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During the past few years, leadership studies have clearly moved away from

a strong focus on, most notably, transformational leadership toward a stronger emphasis on
a shared, relational, and global perspective where especially the interaction between leader
and follower are key elements (paper 4)

servant leadership theory emphasizes on the personal

growth and need of followers

servant leadership adds the component of social responsibility to transformational

leadership (Graham, 1991)

The magnum opus of Robert Greenleaf, Servant Leadership is a recent theory of leadership that

argues that the most effective leaders are servants of their people. ... Servant leaders get results
for their organization through whole-hearted attention to their followers and followers' needs.

Somehow servant leadership has many similarities with the transformational and charismatic leadership
as well as studied by Graham (1991) stated that Weberian charismatic authority, personal celebrity
charisma, transformational leadership and servant leadership is theoretical underpinning for each of
these leadership models. She concluded that transformational and servant leadership are both
inspirational and moral. However, the other study has found the uniqueness of servant leadership than
others leadership style especially transformational leadership. (Servant leadership theory).

Servant who feels need to serve shows servant leadership

Title: Servant leadership across cultures

Purpose of the study is to determine to analyze the different aspects of servant leadership and their
relative importance on the basis of their usage/exercise across different cultures like European and
Asian cultures. These five aspects are moral integrity, Egalitarianism, Empathy, humility and


Findings servant leadership dimensions of Empathy and Humility were more strongly endorsed in
Asian cultures. The dimensions of Egalitarianism and Empowering were endorsed more strongly in
Nordic/European cultures but less so in Asian and similar cultures.

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1. Title: Workplace incivility, work engagement, and turnover intentions: Multi-group analysis

Purpose: to examine workplace incivility in work engagement and employee turnover intention in the work place
in Indonesia. And also it examines the differences in intensity of these relationships by gender.
workplace incivility, work engagement, and turnover intention.
Method: on the basis of convenience sampling data was collected from business sector. Data were
analyzed with partial least square multi-group analysis technique
Conclusions: The results show that workplace incivility has a negative effect on work engagement, and a positive
effect on turnover intention,
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2. Title: Facilitating Eudaimonic Well-Being in Mental Health Care Organizations: The Role of Servant Leadership
and Workplace Civility Climate
The word Eudaimonic is the term commonly used for the “happiness” or “well-being”
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the role of servant leadership and workplace civility
climate in shaping Eudaimonic well-being among 312 employees in a Dutch mental health care
Method: Through regression method the data was analyzed. eudaimonic well-being is the mediating
process at work place civility.
Servant leadership was measured with the shortened servant leadership scale developed by
Liden et al. [72]
Conclusion: The findings showed that servant leadership had a stronger relationship with eudaimonic well-being
when workplace civility climate was high
The traditional proposition that a happy worker is a productive worker [27] has shown mixed
results, suggesting that this relationship is mediated by an interplay of variables such as
relationships, health, and motivation [28].
First, we bring the eudaimonic
component of positive employee well-being into organization studies hereby emphasizing the role
of the workplace in eliciting our domain-free full psychological functioning. Second, we identify the
specific role of servant leadership, under the condition of a civil work climate, in impacting not only
our well-being but as a leadership style which contributes to our workplace performance through
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3. Title: Behavioral Incivility and Leadership Styles: Assessing The Mediation Of Job Strain, Employment
Insecurity And Relational Injustice: A Conceptual Model.
Passive leadership: destructive behaviors. Therefore, the authors develop the two-dimensional leadership theory with
“concern for people” (human orientated) and “concern for a task” (task-oriented) in which they describe four types of
passive leadership styles, Laissez-faire leadership with low task-orientation and ineffective people. In contrast, the other
type of leadership, the Tyrannical leadership has a high level of task-orientation but the employees have destructive
behaviors toward their fellows [9, 13, 16, 17]. Yet the supervisors try to achieve their goals by using authoritarian rule
over their employees which clearly depicts the abusive leadership [7, 18]. Nevertheless, by using

Servant leadership: provides foundations for the theories that emphasize the character of individuals and principles of
human growth. Researchers have been arguing those servant leadership theories initially focus on the development of
an individual and then achieve the organizational goal overall [20,

Behavioral Incivility: Uncivil and deviant behaviors have ambiguous intent to harm others with rude and discourteous
behavior towards their co-workers [27, 28]. Since the uncivil behaviors have ambiguous intent so it is difficult to
understand whether the person in charge intentionally or unintentionally wants to overlook or harm his co-workers. Past
studies have described that the workplace deviant behavior creates disturbance in the organizational environment and
causes aggression among the employees [6, 29, 30]. Today incivility is prevalent in organizations more than ever before.
The more common type of uncivil behaviors may involve bullying, harassment ignoring a co-worker, being derogatory
and indifferent to workers’ opinions. Incivility is at the low end of the workplace mistreatment continuum but when it
will be overlooked it may result in deteriorating the conditions in the organization [2, 31,

turnover of intentions. Furthermore, the spiral theory of incivility suggests that incivility spiral commences when one
employee behaves with incivility with his co-worker [29, 33].

