Listen To The Following Paragraph and Answer The Questions

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新竹市立建功高中 109 學年度第二學期高二第一次期中考試英文科試題 (C) They’re helping to decorate the school’s walls.

(D) They’re doing an activity to help the environment.

說明:1. 本次測驗共 5 頁 84 題,作答時間為 70 分鐘。請將 1-67 題之正確答案劃在答案卡
Part 4: Short Talk Questions (3%)
上,68-84 題寫在答案卷上。測驗結束時,請將答案卷與答案卡一併繳回。 Listen to the following paragraph and answer the questions.
2. 班級、座號、姓名請務必填寫、劃記清楚,若因資料劃記不清、錯誤或缺漏而影
響電腦讀卡者,扣總分 10 分。 8. (A) Dolphins’ healing powers.
3. 科目代碼為 002。答案卷請以黑筆書寫,否則不予計分。 (B) Dolphins’ high intelligence.
(C) Dolphins’ playful personalities.
I. 聽力測驗:10% (D) Dolphins’ situations at marine parks.
Part 1: Picture Questions (2%)
Look at each picture and answer the question.   9. (A) The dolphins felt confused.
(B) The dolphins made loud noises.
1. (C) The dolphins became more energetic.
(D) The dolphins moved more slowly.

  10. (A) Collecting dolphins’ cells to develop medicine.

(B) Releasing captive dolphins back into the sea.
(C) Using dolphins to help cancer patients.
(D) Saving dolphins that are treated badly.

2. II. 字彙測驗:13%

11. The Bangkok terror attack, followed by a(n)__________ of incidents in France, Indonesia, Malaysia and
elsewhere demonstrated the current threat posed by terrorist networks.
(A) construction (B) institution (C) string (D) thread
12. Though warnings had been _______ for heavy rain, the tourists still went river tracing and ended up
Part 2: Best Response Questions (3%)
Listen to the question or statement and choose the best response. being swept away by a flash flood.
(A) forced (B) emphasized (C) instructed (D) issued
3. (A) Yeah. She thought he was mad. 13. The police officer detected something wrong with the guy and asked him to go into the ______ about
(B) Yes. She didn’t understand him. his alibis for the day of the robbery.
(C) I know. She was really confused. (A) details (B) links (C) sights (D) faults
(D) Right. She took it as a green light.

  4. (A) OK. We should get more channels then. 14. In front of their families and friends at their wedding ceremony, Carl and Emily promised to stay
(B) Are you saying I should play outside instead? ________ to each other.
(C) That’s why I go online while watchingTV. (A) dense (B) faithful (C) elementary (D) emotional
(D) Yes. I looked up all the movies that will be on TV. 15. After the king died, his son, prince Henry, fell ________ to the throne.
(A) religion (B) notion (C) infant (D) heir
  5. (A) True. Not enough people know about the product. 16. If the thief came for money, it isn’t ________ that he only stole a worthless painting and left the
(B) Yeah. A lot more people have been buying them. valuable jewelry behind.
(C) Oh no! Can they fix the big problem? (A) logical (B) evident (C) original (D) exceptional
(D) I know. The company is losing money. 17. The salmon chaos caused about 150 mostly young people to officially change their names to “salmon”
Part 3: Conversation Questions (2%)
Listen to each conversation and answer the question. with a _______ to taking advantage of a restaurant promotion.
(A) thought (B) sight (C) strength (D) view
6. (A) She agrees with what the man said. 18. When we play a decisive role in our critical moment, we try to think about every _______ of the life and
(B) The man’s idea makes good sense. figure out how to eliminate all possible risks.
(C) She thinks the man’s idea is untrue. (A) soul (B) scale (C) aspect (D) voyage
(D) The man knows basketball very well. 19. The _______ of the food in the restaurant are really a bargain. It is no wonder customers must wait for
hours before a table is available.
  7. (A) They’re holding a poster competition. (A) benefits (B) figures (C) charges (D) profits
(B) They’re protesting against a new school rule. 20. There is no reason to believe social scientists are necessarily better practical communicators _______

