Voter Registration Takeover Poll: 2021 National

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Voter Registration Takeover Poll


1. Federal officials recently announced they would like to take control of voter registration away
from the states. Generally speaking, would you be likely to support or likely to oppose removing
state control over voter registration processes and giving it to the federal government?

Likely to Support 26% 8% 43% 27%

Likely to Oppose 58% 81% 36% 60%

Unsure 15% 10% 21% 14%

2. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking
control of voter registration if you knew that this is a plan to limit the ability of states to control
their own elections?

Likely to Support 25% 8% 41% 25%

Likely to Oppose 61% 83% 40% 62%

Unsure 14% 10% 19% 13%

3. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking
control of voter registration if you knew that this could mean you and your local elected officials
would be limited in how to conduct voter registration drives?

Likely to Support 26% 11% 41% 27%

Likely to Oppose 58% 79% 39% 56%

Unsure 16% 10% 21% 16%

4. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking control
of voter registration if you knew that this will dramatically increase the power of the U.S. presidency?

Likely to Support 24% 9% 35% 28%

Likely to Oppose 58% 82% 36% 59%

Unsure 17% 9% 29% 13%


5. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking
control of voter registration if you knew that agencies in Washington D.C. would have the ability
to override your state’s election procedures?

Likely to Support 21% 7% 30% 28%

Likely to Oppose 67% 88% 49% 66%
Unsure 11% 5% 21% 6%

6. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking
control of voter registration if you knew that federal agents would be given power to enforce new
election rules?

Likely to Support 26% 11% 36% 31%

Likely to Oppose 57% 80% 38% 53%
Unsure 17% 9% 26% 16%

7. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking control
of voter registration if you knew that there is currently no congressional oversight of this effort?

Likely to Support 21% 7% 30% 26%

Likely to Oppose 59% 82% 41% 53%
Unsure 20% 10% 29% 21%

8. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking
control of voter registration if you knew that it could give whomever is sitting in the White House
partisan political power of voter registration efforts?

Likely to Support 16% 4% 24% 21%

Likely to Oppose 71% 92% 55% 66%
Unsure 13% 3% 21% 13%

9. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking control
of voter registration if you knew that there have already been White House orders commanding all
six-hundred federal agencies to begin planning for and engaging in state election processes?

Likely to Support 21% 5% 34% 24%

Likely to Oppose 59% 84% 37% 58%
Unsure 19% 10% 29% 18%

10. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking
control of voter registration if you knew that a sitting president could use the Department of
Justice to sue individual states over voter registration laws they disagree with?

Likely to Support 23% 8% 31% 31%

Likely to Oppose 64% 85% 49% 59%
Unsure 12% 7% 19% 10%

11. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking
control of voter registration if you knew that the White House plans to use traditionally non-
partisan federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, better known as
the CDC, to engage in elections?

Likely to Support 21% 7% 33% 24%

Likely to Oppose 59% 83% 38% 59%
Unsure 19% 10% 30% 17%

12. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking control
of voter registration if you knew that registration efforts could be specifically targeted to one political
party or another in an effort to sway election outcomes?

Likely to Support 14% 3% 22% 16%

Likely to Oppose 76% 94% 61% 73%
Unsure 11% 4% 17% 11%

13. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking control
of voter registration if you knew that both moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans in
Congress oppose this federal power grab?

Likely to Support 22% 12% 28% 25%

Likely to Oppose 53% 75% 32% 54%
Unsure 25% 14% 40% 20%

14. Would you be more likely to support or more likely to oppose the federal government taking control
of voter registration if you knew that partisan political groups, such as Rock the Vote and Progressive
Turnout Project, would be allowed to oversee election processes?

Likely to Support 18% 6% 28% 21%

Likely to Oppose 63% 85% 44% 62%
Unsure 18% 9% 28% 17%



38% 37% 26% 48% 52%

34% R 36% D 29% I
18-44 45-64 65+ MALE FEMALE

Results for this poll are based on automated telephone interviews conducted among a nationwide sample of 518 likely voters. Data for this survey research was
collected by Cor Services, Inc.
Interviews were conducted via a computer-assisted telephone interviewing system utilizing techniques designed to achieve the highest possible respondent
The surveys were conducted July 7–10, 2021. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 4.31 percentage points. The margin of sampling error may be higher
for certain subgroups. Results presented may not always appear to total 100 percent due to rounding.
Data was sampled using weighted demographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement and the
state election authorities. Demographic information for actual voters in past elections were used to construct sample target weights.
The Foundation for Government Accountability paid for all costs associated with this survey.

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