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Winnipeg’s Transgender Magazine

More than
cosmetic surgery.
Discover the steps one
must take to transition.

A night in drag
Let tuck and tape
take you on a drag

Is top surgery
for you?
Find out if it was
right for Mark.

Make sure you’re

safe in bed.
Using the best sex toys

does it mean?
Do these letters belong
Tuck andtape
Tape tuckandtape

5 inch heels
every night.
Janet’s Closet, go out in

Welcome to
My feet are big. I know, They were both beyond beautiful. Corset-clad Satina wore confidence as effortlessly
I wasn’t meant to wear as her five-inch pumps, and statuesque Jynx simply shone. It was eye opening. The
shoot exuded everything that we wanted our magazine to represent; confidence in
heels, but they’re so pretty, self, vivid, thriving life, and a sly, seductive wink of the lashes.
and I look damn fine in We knew what we wanted to express with this magazine, we knew that we wanted
them. I know that I wouldn’t to display the individuals and intricacies in the transgendered community. We wanted
to support those who play with the most basic separation between individuals, gender.
be half the performer that But we didn’t know just how astounding this community is.
I am without the heels from
We walked into this project wide-eyed and eager. We had an idea,something new,
Janet’s Closet. something current, and something that affects a lot of people in a big way. Even
more, we knew that there were thousands of stories about people who identify as
transgendered that have never been told, maybe will never be told. We wanted to share
If you saw me on stage, these stories. We wanted to build something to connect this community, something
you’d never know I was a it can share, and something to help people understand just what it means to be
ladies size 13.
That was only three months ago. It’s astounding how much we’ve learned since
then. Learned about adoptive drag mothers and the process of transitioning. About
the challenges and prejudices transgendered individuals still face. And about the
incredible strength and spirit it takes to be founded and fearless in your identity,
regardless of what others may say or do.

We understand that one magazine will not change a community, but we want to make
a difference, we want to be bold and make in impact on a community filled with vigour
and spirit. Our simple desire for this magazine is for it to mean something to people who
identify themselves as transgendered or know transgendered individuals. We want this
magazine to exhibit our respect and reverence for this community.

So, to all the transgender people of Winnipeg; we love you, exactly as you are.

tuckandtape Mother Earth Seeks BFF
Editor Judy Braun
Assistant Editor Daniella Ponticelli
Creative Editor Chuka Ejeckam
Copy Editor Laura Kunzelman
Contributing Editor Duncan McMonagle
Jynx DeCosmo
Apply Within.
Photographers Judy Braun
Mother Earth is looking for a
Daniella Ponticelli
Best Friend Forever
Chuka Ejeckam
to enjoy long bike rides through
Laura Kunzelman
the rainforests, morning jogs in
Publisher Design Type
the prairies, and watching the
sun set on a daily basis.

tuck and tape is Winnipeg’s Transgender Magazine BFF must enjoy eating hummus
Coming Up in our NEXT Issue – wearing hemp and
spending hot summer days
The good, the bad, and the downright nasty. protesting for her protection.

You Lost Your Son

A transgirl talks about having the talk.
The Wheat KING
What it’s like being a prairie drag king.

For upcoming news and content, check out

tuck and tape magazine on Facebook or follow on
Twitter @tuckandtape.
tuck and tape magazine
160 Princess Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada, R3P 2S4 A friendship with EPIC benefits
All images are original, royalty free, or provided by a consenting party. tuck and tape is
produced at Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology. tuck and tape is
Vegan Nails by SPARITUAL
bound and printed at Design Type. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or
personal use, is granted by tuck and tape magazine. Provided the base fee of $2.00/copy, SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT VIXIN SALON
plus .20/page is paid directly to tuck and tape magazine. vixinsalon.com
Spring 2011 tuckand
andtape 07

03 Editorial
Our photoshoot with two of the
sexiest drag queens in Winnipeg.
19 Mother Queen
Meet the drag relatives that take the
nightclub scene in Winnipeg. The Female Mask
07 The Female Mask
Kaitlyn Jones always felt like she was wrong in a 21 Make-Up Tips to Save Face
Jynx Sharelike Lamour DeCosmo
by Laura Kunzelman
female body. Read about her transition to a male shares her queen beauty tips.


