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Bivariate & Multivariate 1

Running head: Bivariate & Multivariate

Exercise #6

Bivariate & Multivariate Tables

Asia Williams

SOWK 300

Tuskegee University

February 11, 2011

Bivariate & Multivariate 2

Syntax files

/KEEP= id rap agecat4 race.
STRING Rap2 (A8) .
(1 thru 3='1') (4 thru 5='2') (ELSE='8') INTO Rap2 .
VARIABLE LABELS Rap2 'rap collapsed to two values'.
STRING Agecat3 (A8) .
(1='1') (2='2') (3='3') (4='3') INTO Agecat3 .
/TABLES=rap2 BY agecat3
/TABLES=rap2 BY agecat3 BY race
'Asia Williams'.
'I certify that the work presented is my own.'.
Bivariate & Multivariate 3

Output Files
Bivariate & Multivariate 4

Data Files
Bivariate & Multivariate 5
Bivariate & Multivariate 6
Bivariate & Multivariate 7

Variables for Exercise #6

Dependent Variable: Rap ‘R’s liking for rap’

Independent Variable: Age

Control Variable: Race

Bivariate Table

Table 1
Attitudes about Rap by Age of R (%)
R’s Age Group
Rap 18-29 30-39 40+ Total
Like Rap 52.4% 38.7% 21.5% 31.6%

Dislike Rap 47.6% 61.3% 78.5% 68.4%

Total 100 100 100 100

(N) (275) (346) (810) (1431)


Bivariate Hypothesis: Rapping can be traced to its roots in Africa. Centuries before hip
hop music was introduced to the world, West Africans would deliver stories rhythmically
in combination with the playing of the drum. Since the 1970s, when old school rap was
introduced, rap has been one of the most popular genres across the world. I believe that
most young people like rap while the majority of older adults dislike it.

Bivariate Discussion: According to Table 1, my hypothesis was only partly correct.

According to the table, for 18-29 year olds, 52.4% like rap while 47.6% dislike it. For 30-
39 year olds, 38.7% like rap while 61.3% dislike it. For 40 year olds and up, 21.5% like
rap while 78.5% dislike rap. Furthermore, for the younger generation, only about half of
them like rap and for middle aged and older adults, only a small percentage like rap while
the rest of them dislike it.
Bivariate & Multivariate 8

Multivariate Table

Table 2
Attitudes about Rap by Age of R (%)
Controlling for R’s Race (%)
Age of R
Rap 18-29 30-39 40+ Total
White Respondents

Like Rap 44.7% 34.3% 18.0% 26.8%

Dislike Rap 55.3% 65.7% 82.0% 73.2%

Total 100 100 100 100

(N) (219) (289) (693) (1201)

Black Respondents

Like Rap 81.6% 71.8% 40.5% 57.8%

Dislike Rap 18.4% 28.2% 59.5% 42.2%

Total 100 100 100 100

(N) (38) (39) (84) (161)


Multivariate Hypothesis: Regarding attitudes about rap, not only is age a factor but race
is a factor as well. I believe that for whites, about half of them like rap while the rest do
not. The majority of older whites do not like rap. For blacks, the majority of the younger
generation like rap while about half of the older generation like it.

Multivariate Discussion: According to Table 2, for white 18-29 year olds, 44.7% of
them like rap while 34.3% of them dislike it. For white 30-39 year olds, 34.3% of them
like rap while 65.7% dislike it. For white 40 year olds and up, 18.0% of them like rap and
the other 82.0% dislike it. Furthermore, about half of the younger white respondents like
rap, about one-third of the middle-aged white respondents like it, and only a small
percentage of older whites like it. For black 18-29 year olds, 81.6% of them like rap
while only 18.4% dislike it. For black 30-39 year olds, 71.8% like rap while 28.2%
dislike it. For 40 year olds and up, 40.5% like rap and 59.5% dislike it. Furthermore, the
majority of younger and middle aged blacks like rap and a little less than half of older
blacks like rap. In conclusion, more blacks like rap than whites do.

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