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nasha is bigger than viky
Tom is more famous than Albert
Jerry is faster than Tom (rápido)
Tim is younger than KATY (es mas joven)

Albert is nicer than Clive (es mejor que)

Ann is happier than Mike (feliz)
Jerry is more intelligent than Thom
Viky is prettier than Jota
Teffy is thinner than bety (delgada)
Lucy is wiser than bety (sabia)
Russia is bigger than Mexico.
Rusia es más grande que México.

Russia is colder than Mexico.

Rusia es más fría que México.
Sheila is taller than John.
Sheila es más alta que John.


THINGS IN A ROOM//Cosas en una habitación

armchair = Sillón
bathtub = Bañera
Bed = Cama
Cupboard = armario de la cocina
fireplace = Chimenea
Lamp = Lampara
Lights = luces
rug = alfombra
shelf/ shelves = estante
Sofa = sofa
Toilet =
washing machine = lavadora

Do you have tv at home? // tienes tv en casa?
A mirror in the closet = espejo ropero
yes, i have tv in my house
A picture on the wall = foto en la pared ¿Do you have a refrigerator at home?
a Tv = una TV I do not have

There are two table = hay una mesa

There is a curtain = hay una cortina
There is a bed = hay una cama
there is a TV
there is a chair
there is a window
there is a kitchen
there are dishes
there is a door
There is a bathroom = un baño

There is a kitchen with:

there are 3 chairs = hay 3 sillas
there is one table = hay una mesa

Yes, there is table = si hay a mesa

PREPOSITION OF PLACE // preposiciones de lugar

ehind = detrás
toward = hacia
in = en
up = arriba
under = bajo
out of = fuera de
over = sobre
down = abajo
in front of = en frente de = desde hasta
next to = junto a
into = dentro
between = entre
across from = en frente de
on = en

where is your tv located?// donde esta ubicado tv

the closet is in front of the bed
the TV is in front of the bed
the laptop is over the table
the tv is over the table
what did you eat yesterday?
Prepare banana juice with Egg Sandwich.

lunch :
cook rice with chicken


at dinner I had coffee with bread

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