their knowledge than others. caused by bacteria and fungi that aren’t harmful to humans. Black spots are caused by bacteria, __37__ can
(A) by virtue of (B) as well as (C) in the shape of (D) in addition to be transported onto fruits and vegetables by raindrops. __38__ they land on the surface of, for example, an
21. Jane Goodall, who lived with chimpanzees for years, gave a thrilling _______ of her life in the jungle in
her speech. apple, the bacteria begin to feed on the nutrients it contains. As the bacteria __39__, a yellow ring forms and
(A) theory (B) account (C) faculty (D) conduct spreads. Inside the ring, a black spot—__40__ dead plant cells whose nutrients have been absorbed by the
22. To maintain classroom _______, Stella lays down quite a few severe rules at the beginning of a new bacteria—is left behind. Unlike black spots, the mushy patches you sometimes find on produce are caused by
semester. fungi, which can enter into produce that is __41__ during the transportation process. If there is visible mold,
(A) acquaintance (B) experiment (C) discipline (D) architecture
it is time that they should be thrown away.
23. Even after hours of negotiations, the government and people still could not reach any _______.
(A) instrument (B) institution (C) principle (D) compromise 36. (A) cast us aside (B) shut us off (C) track us down (D) cost us dearly
37. (A) those (B) they (C) that (D) which
38. (A) Until (B) Unless (C) Once (D) Whether
III. 綜合測驗:23%
39. (A) differ (B) evolve (C) discard (D) reproduce
(A) 40. (A) attracted to (B) composed of (C) memorable to (D) overcome with
Origami is one craft that seems like an old-fashioned way of entertainment to most people. ___24___, 41. (A) bruised (B) consulted (C) boasted (D) estimated
the theory, and practice alike, of origami can be applied to quite a few scientific fields aside from the world (D)
of art. For example, origami has been found to be capable of keeping high-spirited children calm and According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the levels of indoor air pollutants can be two to
___25___. five times higher than those outdoors. ___42___ most of us spend 90 percent of our time indoors, eliminating
What other tricks can origami perform? ___26___, space technology benefits from origami to a great
indoor air pollution should be much more of an urgent concern than it currently is. Indoor air pollution comes
degree. The folding of paper skills can integrated in solar power panels and satellites too. Also, medical
researchers are putting theories of origami to production of surgical devices. The fact ___27___ they are from a great variety of sources, including everyday activities like cooking and cleaning. One study found that
small in size makes surgical incisions tiny, shortening the healing process. That is, ___28___a surgery, the you can be exposed ___43___ more harmful particles when cooking an omelet than you are when standing
cuts can heal soon. Though the device is still on the way, it will be shortly possible to employ them for on an average roadside. Burning candles or ___44___ can also spread harmful particles throughout your
surgeries. It is clear that origami can be applied in a wide range of fields. There is ___29___ origami house. Even the glue holding new carpets together can release ___45___ chemicals, which may cause many
___29___ folding pieces of paper into art works. Art has much more to offer beyond our imagination. unpleasant symptoms. Shockingly, the World Health Organization claims that around 3.8 million people die
24. (A) Therefore (B) Nevertheless (C) Otherwise (D) Moreover each year ___46___ household air pollution.
25. (A) occupy (B) to occupy (C) occupying (D) occupied
26. (A) By contrast (B) That is (C) For one thing (D) Simply put 42. (A) Until (B) Unless (C) Since (D) Whereas
27. (A) that (B) which (C) one (D) what 43. (A) in (B) to (C) as (D) with
28. (A) Had a patient undergone (B) As soon as a patient undergoes 44. (A) opera (B) cinema (C) calorie (D) incense
(C) Upon undergoing (D)The moment undergoing a surgery 45. (A) nasty (B) affordable (C) solar (D) promising
29. (A) so…that (B) not only…but (C) more to…than (D) not until…that 46. (A) instead of (B) on the strength of (C) according to (D) as a result of

