LEA IEP Checklist

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LEA/Administrators Checklist for IEP & IEP Minutes IEP Meeting Checklist ere Notes Checklist Completed Gave Procedural Safeguards Documented there was a Gave Notice of Meeting (parent designated note taker signature) Documented who was in Presented IEP Team Member attendance (name and title) Excusal form (parent the meeting was held signature) _| | without the parent, Completed Introductions documented attempts made Presented Agenda to include parent in the ‘Stated Purpose of the Meeting Presented overview of present levels of performance Reviewed progress in the mainstream curriculum (using data) Reviewed Attendance, Tardies, Discipline, and Graduation Status Reviewed Progress on goals Identified student educational needs (using data) Identified and presented new goal areas Parent input (comments or questions) meeting Documented procedural safeguards were given to the parent Identified ail reports reviewed and documented who presented each report Indicated parents input (should be embedded throughout the notes) Documented parent concerns and how the IEP team addressed the concerns Documented student's needs Indicated goals were reviewed and if they were agreed upon Discussed accommodations & modifications Discussed a continuum of services (gen. ed, co-taught, resource, learning center, Therapeutic pullout, push-in, aide, speech, OT, AT VI, © &M, mental Health, NPS, | Private, Residential, transportation) Discussed transition plan (if applicable) Discussed ESY (if applicable) Determined placement and services Clearly stated the District's offer of FAPE Documented parents involvement, agreement and/or disagreement Reviewed IEP meeting notes Provided parents with a copy of the IEP Notes Identified placement and service options identified by the IEP team Clearly documented the district’s offer of FAFE Documented parent's Documented all attempts to be collaborative with parents agreement or disagreement Do not specify names of service providers for the student (e.g. Sue will provided 30 mins weekly of Speech services-—what is sue quit? Reword-—Johnny wil receive 30minuteshweekly of Speech services) Recapped key points of the IEP meeting Proofread notes before given out to parents

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