Business Ia

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Research company: local company (interview the owner)-primary research

1. Research question

Should ~~company provide incentive for customer for early payment(solution) as a

means of improving working capital(problem-should be business term)?

2. Choose finance topic: cash flow forecast, NPV, current asset, liabilities

Ratio; acid test ratio, textbook,

3. Executive summary(less than 200)- 가장 중요함 왜냐하면 시험감독관들이 시간이 없을 경우

이것만 읽음

Research Questions: should XXX

Primary research: interview, questionnaire

Secondary research: compare online data in the same industry, academic references

Result of the data analysis: brief summary of primary research( analysis show that early
payment, customer is willing to pay early→actually works- prove to be financially feasible

- Keep mentioning that the solution will work: prove to be financially feasible solution

 Quick summary of the research result, mention what works

 What works as stated in the research question

4. Introduction

Company nature(what they do), size, nature; limited(how many people, what is their

Problem they facing: working capital(cash flow), credit period, cash outflow is bigger than
an inflow, customer deposit(effect future inflow)

Research purpose(aim): investigate option for providing incentives for early payment

Research is connected with which topics(3~4 topics)

Ratio analysis , cash flow, final account

5. Methodology(how are you going to research)

Primary research: interview(adv, disadvantages)-number of interviews, 어떤 샘플링 방법

사용하는지, 장단점 적는 것이 중요함

Secondary research: academic sources of the financial data

Limitation: bias, window dressing

6. Main results & findings

Present your key findings( 3-4 main results)

Present with charts (pie)

Do not analysis

Related to your research question

Ex) Length of period customer life time, cash flow forecast

7. Analysis & discussion

Current ratio:: analysis number, current ratio: 1.57:1, acid test ratio: 0.96:1( company has
working capital problem)

Profitable in short time( specified the time, product)

- SWOT ex) profitable in … product, cash cow

- Fore filed analysis

- List out everything that I have

- Analysis detailed

8. Conclusion & recommendations

Sell your solution, work in what way

Mention the theory and analysis again, cost and benefits limitation

Other recommendations: bank overdraft

key recommendation( point form, 5~6 point

- Incentive 10%- have more interest in the conclusion

- main point: charts, tables, diagrams, npv

9. Appendix

Interview transcript list out questions, answer)

Questionaire sample

Balance sheet finance reported.

Word limit: 1500words

Finance should be related to the research

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