10 Academic Androgyny
arkus Harwood-Jones was born Kaitlyn Jones. It was summer
when he realized he was a transman; Mark was just 15-years
found himself wondering what life would be like without breasts or
how it would feel to be seen as male.
“Something is wrong with my head,” Mark wrote in his
What professors are teaching their students Judy Braun shares her opinion of the LGBTTQ “I was enthralled by the idea of a person born female journal. That night Mark put on a tight sports bra and baggy clothes
about sexual identity, and what needs to change. community and how it’s hurting our society. transitioning to male, but it also scared me so I hid it in the back of to look male. “I looked in the mirror and felt a rush of adrenaline.”
my mind with all my other ‘strange’ thoughts,” Mark explains about In Grade 11, Mark became aware of challenges presented

13 24
daydreaming about his female classmates. to him that he never thought about before, challenges like gendered
Don’t Be a Drag, Just be a Queen A Person in Progress Mark would creep out of bed to stare at himself in the washrooms, changing for gym, and hearing his teachers and peers
Kerry Dale, an ordinary 19-yr-old boy by day and What does it take to transition? An in depth mirror, “I wondered why I hated my body,” says Mark. He soon call him by his female name.
drag queen entertainer of the year by night. look at the steps for Gender Reassignment
“I wondered why I hated my body.”
17 Sex Toy Safety
Are being safe while using your sex toys? 26 One Good Tuck
Tuck yourself in with a sexy story and a late
night cocktail. Clothing optional.
08 tuckandtape
What Does tuckandtape

It All
Mark starting living a double life, “At school, I was the grandparents supporting him as best they could, Mark found
It is not uncommon for someone to feel confused and
semi-masculine semi-lesbian, the butt of many gay jokes and the confidence he’d been looking for. Sort of. Mark struggled overwhelmed by all the terms out there regarding the
jeering. But I was still a girl,” says Mark. with depression and saw a gender therapist. Mark legally transgender community. I will attempt to decipher some of
One night, dressed as a boy, Mark asked himself why changed his name when he turned 18 and the only thing he them so the waters aren’t as muddy.
this was happening to him. “After collapsing to the ground a very was missing was the body.
dramatic fashion, tears rolling down my face, I had a moment of After being diagnosed with gender identity disorder When I first heard a friend say he was FTM, I was unsure what
complete silence. And then I knew. I was a boy,” explains Mark. by his psychologist, Mark began taking testosterone and look- that meant, but was too embarrassed to ask what that meant.
Mark sent an email to his friends telling them he was a ing into top surgery, a procedure which removes breasts. Mark I felt that because he was my friend, and belonged to that
transgendered person, female-to-male, and he wanted to go by kept a blog to document his journey: Youtube.com/ftmark1. particular community, I should know what that meant. That
Mark and asked they call him ‘he’. Mark’s body changed everyday. somehow, I wasn’t a very good friend. He later did explain it
“People ask me how I knew I was a man, and I tell “My muscles became clearer, my hairline receded to me and I found out that there are more people out there like
them it’s like knowing you’re right or left handed. It’s like you’ve slightly, my eyebrows thickened and darkened, my voice me who get confused with some of the terms.
been forced to write with your right hand for 15 years and then cracked and then dropped several octaves,” explains Mark.
someone says, ‘hey, try doing it with your left!’ That’s how it felt Throughout this all, Mark’s grandparents accepted FTM stands for female-to-male trans person; a trans man. And
for me to realize I was a transman.” him. “It is an ongoing process of learning, acceptance and MTF stands for male-to-female trans person; a trans woman.
Wearing loose clothing and binding his breasts with understanding on our part. Because we love Mark, we have
bandages, Mark slowly started dressing more masculine and he decided that we will do whatever we can to assist. When Mark Acronyms can be confusing to someone just learning about
got the courage to go to a youth group for queer/trans people needed a home and adult support, we didn’t hesitate because transgender if they aren’t used to them. Example, GID can lead
at the Rainbow Resource Centre. “It was incredible to me how of our love for him and our realization that he needed our help. to SRS.
many other people my age, people just like me, lived in my city We are so thankful for Mark,” says Cheryl.
(Winnipeg),” says Mark. Gender Identity Disorder or GID is a term to describe the
Mark’s family became frustrated with him, his mom “My nipples were crusty and looked like mismatch between the gender assigned at birth, and one’s
told him to ‘stop pretending to be a boy.’ “It hurt,” admits Mark. internally felt gender identity.
“I was told I was sick.” Mark ran away that night, but came back pieces of pepperoni stuck to
when he realized that he was only 16, and had nowhere to go. SRS, sexual reassignment surgery, also known as genital
“The next few months were some of the worst of my
my swollen chest.” reassignment surgery (GRS), or bottom surgery, are the surgical
life. I was constantly monitored by my parents, I was assigned Working 12 hour days at a Winnipeg call centre, and procedures that transform the body to the point where legal
‘female’ chores, and all outfits had to be approved before I wore saving every penny, Mark had the $6,300 to go to Toronto for change of sex designation can be accomplished.
them out of the house,” tells Mark. the top surgery to remove his breasts. He stayed with his new
friend Sean, a gay man he met over his YouTube channel. After Top surgery: The surgical removal of breasts, and chest
“I was told I was sick.” Mark’s surgery, Sean helped him to recover before Mark would contouring.
have to come back to Winnipeg; they fell for each other.
Not long after, following a fall out with his mom, Mark Sean was with Mark the entire time: “When the Some other terms you may be struggling with:
went to live with his dad, but that only lasted a few days. Mark stiches were taken out Sean was there. When my chest was
then moved in with a friend, but that too didn’t work. purple, yellow, and green, he was there. And when my nipples Trans
Luckily for Mark, this is when his grandparents found were crusty and looked like pieces of pepperoni stuck to my An umbrella term that suggests many forms of gender
him. swollen chest, Sean was there,” explains Mark. boundary crossing, whether in terms of behavior,
Mark’s grandparents, Bill and Cheryl, were driving “I love him for who he is. He is passionate about his self-presentation or identity; or in terms of how such crossing
along a Winnipeg street when they saw Mark and offered him a painting, as well as various sci-fi shows and Tyra Banks. I can’t are experienced and understood. Not all people who fit this
place to stay. With nowhere else to go, Mark accepted his blame him for the Tyra thing though,” says Sean. definition will self-identify as trans.
maternal grandparents’ offer when it seemed no one would ac- Sean says he has no doubts that Mark will progress
cept him. through life with an ability to excel in whatever he chooses to Transition: The process by which a trans person moves from
“We believe that every human life has value and that do, “I will support him in whatever decision he makes and will birth gender role and presentation to chosen gender and
every person has the right to pursue happiness and fulfillment in be there to back him up. Unless I am presented the chance to presentation. This can involve elements such as name and legal
their lives. If transitioning to a male gender is what our grand- go out with either Queen Latifah or Pink, but if that happens document changes, full-time living in the new gender role and
child needs in order for this to be possible, then who are we to we’ll still be friends,” Sean jokes. possible medical interventions such as hormones and surgery.
question it?” says Cheryl. Now back in Winnipeg, with plans to move to Toronto
“We recognize that our grandchild is still the same to be with Sean, Mark is still finding his way. “Passing as a man Passing: Passing is the ability to go unnoticed as a particular
person we know and have always loved. None of this changes is new to me, and I am always taken aback a little bit when gender. Some gender clinics use passing as a criteria for
because of a change of gender,” explains Bill. people tell me they ‘never would have guessed’ that I was granting treatment. Not being able to pass is known as “being
Grade 12 was going great for Mark, with his trans. I don’t regret anything for a second. I love my life.” read.”

