Group Assignment For OB Winter 2021

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HRM 5008- Organizational Behaviour


A critical part of understanding organization behaviour is the application of principles from the class to real life
situations. While application of these ideas to external situations can provide some insight into how these
principles work, learning tends to be much more immediate if it is applied to each person and their environment

Required evaluation components include preparation, completion and submission of the following

% of final grade Due Dates

Deliverable #1
• Assignment Outline 5% Week #5
& Annotated Bibliography
Deliverable #2
• Online Presentation and 15% Week# 12/13
submission of soft copy of the
presentation deck to Professor
via drop box before week

Deliverable #1 Project Outline + Annotated Bibliographies (5%) Due Date: Week #5

1. A brief description of the focus of the group’s Organizational Behaviour topic – your research
2. An Annotated Bibliography for 2 Research Sources (Academic, Scholarly or Professional Journal
Articles) APA format is required. 1 per student (not just the group). This individual annotated
bibliography requires that each group member use their own words to summarize the key aspects of
each of the 2 articles and explain why they think that it is an appropriate article for their
project/topic. You must also analyze the articles for comparison and synthesis perspective (how
they are different & how are they the same in their theses and conclusions).
3. A description of a real business case study/scenario that provides an example of the topic being
addressed in a real business workplace. Include the name of the company, the location of the
company. Explain why their situation is appropriate to connect with your chosen topic and
research articles.
• A Project Outline must be submitted in order to receive a grade on the other parts of the Assignment.


Levels of Achievement
Criteria Novice/Needs Improvement Competent Expert
0.75 Points 1.5 Points 2 Points
Zero or one article(s) were Two academic research Two articles that were highly
researched and identified; one articles related to the topic relevant to the topic and
of articles
or more non-academic articles were researched and context were researched and
are selected. selected. selected.
0.5 Points 0.5 Points 1 Points
Bibliographic references Bibliographic references Bibliographic references
contained 4 or more errors. contained 1 to 3 errors. contained no errors.
0.75 Points 1.5 Points 2 Points
Summary highlights 1 or 2 key Summary clearly highlights Summary clearly highlights
Summary (quality
findings for each article and is 3 key findings for each more than 3 key findings for
and length)
shorter or longer than the article within the allowable each article within the
allowable word count. word count. allowable word count.


Deliverable #2 Presentation (15%) Due Date: Assigned by Topic – week 12/13

A presentation of 15 minutes in which all team members must participate.


Presentation/Project Parameters:
● Your presentation must address key learnings from formal RESEARCH findings. Your formal research
material must EXPAND your knowledge of the topic through either breadth of information or depth of
information. You cannot restate the same material already covered in the textbook.
▪ Research must be drawn from a minimum of 2 proper references - Scholarly, Academic, or
Professional JOURNAL articles. Research cannot be drawn from other textbooks,
▪ wikis/Wikipedia, newspapers company or consultant website, blogs or other simplistic forms
of reference &/or publications.
▪ You must analyze the articles for comparison and synthesis (differences & similarities).
● Your presentation must include a description of an appropriate and real example of a company that has
addressed your specific topic. You must discuss the impacts that their approach to this area of OB has had
on the achievement of their business goals and objectives. You must use a real life CASE
▪ The source of this example can be drawn from almost any credible source. Some
examples of sources could be -newspaper article, magazine article, television broadcast,
podcast, webcast, personal experience.
▪ Your example must reference a real story about a real company with real business
▪ The location of your example preferably MUST be in Canada.

● You must use the key learnings from your research articles to assess how well your chosen company is
doing at addressing the OB topic. Make appropriate recommendations.
▪ What have they done well?
▪ What could they do better?

● A soft-copy of the presentation with the complete names of all team members and all required supporting materials must be
submitted into the assignment drop-box day before your presentation is due. You will forfeit your chance to present if
you/your group fails to provide this material at the beginning of class.

● The presentation visuals must include proper and accurate references/citations using APA. Failure to reference at all is
considered a violation of academic integrity and can result in a mark of 0 for the entire presentation.

DELIVERABLE #2 - PRESENTATION (15%) week 12/13

Point Description of Content
3 Appropriate level research material gathered from outside (non-textbook) scholarly/professional sources that are
properly referenced and footnoted at the time it occurs in the presentation. In text references are supported by a
bibliography/reference listing included at the end of the presentation.
The information gathered and presented extends or expands the understanding of the topic.
2 The references/sources do not show the appropriate level of professional content or are not properly reported or not
footnote d. References/sources from general business sites are used. The connection between the references and the
topic is not clear or does not extend &/or expand the class’s understanding of the topic
1 The reference is about the wrong topic or is simply a popular restatement of the concept in the book or there are
multiple problems from the above list that occur together.
0 No reference other than the text is provided

Point Description of Content
4 The presentation meets all of the required elements:
• explains topic, expands and/or extends the understanding of the topic
• demonstrates how the topic applies in the business context
• establishing a connection between the application of the OB aspect/topic and the achievement of business
goals and objectives
• uses key learnings from research articles to effectively analyze chosen business case study
It accurately provides answers to each of the elements described in the general criteria for this part. All elements must
be present to receive a 3.
3 Failure to provide answers to one of the four elements above
2 Failure to provide answers to two of the four elements above
1 Failure to provide answers to three of the four elements above
0 Failure to answer the questions at all.

Point Description of Content
2 The example is effective at demonstrating a real life application of the OB topic’s impact on an organization
1 The situation might be an appropriate example but it is not totally clear or the examples reflect only a small or narrow
aspect of the topic.
0 The situation presented is not an example of the topic being presented.

Points Description of Content
1 All presenters are appropriately dressed, speak clearly and transitions between presenters are handled smoothly. The
presentation appears to be rehearsed and everyone is introduced. All team members participate in the presentation.
.5 Half the elements described above are met. Some elements are well handled and others are not or some presenters are
effective and others less so.
0 Presentation is poorly planned, presenters speak in a way that is hard to hear, and there appears to be no coordination
among presenters.

Appendix A – Topics for Research & Presentation Schedule

Topic 1- How is Diversity managed in the workplace?

Topic 2- What is the importance of knowing about Perception in Organizations?

Topic 3- Why are values important in Organizations?

Topic 4- How can we motivate our employees?

Topic 5-What are Pros and Cons of Team/group work?

Topic 6- How does effective communication work at a workplace?

Topic 7-How power affects people?

Topic 8-How do we deal with conflict at work?

Topic 9- What do Organizational cultures do at a work place?

Topic 10-What are the challenges of Leadership in organizations?

Topic 11- What about Ethics in decision making?

Topic 12- Why do Organizational structures differ?

Topic 13-How do you manage change in Organizations?

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