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Climate Consultant Software 6.

0- Overview
Building Simulation

1.Climate Consultant 6.0
1.1 Objective-

The software aims at users to create more energy efficient & more sustainable
buildings by graphically translating the climatic data to show its impact on the built

1.2 The Software-

Its free, easy-to-use, graphic-based computer program that displays climate data in
dozens of ways useful to architects, builders, contractors, and homeowners.
It shows various elements of climate such as temperatures, humidity, wind velocity,
sky cover, and solar radiation in both 2-D and 3-D graphics for every hour of the year
in either Metric or Imperial units.

1.3 The Process-

The energy design tool enables the user to select the best suited condition for the
project as the entire weather data is available in EPW (Energy Plus Weather) format
& can be accessed under following subheads -
• California Climate Zone Data.
• Use Existing EPW Weather Data.
• Download New EPW Weather Data.

BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
2. Climate – Warm & Humid
2.1 Weather Data Summary

The Tabulated Chart provides the

information about the selected city in terms
of -
• Location & Geographical coordinates
• Overview of all the elements of climate,
spread over a range for 12 months, thus,
helping to derive the basics
characteristics for the said Climate

2.2 Warm & Humid Climate

The table helps to infer the basic

information for the said climate ,such as-
• DBT- is generally high & varies from 77-
85F all round the year.
• Relative Humidity –65 to 89 % &
peak months are June to October.
• Wind Speed- its highest for June –July ,
8mph. Plate 2.1

BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
3. Parameters of Climate
3.1 Temperature Range

• The graph shows the DBT readings.

• The variation is for the monthly high & monthly
low temperature readings for a span of an year.
• The round dots depict the Recorded High & the
Recorded Low for a particular month.
• The GREEN colour shows the extreme range
,while the YELLOW colour depicts the average
• The GREY tones depict the comfort temperature
for Summers (light) & Winters (dark).

3.1.a Inference

For Goa, the temperature doesn’t change much thru

the year. It fluctuates in a range of 30(65-95)

3.1.b Design Considerations

• Orientation of the built form.

• Provision for Vegetation (Flora & Fauna)

Plate 3.1
BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
3. Parameters of Climate
3.2 Monthly Diurnal Average

• The term Diurnal refers to the difference between

the max. temperature of a day & the min.
temperature of the same day.
• The red wavy lines shows the mean DBT while
the Dark Red wave shows the mean WBT.
• The tones of Grey depicts the general universal
comfort level.

3.2.a Inference

For Goa, the Diurnal range is not extreme but the

due to high humidity doesn’t even fall in comfort

3.2.b Design Considerations

• Will have to provision elements to reduce the

temperatures indoors.

Plate 3.2
BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
3. Parameters of Climate
3.3 Sky Cover Range

• To understand as Cloud Cover ,shown in %.

• The small dots depict for the highest & the lowest
for a particular day of the respective month.
• The break in the colour bar shows the Mean cloud
cover range for that particular month.

3.3.a Inference

• For Goa, the Sky Coverage Range goes as high as

Excepting for the months of Feb. & Nov. that show
negligible cloud cover for most of the days.
• The annual cloud cover ,on an average mean stays
at 55%.
• The lighting quality will generally remain diffused.

3.3.b Design Considerations

• Provision for daylighting via efficient means.

Plate 3.3
BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
3. Parameters of Climate
3.4 Ground Temperature (Monthly Average)

• This refers to the measurement of the warmth in

the soil.
• As the depth increases, the soil becomes more
damp owing to the greater time lag.
• To read, in the month of August , at a depth of
1.64 feet, the Ground temperature shall be 78.
• The orthographic projection of the monthly
charting is shown as a bar diagram annualy.

3.4.a Inference

For Goa, the Ground temperature for approx. 13 feet

below the Ground level , shall a cooling temperature
of not more than 79.

3.4.b Design Considerations

• Helps to take a call for having a basement or not

to harness the natural environment benefits.

Plate 3.4
BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
3. Parameters of Climate
3.5 Sun Shading Chart

• As the name suggests, the chart is one of the efficient

way to plan the overhangs , fins & shading masks.
• The RED dots indicate the overheating, YELLOW
marks the comfort zone, while BLUE depicts
• The Criteria screen shows the sun’s bearing & altitude
angle for every 15 min. interval.
• The option of Display Shading Calculator helps to
check for the shading devices details based on the
hours of the day, during the time of the year , when &
how much of the sun is required.

3.5.a Inference

For Goa, the summer & winter both indicate yellow & red
dots for different hours of the day, whereas the blue dots
are completely absent.

3.5.b Design Considerations

Plate 3.5
• To determine the location & size of opening with apt
shading device.
BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
3. Parameters of Climate
3.6 Wind Wheel

• The page helps to establish the relation between

various climatic factors.
• The innermost circles (ref tip of the cone), shows
the wind speed in m/s.
• The outer ring depicts the Relative humidity in
tones of GREEN.
• Then the ring helps to co relate the temperature.
• While the outermost rings give the direction of
the wind.
• This chart proves very helpful as it provides the
data for various options of time , day & month.

3.1.a Inference

For Goa, the winds from March to July are low speed,
Plate 3.6 hot, av. Humidity & blow from W-NW.
While from August to Feb the winds have more speed
3.1.b Design Considerations , have high temperature , high humidity & come from
W-NW + E-NE.
1. Provide ventilators.
2. Provision for Cross-ventilation.
BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
3. Parameters of Climate
3.7 Radiation Range
Shows the range of solar
radiations. Helps to see
the shortest & longest day
for the year.
3.9 Wind Velocity Range
Shows the average
high,mean & average
low values in mph.
Plate 3.7 Radiation Range Plate 3.9 Wind Velocity Range

3.8 Illumination Range

Shows the record for the
visible light for an year.

3.10 Dry Blub vsRelative

Shows the said information
for each month for an year.
Plate 3.8 Illumination Range Plate 3.10 Dry Bulb x Relative Humidity
BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
3. Parameters of Climate

Plate 3.11 Sun Chart Plate 3.13 Design Guidelines

3.11 Sun Chart

It is like a flag pole sun dial, where the gnomon is like a pin & shows in
plan view the shadow cast by the gnomon for every 15 minutes during
the year in colored dots.

3.12 Psychrometric Chart

It is an efficient design tool & helps to check for the comfort levels

3.13 Design Guidelines

Plate 3.12 Psychrometric Chart Shows the list of suggestions for a particular climate for the design built
form. 11
BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
4. Design Strategies
4.1 Orientation of the 4.3 Location of
built form Openings

To minimise the summer Enable cross ventilation

sun & maximise the in order to keep a check
winter sun the built form on humidity &hot air.
should have the longer
face on N-S axis.

4.2 Courtyard Plan 4.4 Landscape

Will help to circulate the Helps to keep

cool air to the rooms & the outside
also keep the humidity at temperature in
bay. control.

BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
1. Comfort Model – ASHRAE Standard 55 & Current Handbook of Fundamental Model

BSS - Overview of Climate Consultant , By - Nidhi Chadda (M.Arch EA-Sem 1)
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