“I think I’m finally getting

the body I want.”
10 tuckandtape tuckandtape 11

Dr. Green holds a bachelor’s degree in information she chooses to discuss that immediately, not to enhance that penis, but
sociology and anthropology, a master’s in directly concern transgender issues. Green change that penis into a clitoris and change
women’s studies, and an interdisciplinary says the discussion of trans identity has that male into a female.”
PhD in education, sociology, and women’s come up in introduction to women’s and Green says such forced decisions
and gender studies. Green says her ideas gender studies courses, courses on feminist can only come from an urge to adhere to
and ideals were always in the vein of mothering, on feminist theory, and even in the basic definitions of gender. She says that
feminism, even before she had the words to more biologically-concerned study. “I teach an understanding of gender as a continuum
articulate her opinions. She now regularly a course called sex, sexuality and science, allows for all embodiments of sex, and
raises issues of gender when they are being which is very critical of science and the therefore grants each individual the
overlooked. “I was invited to be part of a constructions of biology. Again, we are opportunity to find their own identity and
discussion about the new human rights embodied agents, and one of the primary decide for themselves, rather than
museum around gender, and I continually identifiers for us is gender, so it comes up all being subjected to surgery and hormonal
brought up the issue of trans experiences. the time.” treatments at a young age to fit into fixed
Because, the thinking of that group was Opposition to the continuum idea, categories.
this narrow, male and female. And it was Green says, stems from solidified opinions, Green says she’s been impressed
like, ‘no, no, no, we have to with how the UW
broaden it and think about it administration has
much more richly.’” handled gender-
In class, Dr. Green related issues on
teaches the idea of gender campus. “I was part
on a continuum; male at of a committee, a
one end, female at the other, trans student came
Academic Androgyny and innumerable identities
throughout that are each as
to me and said they
were having trouble
legitimate as either endpoint. with washrooms on
She says that while this campus. And so, I
Transgender issues in post-secondary education notion aids in the study of approached the dean,
gender and gender identity, who initially was a

