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1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
I- On vacation, Stella always ________ famous places. 
II- Do you ________ to the beach every day when you’re on vacation? 
III- I sit in the sun and ________ on the beach. It’s good to feel the sun on me. 

a) visit - go – sunbathes
b) visits – goes – sunbathe
c) visit – goes – sunbathe
d) visits – go – sunbathe

2. Match the columns.

(1) Where’s my big sweater? (i) He wants a big pizza now!
(2) It’s midnight. What’s that? (ii) It’s hot and I’m thirsty. 
(3) Can I have a soda, please? (iii) Oh no! What is it? I’m scared. 
(4) Tom’s very hungry. (iv) It’s -5°C outside, and I’m feeling cold. 
a) 1 i – 2 ii – 3 iii – 4 iv
b) 1 ii – 2 i – 3 iv – 4iii
c) 1 iv – 2 iii – 3 ii – 4 i
d) 1 iii – 2 iv – 3 i – 4 ii

3. Choose the option that brings the correct sequence.

(1) My pet... ( ) ...studying right now.

(2) We´re... ( ) ...goes to the vet every month.

(3) They ( ) ...go to the club on weekends.

(4) Jack... ( ) ...’m reading at this moment.

(5) I... ( ) ...surfs on Sundays with his friends.

a) 1; 2; 3; 4; 5.

b) 2; 1; 4; 5; 3.

c) 1; 2; 3; 5; 4.

d) 2; 1; 3; 5; 4.

4. Read some information about Thomas and Maggie and mark the only answer that fills the

Thomas and Maggie usually go to work by bike, but today, they’re going by car. Thomas
and Maggie normally eat salad for lunch, but at this moment they are eating a hamburger.
They always run at the park after work, but today Thomas and Maggie _______ at the club.
Thomas and Maggie like their routine, but sometimes they change it.

Evangelista, Janaína da Silva. Criado em Fortaleza, 23/02/2020.

a) swim

b) swimming

c) are swimming

d) is swimming

5. What can you infer through the information about Maggie and Thomas on the previous

a) Maggie can drive, but Thomas can’t.

b) Thomas and Maggie have the same job.

c) Thomas and Maggie run more than 5km a day.

d) Thomas and Maggie have healthy habits.

6. Substitute the numbers by the names of the school subjects in English.

a) 1 – Math; 2 – Art; 3 – Science; 4 – Geography.

b) 1 – Physics; 2 – Painting; 3 – Science-fiction; 4 – National History.
c) 1 – Maths; 2 – Choir; 3 – Science; 4 – American Geography.
d) 1 – Geometry; 2 – Chess; 3 – Chemistry; 4 – Spanish.

7. Complete with the missing information.

a) I – Australian; II – Francia; III – Spainese; IV – Japan; V – American.
b) I – American; II - France; III - Spanish; IV – China; V – British.
c) I – British; II – France; III – Spanish; IV – Japan; V – American.
d) I – English; II – Francia; III – Spanic; IV – Japan; V – American.

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