According to author (paper 3) the servant leadership leads to job strain, employment insecurity and relational injustice
among the employees. These negative attitudes lead to behavioral incivility among the employees. It is very much
difficult to understand that whether one person having leadership charge wonts to overlook or his coworkers
intentionally or intentionally.

Purpose: This study has reviewed the literature on the relationship between passive leadership, servant leadership, job strain, employment
insecurity, and relational injustice and behavioral incivility.

Method: literature re

Conclusion: this paper, a systematic literature review method is adopted and it has been revealed that passive leadership increases
behavioral incivility while servant leadership cured it by decreasing it. Based on several evidences, the Job strain, employment insecurity, and
relational injustice are proposed as strong mediators in this regard.

Other points:

4. Title: Servant Leadership: A Review and Synthesis

Purpose: to make more clear the concept of servant leadership, as earlier its conceptual models
have confused behavior with outcomes.
This review deals with the historical background of servant leadership, its key characteristics, the available measurement tools,
and the results of relevant studies that have been conducted so far
Method: An overall conceptual model of servant leadership is presented here
The new and emerging field of management research is Servant leadership. Peer reviewed
empirical articles were reviewed to explore the main importance of this leadership style.

5. Title: Servant leadership across cultures

Purpose: to explore the degree to which five aspects of servant leadership, Egalitarianism, Moral Integrity, Empowering, Empathy and Humility were
endorsed as important for effective leadership across cultures. to explore the cultural values and practices in a wide variety
of countries and to identify their impact on organizational
practices and leadership attributes.

Method: the data was collected through questionnaire. Through exploratory factor analysis and
multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analyses it was found that
Conclusion: The dimensions of Egalitarianism and Empowering were endorsed more strongly in Nordic/European cultures but less so in Asian and similar
cultures. On the other hand, servant leadership dimensions of Empathy and Humility were more strongly endorsed in Asian cultures than European cultures.
Other points: empowering and developing people with empathy and humility is the main differentiating point between servant leadership and other
leadership styles.
6. Title: Healing a Broken Spirit: Role of Servant Leadership
Purpose: The aim of this
qualitative study is to comprehend how servant leaders understand, empathize with,
and address the emotional turmoil of their employees. to explore the role of servant leader, is to recover his/
her being with the process of becoming.
Method: In the present study, semi-structured interviews were used to discover
the values and perspectives of servant leaders as they interact with their subordinates in the context of their
emotional turmoil. This is a qualitative study. Statements of the respondents were analyzed using the model of
Plowman et al. (2007)
Conclusion: it may be concluded that Servant leaders, with a compassionate approach
towards handling employees’ emotional suffering, can
play a crucial role in defining and creating an organizational
environment in which the employees can experience
positive emotional health and well-being
Other points: Orientation for emotional healing is reported to be a unique characteristic of servant
leaders. But there is negligible empirical research to understand the way servant leaders
alleviate the suffering of their employees. The present study fills this gap.

7. Title: The Impact of Workplace Incivility on the Work Environment, Manager Skill, and
Purpose: The objective of the study was to investigate
the impact of workplace incivility (WPI) on
staff nurses related to cost and productivity.
Method: A postal survey was sent to 2,160 staff
nurses (n = 659 completed) and included the Nursing
Incivility Scale and Work Limitation Questionnaire.
Conclusion: Not only does WPI exist at high rates,
but also it is costly.
Other points:
8.Title: Workplace incivility and work outcomes: cross-cultural comparison between Australian and Singaporean employees
Purpose: This study examines workplace incivility in predicting job satisfaction and work
withdrawal for Australians and Singaporeans
Method: The research consisted of a moderated mediation model with workplace incivility as the
independent variable (X) and job satisfaction and work withdrawal (Y) as the dependent
variables. Emotional Exhaustion as mediator and Ethnicity is working as moderator in this study. With this conceptual model and using
online survey questionnaires data was analyzed.
Conclusion: Results indicated that workplace incivility contributed to burnout and affected
employees’ work outcomes.
3 Australian employees’ work outcomes were more adversely affected than
Singaporean employees’ work outcomes.
4 Results provided insights into how cultural variability affects how workplace incivility
is perceived and interpreted
Other points: cultural variability in how workplace incivility is perceived and interpreted.

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