it still is not all-inclusive. little taken aback
“We talk about language, because it was a new
and we talk about bodies, issue for him. But we
that have penises, and worked on that, and in
vaginas, and breasts, or no the new buildings that
breasts, and that’s a physical are being built, there
Chuka Ejeckam manifestation. But what do will be gender neutral
we call that body, and how washrooms.”
do we identify that body, and
what expectations do we have of that body, perhaps prescribed by society, that define Green feels a positive shift is
In a time of HAM policies banning the discussion of homosexuality, abortion, and masturba- and what of the person who is inhabiting gender in fixed terms. In Green’s eyes, not occurring in Manitoba in terms of
tion in schools, at least one educator doesn’t quiet her concerns. that body? I don’t think that there is a mind- only do these immovable opinions on understanding and accepting trans
Less than four years ago, Dr. Fiona Green, professor at the University of Winnipeg, body split, but some trans folks feel that gender encourage prejudice and identities. While it isn’t happening
worked with her colleagues to change the title of her department from women’s studies to they’re bodies don’t match how they feel.” misunderstanding, they can determine the overnight, she believes it is definitely
women’s and gender studies. Green cites the reason for this change as the evolving under- Having published 12 essays since course of an individual’s life before that happening. “I mean, there are communities
standings and ideas in feminism. Understandings concerning a plight of gender performativ- 1999, Green is an accomplished academic, individual becomes completely conscious. where it would be very difficult to be trans,
ity (the notion that individuals ‘perform’ to align with societal constructions of gender) that and teaches several courses relating to “When we get into talking about folks who just as it would be very difficult to be gay
men and women alike endure, as well as the exclusivity of definitions of gender. Green says feminism and gender. She notes that in her are born with ambiguous genitalia, there is or queer in some places. It would be very
both men and women are forced into stereotypical gender roles, a realization which opened teaching, discussions of gender and gender pressure there for parents to make a difficult to live with someone outside of
her initial view of feminism. “I would say in the 90s, there was a recognition that we’re not identity arise often. There are portions of her decision. So, if a male child is born with heterosexual marriage in some communities
necessarily in these two compartments, in terms of gender. Through doing work concerning respective curriculum, questions and what they would deem a micro-penis, there in Manitoba. But I think there is a general
femininity, we recognized that men also are socialized. There are masculinities, there is pa- comments from students, and external is pressure there to have surgery almost shift that’s happening for the positive.”
triarchal pressure on those who are identified as male to perform their identity in a particular
way. And along with that also came an understanding of a continuum of gender, a continu-
um of sexes, or sex. So that’s where, now, trans issues, transgender, trans concerns, realities,
experiences appear. The name change came in 2007 I think.”

don’t be a

D rag,
just be a

Judy Braun

One night of hedonism can’t hurt

Gio’s Club and Bar

155 Smith Street.
“My Nona (Dale’s grandmother) thinks it’s great that I’m a
drag queen” says Kerry Dale, a 19-year-old male, “though she has
no idea I’m gay.” Dale’s grandmother is a traditional Italian woman,
steadfast in her Roman Catholic faith and steadfast in her idea that it
is wrong to be gay.
Dale has known he was gay since he was a young child,
constantly teased about being different. When he was 7 or 8, Dale
realized that he had more than just an attraction to other males;
he also had an affinity for dressing up as a woman. “When I was
younger I would always tell my mom she looked pretty. I would wear
her clothes and walk around in her heels.” Dale’s parents divorced
when he was zzyoung and Dale says he and his mother had a good
Kerry Dale is the name that he was given at birth, but on
Saturday nights you will meet Satina Ariel Sonya Loren, a drag queen
and frequent performer at Gio’s Nightclub.

“I like being a boy, I like being a girl, but I don’t want to be

a girl 24/7. I like being a girl for 3-5 hours”

Dale and Loren have many similar traits, though they are
definitely not the same person. “I’m Kerry when I’m Kerry, and Satina
when I’m Satina,” says Dale, “I can’t just switch any time, I don’t
wake up and decide ‘I want to be a girl today’” Dale says that he
performs as Loren because he is good at what he does, helps raise
money for charity and goes home to take it all off and go back to
being Dale.
“I like being a boy, I like being a girl, but I don’t want
to be a girl 24/7. I like being a girl for 3-5 hours” he says with a
sparkle in his eye. Dale has a masculine face, with a defined jaw
line and unshaven face. The only feminine feature visible would be
the sculpted eyebrows created by a professional esthetician. “My
eyebrows used to be so thick,” says Dale as he used his thumb and
index finger to demonstrate a measurement more than half an inch.
Dale tries to make sure that those who meet Loren also meet
Dale. “I’m not Satina, Satina is a character I play,” says Dale.

“To my Nona, I’m the granddaughter she never had,”

