Marketing Communication: Learning Diary

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Marketing communication

Learning Diary

Author(s) Thai Tran Van Khanh

Month Year (3rd May 2021)
International Business
Marketing communication

Learning Diary

1 Lecture 2-5
This is a payment method, indirectly used by companies to notify customers of their
goods and services through television, radio, print media, online websites, etc.
Advertising is one of the most widely used information aggregation methods. The
company's products and services can be communicated easily with large target
audience coverage.
The promotion includes several short-term offers to persuade customers to start
buying goods and services. This promotion technique not only helps retain existing
customers, but also attracts new ones with additional benefits. Interest, discounts,
rebates, buy one get one free ... are a useful program to help promote sales.
Event and experience organization
Some companies sponsor events such as sports, entertainment, non-profit or
community events with the intention of strengthening their brands in the minds of
their customers.
Public Relations
Companies engage in a number of social activities aimed at creating their positive
brand image in the marketplace. Activities that companies are doing, building public
facilities, donating a portion of their purchases, educating children, organizing blood
donation camps, growing plants, etc. are some of them. General move to strengthen
public relations. In addition, with the rapid development of the Internet, public
relations can also be understood by the introduction of the brand's products and
services by a third party. The voice of a third party will make the audience more trust
in the brand, so that revenue will increase significantly.

2 Lecture 6-10
In lecture 3, I could understand what PR is. PR is one of the indispensable tools in
communication. If used properly in terms of timing, combined with tools consistently
in terms of strategic goals, it will bring high efficiency to Marketing campaigns.
Like administering other promotional tools, when and how PR is used requires
administrators to base on PR's goals to choose messages, means and to plan,
implementing and evaluating the results of PR activities. Businesses need to
incorporate the flexibility and relevance of PR with other mixed promotion tools in
their enterprise-wide integrated marketing communication efforts. In lecture 3, I
could understand what PR is. PR is one of the indispensable tools in communication.
If used properly in terms of timing, combined with tools consistently in terms of
strategic goals, it will bring high efficiency to Marketing campaigns.

3 Lecture 4
Consumers today are becoming much smarter, it is not enough for businesses to
advertise with them so that they know the functions, advantages, and benefits of the
product. It is very important to build relationships with customers and maintain this
relationship strengthened. It is easy to let customers know, but for customers to
trust and love is very difficult. This depends a lot on how the business communicates.
There are countless different forms of marketing communication, but the most
popular are 2 types:
 Non-personal communications, such as advertisements, point-of-sale items,
sales promotion, electronic media, and public relations.
 Personal (face-to-face) communications, namely face-to-face meetings
between salespeople and customers, such as direct sales or phone service

4 Lecture 6-12
After finishing the last 6 lectures, Marketing can be divided into different type:
Direct marketing
For technological purposes, companies use email, fax, and cell phones, to
communicate directly with potential customers without involving any third parties in
Interactive marketing
Interactive marketing has recently become popular as a marketing communication
tool, in which customers can interact with online companies and can query their
information directly. Amazon is one of the best examples of interactive marketing in
which customers choose and can see what they have chosen or ordered in the recent
past. Also, some websites offer platforms for customers in that they ask questions
and get answers online like
Word of mouth marketing
This is one of the most widely practiced communication methods in which customers
share their experiences with their friends about goods and services they have
recently purchased. This approach is very important for businesses because the
brand image depends on the customer's perception of the brand.
Direct sales
This is the traditional method of marketing communication in which salespeople.
Reach potential customers directly and inform them about the goods and services
they are trading. This is considered one of the most reliable methods of
communication because it is done directly by mouth, ie face-to-face. through any
agent or store.
In conclusion, When you present your own brand personality versus your
competitors, your customers will be delighted to see something special that, in
essence, will contribute to you in the process of expressing your brand personality.
Serving customers based on personas that have researched and posting the type of

content they like will bring them brand attention. Let your readers know that your
business is not only professional, but also fun and ready to help customers. Because
in fact, people often prefer a connection over information a brand delivers.

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