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Academic year 2020-2021

Subject : Geography Topic : MIGRATION Grade : 8

Migration vocabulary
I) Choose the appropriate geographical term for the terms related to
(Migration, migrant , External Migration ,Internal Migration, Rural rural ,
Rural urban, urban rural, Urban urban ,Brain drain, Immigrant,
Immigration, Emigrant, Emigration, Urbanisation, Refugee, push factors, pull factors.)
1) A person who leaves his home country to reside in another country. _____________
2) The act of arriving in a new country after leaving one’s own country._____________
3) The type of migration in which people move from countryside to cities. ___________
4) A process through which a country loses its most talented, skilled and educated
workers to other countries through migration._______________
5) Reasons why people move into an area.____________
6) The type of migration in which people move from cities to villages.___________
7) Migration of people from one country to another across international
8) Reasons why people move away from an area.__________
9) Movement of people from one geographical area to another with the intent of settling
permanently, it may also be temporary. ____________ .
10) Migration of people within national borders between states, cities and
11) Migration of people from one village to another. ________________ .
12) People who relocate themselves.______________
13) A person who comes into a foreign land leaving his home country.___________
14) The process of leaving one’s home country to go and settle in a foreign
15) People who flee their country due to war or fear of political / religious
16) Large scale population shift from rural to urban areas leading to growth in urban
population and extent of urban areas.____________
17) The migration of people from towns to cities.___________

II) There are two categories of factors that influence people’s decision to migrate. Read the following
scenarios and state whether each is a push factor or a pull factor.
1) Superior medical care. ________
Push factors are the
2) Peaceful and secure environment.__________ forces that drive
people away from an
3) Demotivating work conditions.__________ area. They are
4) Prestige of working abroad.____________
situations in a region
5) Less frantic pace of life._____________ which motivate people
to migrate. They relate
6) Opportunities for professional development.__________ to one’s experiences
which is a good reason
7) Modern education system. ___________.
to leave.
8) More chances of lucky breaks in life._______

9) Work life balance.______ Pull factors are the forces

that draw people towards
10) Prospects of more exciting life._______
an area. They are the
11) A safer crime free environment.________ favourable situations in an
area which attract people
12) Lack of religious freedom._______
towards it. They relate to
13) Less risk from natural hazards._________ expectations people have
about the region they want
14) Insufficient opportunities for research._________
to move to.
15) Agriculture distress due to crop failure._________

16) Access to advanced technology._______

17) Gender inequality._______

18) Limited educational and economic opportunities.________

19) Inadequate services and facilities,______

20) Less jobs due to mechanization of agriculture.________

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