Dale has thought about a sex change. He says that if he

was a girl it would make so much more sense. “Getting dressed up
and putting on makeup – it’d be seen as normal.” But he also says
that he feels happy with who he is now. “I’m a boy, I just dress as a
girl on certain days,” says Dale, “Some people were born as a boy
and feeling like a girl and a girl feeling like a boy. I just unleash that
feeling a little bit every weekend.”
Loren was crowned Entertainer of the Year for the Snowy
Owl Monarchist Society, a chapter in the second largest LGBT
organization in the world known as the International Imperial Court
“I always wear a corset - it’s my System. The main goal of the organization is to raise funds for local
thing” charities through events. Loren is very involved in supporting this
community by hosting and performing at multiple events throughout
the year.
“To my Nona, I’m the granddaughter she never had,” says
Dale about performing drag. To his mother’s side of the family, Dale
is an actor who likes the attention of performing, though will one day
realize that he is not really gay and will stop performing drag. “My
dad doesn’t even know I’m gay,” says Dale.
Although Dale’s drag life is not one he shares with his
family, he does want to share it with someone. “It’s really hard to find
“I can’t do my own makeup, people who are O.K. with it. People are totally fine with drag, though
when you’re in a relationship with them – they want a guy,” says
I always get together with my “I watch The Little Mermaid Dale. Dale sees his brothers involved in many relationship over the
friends before we go out” almost every day” years and Dale just craves the same. “I can’t really pick and choose
who I am. Satina is a small part of my life, though she’s a part and
she’s not going anywhere.”
tuckandtape tuckandtape

Don’t let him get away with it.

It’s the third time this week.
You don’t like to repeat yourself. By Judy Braun Dental Dams come in a variety of flavours

You told him to take out the

trash, but he didn’t.
Sex toys, like any other sexual The lights are dimmed, your bodies
contact can bring sexually touching; you are in the heat of the moment.
This is unacceptable. transmitted infections. It is You reach for the vibrator, stored in a plastic
bag, sitting in the drawer next to your bed.
important to keep all of your It has been there for two weeks. You do not
toys safe. This can be done remember the last time you washed it. It does
You know what you have to do. simply: not matter; you wipe the toy on your bed
sheet and continue on with the night.
In the above example, you have
•Clean your sex toys before and
just committed an unbelievable number of
Teach him a lesson. after use with antibacterial faux-pas. Things that are not just disgusting,

f dish soap. but may also be harmful to both you and your You can always purchase cleaners for all of your toys
partner. I recently spoke with Linda Zuzanski,
•Air dry your sex toys. the owner and president of Love Nest, a local

The dishes can wait. sex toy shop; and asked her about sex toy

•Store your sex toy with corn “There are basic things that everyone
starch. can do, you don’t need to purchase fancy
cleaners and powders, you can use household
products,” Zuzanski says. Everyone who shops
•Keep your sex toy in a soft
at Love Nest is sent home with information
towel. about how to clean and store their toys.
Although sex toys come in a variety
•Do not store your sex toy in of different colours, shapes, sizes and textures
a plastic bag, sex toys need to there are some that are more appealing. “I
use the Frisky Finger; it’s tiny and gets the
breathe. job done. Though it does use batteries fast,
it’s waterproof and quiet – those are usually
•Do not store sex toys together, the main selling points for me,” says Sirissa
newer ones, particularly Rawlins-Sabourin, a frequent user of sex toys. The We-vibe and Lolo, the most popular sex toys
To find out information or to purchase sex
silicone or skin-like material
toys you can visit Love Nest (lovenestonline.
can melt when they are with com), Discreet Boutique (discreet.
similar sex toys. mb.ca), and Aphrodite’s Whisper Boutique
•Do not use toys in water.
Unless they are specifically
designed for aquatic play.

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Send a twitpic of this article to @tuckandtape for your chance to win. Contest ends August 30, Rawlins-Sabourin’s favorite toy
340 Donald Street - Winnipeg, MB R3B 2H7 - (204) 947-1307 - www.discreet.mb.ca
tuckandtape tuckand
tuck tape
and tape 19

Mother Queen by Daniella Ponticelli

In order to be queen, you need royal blood. Three Winnipeg

queens talk about their drag families and life with lipstick.

Lita Takeela holds a bottle of beer in her gloved hand and

crosses her legs gingerly, her six foot two frame casually
draping the small couches at Winnipeg’s Fame nightclub.
Her eye makeup extends far past her natural brow while
her painted lips kiss the bottle for another swig, “some
nights, I feel like big mama.” In the past two years, Lita
has adopted three drag daughters, who add to a long line
of local performers.
“I don’t know my family as well as my drag family –
they’re like my best friends” Five
The drag community is made up of different families
namely the Burlesque, the DeCosmo, and the White. Some
drag queens are chosen by a drag mother and adopted into
the culture, while others set out alone and eventually make it
A family will perform individually at different clubs. A
typical solo performance includes a musical number either
sung or lip-synced. Each girl struts onstage and performs
her song with actions, gestures, and some dance moves. For
For Jamie West, 22, a member of the White family,
the drag lifestyle goes beyond making money. He sits
cosily at the Fyxx, with Ishmael pushed to the side, and
talks about Foxy Boots.
“I’m the same person as Foxy,” says West, a nursing
To Save Face
into a family – if she’s good. larger events such as Winnipeg’s Mardi Gras and Pride Week,
student by day and makeup store employee part-time. By Jynx Sharelike Lamour DeCosmo

