseph. What if we rest for a while?
Joseph : Great idea.
Deli : By the way, guys, did you watch badminton match between Indonesia and Malaysia
last night?
Salim : Oh, I see it. Kevin Sanjaya and Marcus played very well.
Joseph : I didn't watch because I fell asleep. Who won the match?
Salim : Too bad you didn't watch. Last night the game was very exciting and tense. After
passing through several rounds, Indonesia finally won the match.
Joseph : Wow! By the way, why are you silent, Isma? Did you also not watch the match?
Isma : Of course, I don't like watching games like that.
Delly : Yes, I know that you prefer watching cooking shows, right? Hahaha.
Isma : Hahaha. By the way, it was already daytime. I must go home.
Delly : That is true. I also have to go home.
Salim : Oh, okay. No problem.
Isma, Delly : See you, guys!
Joseph, Salim : See you.
Isma and Delly returned home while Joseph and Salim continued to chat.
Salim : Is Monday really a holiday tomorrow, Joseph?
Joseph : Yes, right. What are you going to do?
Salim : Actually, I'm confused what to do because all my homework is done.
Joseph : How about we go play badminton together?
Salim : Again? We just have to play badminton. Oh, not that. I'm tired of playing badminton
all the time.
Joseph : Or what if we go swimming together?
Salim : Wow, good idea. I haven't been swimming for a long time. What if we meet at six in
the morning because the air and pool water is still fresh.
Joseph : So true. Ok, let's meet tomorrow. Goodbye, I have to go home and take a shower
because my body is sweating a lot.
Salim : Me too, good bye!

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