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(eu) — Vega e" } SaRN fenarnix} |, Sl : | Ae fs - + “HE | Fon eee CHARACTERS \ WRITER WRITER: ATS. = BUGBEAR Fa LEVELS | Daniel Cameron Jacke \ 1-2 /aAnderson Foster Badashshi > ee. S FT : ne On Re S = Permission to print for non-commercial use per LICENSE IN THE REAR> >> wy Hy it, geome PLAYER START D tattway | Phat A 2 , <> he Dessiete ae ‘SURGERY TABLE eee e tHE Description: The Sanctum of Pain is a free-to-play D&D 5E adventure for characters levels 1-2. The dungeon consists of three rooms. The central goal of the adventure is for the heroes to find the crystal, skull and key needed to escape. The difficulty of this module can be fine-tuned or adjusted depending on the DM's decisions. For instance, DM's can decide whether or not characters start with their gear, the DC for escaping the rusted cages, the number of maggotfolk that attack the heroes, or whether to allow Intelligence checks to solve the module's puzzles. These dials allow the DM to help curate the adventuring experience to ensure it is both challenging and fun. The last thing you rememberis having your noses and mouths / smothered by a rag doused in ether. Mou awake in rusted cages-~the room is dark and the airis icy cold, The amell of rotten meat assaile your nostrils, Uou can hear rews of raxer-shar; fangs garhorating flesh in a massive pit near your a. enclosure, Fhe scund is drawing closer! Room 1: The Meatgrinder Lobby: At the front of this expansive room is an ever-burning door. Despite the flames, the smoking, charred wood never seems to shrink, or split. The door has two pedestals that jut out from it, framing an infernal keyhole. The pedestals have two symbols on them: a crystal and a skull. The burning door will not open until a crystal and skull are placed on their respective pedestals and the right key is inserted. Beyond the door, further into the room, is a triangular platform that sits flush against the North wall. Two rusted cages sit on the stonework. Be At the far end of the platform is a tiled walkway that skirts the outside of the giant pit in the centre of the room. On the other side of the walkway is a landing that contains another three cages and a few crates. These crates contain two sets of leather armour, six daggers, a finely-polished rapier, and ajug of hoppy ale. A badly cut-up cherrywood door at the far end of this landing exits the room. The 100 ft. chasm in the center of the room contains a pyramid of decapitated corpses in its centre that are being slowly consumed by maggot-headed horrors. Some of these horrors cling to the pit's stone walls, spasming as they choke back lumps of meat. Intelligence: +1 Wisdom: 0 Charisma: +1 Description: Maggotfolk are rotted human bodies with giant grub protrusions sewn poorly to their desiccated neck stumps. These gestalt abominations often crane their maggoty heads, hoping to catch sight of a fresh meal. Razor Gums. Melee Weapon Attack, +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 +1 slashing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or lose 1d4 hit points at the start of each of its turns due to the wound, Each time the maggotfok hits the wounded target with this attack, the damage dealt by the wound increases by 1d4. Any creature can take an action to staunch the wound with a successful DC 10 Wisdom check. The wound also closes if the creature receives magic healing Room 1.5: Hallway: Beyond the cherrywood door is a thirty foot hallway that ends before a stone door. This hallway contains one pressure plated floor panel midway down the passage. Any pressure placed on the panel will release a poisoned dart from a small hole in the adjacent wall, 2 re “a Ctr and immediately reset the concealed blowpipe with a fresh dart. The creature that triggers the trap must perform a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 poison damage and have their movement reduced by 15 ft. for the next hour. Room 2: The Walraki Prison: At the end of the hallway is a stone door. There is an inscription carved into the masonry above the door's archway. The inscription reads: “One will help, three will not, an artist's primes are violent.” Beyond the door is a 15 X 30 ft. room that contains four prison cells with wrought iron bars. In the center of the room is a glowing glyph of the Orion constellation surrounded by twelve symbols. At the far end of the room is a giant boulder blocking another door. This large stone can be moved with a successful DC 15 Strength check. Each of the four prison cells connected to the room holds a fat walrus humanoid with brooding, oily eyes. Each Walraki is painted a different colour: red, yellow, green and blue. Beside each of the prison cells is a lever. If the lever of the red, yellow or blue walrus is pulled (primary colours), all four cells will swing open, and the red, yellow and blue walruses will attack. Only the green walrus is friendly. If the green walrus's lever is pulled, only his cell will open, and the kind Walraki will roll away the massive stone blocking the door at the far end of the room. The green walrus--a gentle soul--will give anyone who releases him a precious shrunken skull in his possession On the ground in the center of the room is a spiral of red letters within the Orion constellation surrounded by 12 symbols (zodiac signs). The letters read: “Star children twelve, we live as signs, feed the one who sits next in line.” If blood is spilled onto the symbol of the zodiac sign that comes next in your world's calendar, the Southern wall of the room will shoot upwards revealing a small armoury. The armoury contains a full set of half-plate armour, three spears, two long swords, a crossbow with twenty bolts, the Helmet of Devouring, and a pair of gauntlets from the Armour of the Missile Keeper set. The wall will only close once the blood has dried from the symbol or been cleaned off. Helmet of Devouring: Once placed on a wearer's head, the helmet grafts to their flesh, becoming impossible to remove. The visor of this chrome helmet has been crafted to resemble the muzzle of a snarling wolf. Once per day, as a bonus action, the wearer can allow the helmet to animate and feed, biting and automatically hitting the nearest enemy within 5 ft, going 3d4 magical piercing damage. After biting, the helmet will force the torn meat into the wearer's mouth and down their throat. If the wearer fails to feed the helmet once per day, they will enter a fugue state late at night and become feral, hunting indiscriminately for the nearest flesh they can find and gorging themselves until daybreak unless otherwise restrained Be Armour of the Missile Keeper: This light armor is made from adamantine-samite and is suffused with arcane energy. The full set includes gauntlets, a cuirass, a translucent helmet, and greaves. Each piece of this armor enhances the wearer's AC by + 1, for a total of +4 if all pieces are equipped Wearers of the armour may also add their Dexterity modifier to their AC (max 2). However, if even one piece of this set is equipped, it will immediately turn all other worn armor, with the exception of simple clothing and undergarments, to ash. This armour immediately grants its wearer the ability to cast the ‘Magic Missile’ spell Depending on how many pieces of armour are equipped, the wearer may upgrade the damage dice for their missiles. 