“I was kind of forced into it,” says Jynx, a six foot two the girls get together and choreograph a group number.
“Anyone can do it but they’ve got to want to.”
blonde whose slender body complements her tight black Tonight Jynx works her strut to Lady Gaga’s “The Fame”
West explained that he too was chosen for drag
leotard and stockings. At 19, Jynx Sharelike Lamour in seven inch heels, a group of giddy gents tipping neatly
because his adopted mother saw potential for his BRUSHES
DeCosmo joined the family in May 2010. Jynx, who got the folded bills, while Lita shows off her veteran moves in her
“face.” And potential is everything for someone Brushes are boss when it comes to make-up, sponge tip
nickname from friends in high school, was given the last “kicking whore boots,” swinging with ease around the pole in
climbing the ranks. applicators can go right in the trash (you’re better off
names of her drag mother and grandmother – a sign of respect her gloved hands.
“We’re all at different levels on the hierarchy,” says using your fingers).When applying eye shadow, don’t
and an honour for a new family member. Lita is no stranger to the club scene; she started at Club
West, as he scrolls through Facebook pictures press too hard to transfer the colour onto your lid,
“It’s always been adopted down. My drag mother has 200 four years ago on her own, having never applied makeup
of drag royalty. In Manitoba, there is an annual especially when it comes to blending – the lighter the
three children, and they’re my sisters – it works like a family,” before.
coronation where the community crowns an emperor hand the better the results. You should use a brush for
says Jnyx. Her mother, Cheron Sharelike Lamour, is Lita’s “I just went tshh-tshh and then went,” she says while
and empress, a prince and princess, a duke and just about everything from foundation to eyeliner. Wash
sister; thus making the two performers sitting casually in the spraying imaginary hair spray. “I was tragic. I just sort of
duchess, and an entertainer. your brushes after every use.Brushes are a breeding
club lounge aunt and niece. experimented from there and got used to it. Now I like to

Each of these positions requires campaigning and ground for bacteria, and nothing is cute about that.
“I don’t know my family as well as my drag family – switch up my makeup.”
with the title comes a lot of work in the growing
they’re like my best friends” gushes Jynx, before playfully She admits that early attempts at painting her “face”
community. Pride Winnipeg reports on their website
snapping at a waiter, “bite me Aaron!” It’s permissible since showed her amateur status, and has a tip for new performers:
that over 30,000 people were involved with the 2010 BLUSH/CONTOUR
Aaron is her drag cousin and Lita’s daughter. “if you don’t use high quality makeup, you’re fucked.” Contouring your face will help make it look slimmer.
Pride week festivities, a staggering growth from the
“In my third year I just became loose, and started Her evolution cemented a reign as Miss Club 200, When applying contour always remember to start from the
250 who started the march over two decades ago. Even
adopting,” says Lita, adding that a friend jokingly teased, “I’m where she performed a cabaret style show every week for a about the middle of your ear, and gently bring it down about
though gay bars host the girls, the drag community
going to tip you in coat hangers.” year – unpaid. half way to the corner of your mouth.For blush you don’t have
focuses on performance appeal and leaves out sexual
When Lita considers adopting, she looks for a daughter “It’s great fun but, after four years of doing this every to smile, simply apply it above your contour, but focus more
orientation, to take care of one another.
who “wants to perform, it’s all about being playful.” Despite week, it ages you,” sighs Lita, who often has a guessed age of on the centre of your face. If you apply too much blush,go in
“If I need to borrow China’s hair, she’ll lend it to
the stereotype that drag performers are homosexual, some 26. The lifestyle, however, has grown on Jynx; “you get to be with a damp foundation sponge and GENTLY rub some off.
me. Or sometimes Lita needs my eyeliner; we all share,

performers are heterosexual and married with children. a human being during the week, but on the weekend – you’re
we’re a tight knit group,” says West. “In the end, we’re
The most important part about being a queen is getting the a celebrity.”
all sisters.”
crowd involved.
Not all red lipsticks are created equal, some have a cool
undertone (blue-ish hue), and others have a warm undertone
(orange hue). Wearing a red lipstick with the same undertone
as you will instantly brighten your complexion.
The jewelry method, what looks better on you?
Gold or silver? Gold is warm, and silver is cool.
The white clothes method, what looks better on you?
True white or off white? White is cool, off white is warm.


A good eye shadow primer will make your eye makeup
last all day long ’cause it gives your shadow something to
grab onto. If you tend to have oily lids it helps control oil,
helps your eye makeup from creasing and slipping all over
the place, and it also brightens your eye shadow colour.

Blotting papers are a must have to carry around with you, especially if
you’re wearing your makeup for a long time. They just remove excess
oil and shine on your face, keep your makeup looking fresh without
removing any of it, if your skin tends to get a little shiny through out
the day, you don’t want to go in straight with a powder, that’s going to
end up looking caky, you want to remove the oil first.
tuckandtape Opinion

by Judy Braun

LGBTTQ. Just another acronym – meant to represent as two spirited – there are even people who suggest
an entire community. Does anyone even know that there are more than just two genders (male and
what each letter means? It started out with just LGB female).
in the 80s – lesbians, gays and bisexual. Simple The last letter Q has two meanings –
enough. The acronym made sense, it only included queer and questioning. This is meant to encompass
sexual orientation. In the 90s, they added the first everyone else who wants to fit into this community.
T. Transgendered. This is where things begin to get If this acronym is truly meant to envelope
awkward – how can you add gender to sexuality? the entire “alternative” community – perhaps they
Aren’t they different? Should gender and sexual should also have the letters F and S; to represent
orientation be placed in the same acronym? family and supporters. And hell, why not add another
Sexual orientation as described by F and A for friends and allies. Or perhaps, an E for
Oxford is a person’s sexual identity in relation to educator. The list of letters that could be added to
the gender to which they are attracted; the fact this acronym could be unending.
of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Now comes my opinion. Fuck the acronym.
Sex is important in determining this, though ones There is no point in creating the jumble of letters

Virtuous Vanity
physical sex doesn’t change to determine their sexual which ultimately mean nothing. People are people.
orientation. What does it matter what a person’s gender is? What
Gender as described by Oxford is the does it matter what a person’s sexual orientation
state of being male or female (typically used with is? What does it matter that a person is queer or
reference to social and cultural differences rather questioning? I don’t go around telling people that I
than biological ones). To determine ones gender, it’s have certain behaviour because I’m straight. I don’t
not physical; it’s determined by the individual. saying that I’m a part of a straight community. I’m a
It isn’t self indulgence, it’s therapeutic. It isn’t caring too The next T stands for two-spirited, a term part of the human being community, everyone is a
from our aboriginal people. This once meant that a part of this community.
it’s carefully
constructing and person was born both male and female. It was seen The term LGBTTQ should be destroyed.
customizing confidence. It isn’t hiding your flaws, of course as a privilege to be two-spirited. Rainbow Resource
Center event coordinator says that in current day,
There is no need for it. I know that several people
will disagree with me, and I hope one day this take
you have none, it’s expressing your inner emotions with color, aboriginal people are still finding people being born on creating a modern day cast system will end.

tone, shade. It isn’t painting your face, it’s displaying your

personality. It’s telling people who you are at first glance.

ROVICI It’s truth. It’s genuine. It’s Provici.
Enrich your appearance
24 tuckandtape tuckandtape

Those are covered. But most trans And in both cases, these don’t include
folks in Manitoba are sent over to hormonal replacement therapies.”

A Person
Montreal, to a private clinic. For breast The province covering the
augmentation, and for vaginoplasty, complete surgeries for a transgender
the creation of a new vagina. Montreal individual isn’t unheard of, but it
Chuka Ejeckam also does other surgeries, such as a rarely happens. Malone can recall

In Progress tracheal shave (where the size of the

Adam‘s apple is reduced). For the
most part, trans women are also sent
only six or seven cases of this
happening. Generally, the people
who require these surgeries cannot
there for vaginoplasty. Trans men who afford them. “This is where you see
Life Under The Knife want to undergo a phalloplasty, or
metoidioplasty (a clitoral elongation)
desperation of people entering sex
work or the sex trade.”
are also sent to Montreal.”
While only certain surgeries “I want to underscore that
are available in Manitoba, it is only these surgeries are not elective
within the last few years that even or plastic. These are treatments
the psychological evaluation required for transgender people”
for the GID diagnosis was available
in our province. Prior to that, people In Malone’s opinion, the