1 Piece = 1d6, 2 Pieces 3 Pieces 4 Pieces Walralki Bruisers (3) HP: 24 Strength: +3 Dexterity: +1 Constitution: +3 Intelligence: 0 Wisdom: +2 Charisma: +2 Description: Fat walrus titans, with large, wobbling guts and sharp white tusks. Bashers. Walraki may take opportunity attacks against creatures that go from prone to standing. Tusk Slam. Melee Weapon Attack, +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: deal 148 + 3 piercing damage, and the creature must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. z The Dessicated {ibrary: This 20 X 30 ft. room contains wooden cabinets on its Eastern, Western and Southern walls. The shelves of the cabinet are chocked full of living, decapitated heads Translucent, intravenous tubes feed from a steaming, rusted tank in the center of the room. This tank glugs an unknown amber syrup into the neck stumps of sedated heads. Most of the other heads are fully-awake and are screaming pandemonium, having gone mad long ago. There is also a lood-stained surgery block against the North wall of the room, which has a cleaver, large curved sewing needle and thick hemp string laying on it. If the squealing and shaking sedation tank or the connected tubes are damaged, the sedated heads will awake in 1d4 rounds, revealin: themselves to be the heads of former mages. These disoriented magi will begin casting verbal spells ndiscriminately. Randomly determine the spell(s) and target creature each round: _1d6_| Verbal Spell: Cause Fear Dissonant Whispers Command isty Step Blindness/Deafness Earthbind Description: Balthazar is a madman who caries an arcane garrotte capable of severing a creature's head and keeping it alive indefinitely. Poorly trimmed mutton-chops frame the collector's’ wide-eyed countenance. He also carries a bag full of screaming heads over his shoulder that have their lips sewn to the outside of a massive burlap sack, so their exposed mouths can bite the creatures that he hits Head Telekinesis. As a bonus action, Balthazar may telekinetically fling a nearby head at a hero. Ranged Spell Attack, +6 to hit, reach 30 ft,, one target. Hit: deal 144 bludgeoning damage Biting Bag. As an action, Balthazar may swing his bag of screaming heads at a target. Melee Weapon Attack, +4 to hit, reach 5 Tt, one target. Hit: deal 244 + 1 bludgeoning damagé and 1d4 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or else succumb to mime saliva and lose their ability to speak for 1d4 rounds. Collector's Garrotte. As an action, Balthazar may wrap his razor sharp wire around a target and pull. Melee Weapon Attack, +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: deal 2d10 + 3 slashing damage. If this reduces a creature to OHP, their head is severed from their neck. The head will continue living as the body decomposes. Inventory: Besides his grotesque bag and magical garrotte, Balthazar also has a crystal in his possession, a key, a walraki leash, a jar of walraki nip (a weed that makes these beasts playful), a cryptic note, and 200 gold pieces Epilogue: Who was Balthazar the Wicked, and why did he choose these heroes as his next victims? Could the contents of the cryptic note answer these questions, or were the heroes just in the wrong place at the wrong time? These topics can be explored further in future adventures, and can serve as fodder for the DM to link to any plotline they see fit. OPEN GAME License Version 1.03 the following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, LLC and is Copyright 2000 Winards of the Coast, Ine ("Wizards"), AIL Rights Reserved 1 Definitions (a)"Contebutors” means the copyright andioe trademark cowners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Dervative Material” means copyrighted material incuding derivative works and translations (incuding into other computer languages, potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement. compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing. work ray be recast, transformed or adapted; () “Distribute” means to reproduce, License, ren, lease, cll, broadcast, publicly spay, transmit or otherwise distribute, (d)"Open Game Content” means the gime mechanic and inches the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content doesnot embody the Product Identity and isan enhancement over the prior art and any adaltional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and Serivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product entity (e)"Prodact Identity” means product and produc ine names, Jogos and identifying marks including trade dress, artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, Incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, lkenesses, formats, poses, concepts themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations: names and descriptions of characters, Spells, enchantment, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and Special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, Equipment, ‘magical or supernatural Abilities or Efe, logos, symbols or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly ‘Mentified as Product identity bythe owner ofthe Product Identity, and ‘which spcically excludes the OPEN Game Content; (f) “Trademark? means the logos, names, mar sign, motto, designs that are used by & Contributor to Identify ital or is pooducts or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use Used” or “Using” means to aie, Distribute, copy, et, format, modi, transate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. 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System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, LUC; Authors Mike Meatls, Jeremy ‘Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Rober J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Stove Townshend, based on original material by E.G ry Gygax and Dave Arneson ian e ee BUGBEAR —— BROTHERS —— @bugbearbrothers @badashski

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