were required to go to Toronto for most pressing issue about gender
ne common misconception about isn’t a prerequisite, but for surgery it is.”
assessment. However, Mulaire says reassignment surgeries isn’t the
transgender individuals is that their The diagnosis, however, isn’t one easily
the clinic in Toronto, which she availability (or lack thereof), or the
undergoing gender reassignment procured. The person must feel “incongruence
won’t name, was inadequate. “The high price. It is the misunderstandings
surgery is an elective operation, one with their birth gender,” as well as, “a desire to
problem was, the clinic in Toronto of people outside the issue who think
that the individual desires for aesthetic purposes. associate with activities that are relegated to the
that saw Manitobans was very rigid in these surgeries are utterly elective,
However, just as gender identity disorder is opposite gender.” There is also psychological
it’s procedures. Many trans folk were are physical preferences rather
catalogued as a serious psychological condition screening done to determine if the individual’s
denied the diagnosis. People were than medical treatments. “I want
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of desire to change their physical gender is a
humiliated,emotionally damaged, and to underscore that these surgeries
Mental Disorders, gender reassignment surgery is symptom or product of a mental illness or a
often gave up trying to transition.” are not elective or plastic. These are
treatment for that condition. different psychological condition.
Another issue for treatments for transgender people.
Reece Malone, education program Natalie Mulaire, president of the
transitioning individuals is that of Because there is a lack of education
coordinator for the Rainbow Resource Rainbow Resource Centre, argues that the
expense. Surgeries at private clinics on transgender issues, and because
Centre, says every province has its own set of beginning of this process is internal, rather than
must be paid for out of pocket. As of transphobia, that impacts people’s
steps individuals must undergo prior to gender institutional. Mulaire says the individual who is
Malone notes, the cost of a full battery perspectives. We need to provide
reassignment surgery. Malone laments that there thinking of transitioning has innumerable factors
of these surgeries is startlingly high. more awareness that these surgeries
isn’t a national standard for the procedure, and to consider. “The first part is understanding what
Not only would a transgender have are medical treatments and not
says that in Manitoba only certain operations you are undertaking. Understanding it socially,
to pay for all of the treatments, but elective or plastic surgeries.”
that are part of a complete battery of gender physically, financially, and everything else.”
they would miss work due to their Despite the reality that
reassignment surgeries are covered by Manitoba Once an individual has received
recovery, and may lose their job as transgender individuals are often
Health. the GID diagnosis, they can then undergo the
a result of transitioning.“The prices ostracized or targeted, this is not
The process begins with the surgeries. However, many of these surgeries
are pretty exorbitant if they’re not always the case. Natalie Mulaire,
psychological diagnosis. “They first would need are not available in Manitoba, and those in
covered. For a trans woman, if she’s who herself has transitioned, says
to require a diagnosis called gender identity need of them often travel to private clinics in
going to go to Montreal to get her positive transitioning experiences are
disorder, and that is a condition that is in the Quebec or Ontario. “Only certain surgeries can
surgeries, she’s looking at $17,000, becoming more common. “I know a
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental be undergone in Manitoba. For a trans man, a
and that doesn’t include top surgeries lot of people who have transitioned
Disorders. In Manitoba you could be diagnosed physical woman who identifies as a man, there is
which can be $5,000 or $6,000 each. without being rejected by their family
by either a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Once hysterectomy and double mastectomy. For trans
For the full surgeries, a trans woman is and friends. In my case, my whole
you obtain your GID diagnosis, you can then women there is the removal of the phallus and
looking at $100,000. For a trans man, family is happy with me. Everyone has
be sent over for plastic surgery. If someone just an orchidectomy, which is the removal of the
he’s looking at $40,000 for the basics.
wanted hormone treatments, the GID diagnosis scrotum. adjusted.”
Monday 10-2 | Tuesday – Friday 10-9
Saturday 10-5 | Sunday closed
Coffee and Community

Monday 10-2
Tuesday - Friday 10-9
Saturday 10-5
Sunday Closed
tuckandtape tuckandtape

Tuck and Tape provides some late night reading
and to end the evening – a stiff one.

She sits on the large sofa near the back of the club, smiling like she knows it’s
going to be a good night. Bodies moved to the electro beat, girl on girl, girl on
guy, guy on guy, nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone came here on a Saturday
night, a straight man’s postsecret. She had been new once, unsure of what to
do with a woman’s body, so refined and beautiful, her lips having the luxury to
explore all the curves –
It had only been one moment, one brief hand graze over a dancer’s perfect
chest, nipples hard, underneath a sweat drenched t-shirt and then the night
was over. She hadn’t been in the city since then, another drive to Vegas and the
resulting black out. But she couldn’t get the feeling of the dancers soft supple
breasts out of her head.
Their first evening hadn’t been what she hoped. Ths dancer was so sensual,
so confident; she was scared to touch her. After seeing her every week on stage,
all she could think of meeting her, and – and what? All she craved after seeing
weeks of the dancer’s skirt mockingly slide higher, was taking her to a well lit
dressing room and indulging in her body. It was hard for her to think about
anything else, all she wanted was one good –
Hello stranger.
Strawberry Juice
Devil’s Tongue

The dancer smiled, wearing a red and black bondage dress, hair a mess. She
didn’t know what to say, her body tightening in excitement. In high heels, the Cranberry Juice
dancer moved closer to kiss her lips, lower neck, collarbone… Passion Fruit Juice
A two week bender was easier to recover from than her lips.
Triple Sec
Before she could reply a faint whisper to betray her nerves, the dancer moved
closer and straddled her legs. She felt the dancers fingers spider crawl 151 White Rum
themselves under her shirt and up her back. Sugar

Should we leave?
The dancer ignored her, giggling as she thrust her chest; her nails slowly In the blender, one onze of each:
digging deeper. She relaxed, listening to the dancer’s breath in her ear. Cranberry juice, Passion Fruit
If we leave, we have to talk, and there are better things to do with my tongue. juice, Triple Sec and two onze of
151 white rum. Mix again for five
seconds then Fill to the top a large
parfait glass with ice and pour.


Born December 7, 1949

in the back of a taxi cab, they say.
Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame March 14, 2011.

Winnipeg Folk Festival Music Store

Music for all time. 211 Bannatyne Ave.

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