(B) IV. 文意選填 (每個選項限用一次,請忽略大小寫):8%

A giant called Alikakay had been causing trouble for a long time. He liked nothing more than to torment Do you know what kind of person you are? In fact, people are roughly divided into two groups
the Amis villagers. ___30___ potent magic powers, he could terrorize the villagers and bring great pain to the ___47___ their responses and reactions to problems in life. Two distinct ___48___ to unpleasant encounters
Amis. One time, he ___31___ appearance of a mom. He pretended to be feeding a baby with other children are adopted by two friends, Erica and Thomas. Erica belongs to the type of being reactive. Reactive persons
___32___. Eventually, the Amis could no longer bear his evil deeds. They decided to gather the strongest and are ___49___ as being influenced by what they experienced. They are more likely to just ___50___ about the
bravest men and put them through a tough training program. They practiced archery and combat skills for problem, losing their temper easily. They make endless complaints or blame others for what happened. That
weeks ___33___ and then were sent to confront the giant. To their grief, ___34___, they were is, they are led by circumstances.____51____, as a proactive person, Thomas stays cheerful and calm during
defeated.___35___ could harm the giant at all. Thankfully, the Sea Spirit gave the leader, Marang, advice on an encounter with an unpleasant person. He will look for ___52____ solutions and opportunities to take back
how to be victorious. Marang and the warriors made porong into arrows and successfully defeated the giant control of his emotions. He will contemplate ways to improve and deal with their difficulties ____53___ how
with them. Since then, the defeat of Alikakay has been passed down from generation to generation. bad situations are. Obviously, hisconducts result from a conscious choice. However, this is not to imply
30. (A) Possessing (B) Possessed (C) To possess (D) Being possessed everyone in the world is either proactive or reactive. In fact, we can draw the conclusion ___54____ next
31. (A) belonged to (B) brought about (C) took on (D) begged for time we are caught in a dilemma we can choose to be one or the other. You can make a decision on your own.
32. (A) watched (B) watch (C) watching (D) to watch (A) grumble (B) applicable (C) based on (D) portrayed
33. (A) in sight (B) by degrees (C) beyond control (D) on end (E) approaches (AB) regardless of (AC) that (AD) by contrast
34. (A) by force (B) in despair (C) on duty (D) at this point
35. (A) Neither of the warriors (B) Not every warrior V. 篇章結構:5%
(C) None of the warriors (D) Either of the warriors
Ancient Egypt had a great civilization mostly because of its natural barriers, including mountains,
deserts, seas, and rivers. These barriers protected ancient Egyptians from invasion and allowed ancient
Egyptian culture to prosper. ______55______ The Nile flows down in the middle of Egypt, splits into two
Many of us throw away fruits and vegetables that have spots, which are often interpreted as signs of branches and then feeds the Mediterranean sea. The two branches and the end of the river then form an area
spoiled produce. This fact can __36__. Up to 30 percent of the produce on the market is wasted. But there’s called the Nile Delta, which is fertile and boasts its agriculture. ______56______
actually no need to reject spotty produce. The dark spots and soft patches on these fruits and vegetables are Seen from a bird’s eye view, the Nile flows from Lake Victoria to Egypt, resembling an Egyptian lotus
flowers. The lotus flower is such a great symbol that its image has appeared in numerous aspects of Egyptian
culture.______57______ In most countries, flood is thought to be disastrous. However, flood in Egypt brings on display, which is just what the Greek general thought they would do - gloat.
life to nature. The secret lies in the fertile soil left after the waters subside. Egyptians can grow crops with
ease, for the soil, known as “the gift if the Nile,” is rich in nutrients.
______58______ The papyrus plant is a wetland plant, and was made into writing material in ancient From the story, we have a clear notion that the Trojans were defeated not by sheer force or a better
times, which gave rise to the prevalence of the Egyptian writing system. ______59______ Egyptians are trained army. The Greeks knew the fact that the Trojans were proud people to gain victory. The Trojans
blessed with the Nile as it provides them with the water for cooking and bathing, and brings them plenty of underestimated the Greeks ability to do what was necessary to win and paid a price for it.
fish, birds, and other creatures, as well as a variety of wild vegetables. Though surrounded by the deserts, the
60. Please put each piece of the story (A-E) in a correct order.
Nile never ceases to bring life to the Egyptians.
A. Among them, the Nile River, the longest river in the world, has played the most important role in the
development of Egyptian civilization.
B. Another precious gift that the Nile offers is the papyrus plant, which flourishes along the banks of the
61. Which of the following statements is true about the Trojans?
C. In spring, snow covering the mountain top in winter melts, and when it does, floods occur along the
(A) They were protected by the wooden horse created by a highly skilled craft.
(B) They assumed that the Greek warriors pretended to admit defeat and leave.
D. It is believed that the Nile is to Egypt what lungs are to humans.
(C) They were finally unpredictably defeated by the Greeks at the end of the war.
E. In fact, the English word paper comes from the word papyrus.
(D) They were attacked by troops of the best trained armed force in the world.
VI. 閱讀測驗:16% 62. Which of the following is closest to the bold word “gloat” in the reading?
(A) As the common saying from the Bible goes, “Pride goes before the fall.” It’s a saying that describes how (A) to manifest satisfaction of their victory (B) to combat dangers in astonishment
overconfidence can be our downfall. In war or athletics, believing your opponent to be inferior to you, or (C) to defend themselves on full alert (D) to conduct themselves and launch an attack
underestimating their abilities can cause your defeat. This idea proved correct during the famous Trojan War. 63. What is the moral lesson of the story?
It is the end of the war that demonstrates how pride can cause a person’s or a country’s downfall. (A) Stay positive: Conquer anger, or anger costs us dearly.
(B) Stay content: Vanity and greed will always lead to sadness
As the story goes… (C) Stay active: Grab every chance in your life and don’t waste time
(D) Stay humble: Never believe that you are above anyone.
(A) The city of Troy was protected by a high wall built around the city. Some parts of the wall were 20
feet high! There were gates in the wall to let people in and out but it provided great defense for the people (B) LOHAS is an acronym for “lifestyles of health and sustainability.” It is a way of life that originated in
of Troy. It gave the Trojan warriors a relatively safe place to stand, while they rained arrows down on the the United States about a decade ago. LOHAS consumers are those who have strong passions for issues like
people below, who were trying to break into the city. At the time of this story, Greek warriors had been the environment, sustainability and health. As sensible consumers who are environmentally-friendly, they
trying to breach the wall around Troy for about ten years. The Greeks could not find a way in, and the prefer products such as organic soap, recycled paper, solar heating and herbal tea.
Trojans did not seem able to drive the Greeks away. 
Nowadays, roughly 30% of American people are considered LOHAS consumers, 40% of whom require
that products be organic. For these consumers, whether the products are environmentally-friendly or not is a
(B) That night, while the Trojan people were sleeping, the men hiding inside the wooden horse climbed key factor in deciding what to buy. The idea of LOHAS continues to increase organic sales in the US. The
out and opened the gates. The waiting Greek army entered Troy. They then began attacking Trojans as
US market for organic food is growing by about 3.5 billion US dollars a year, according to the result of
they slept and finally defeated the mighty city of Troy.
Sustainability Research.
The LOHAS trend is also beginning to catch on in other developed countries where lots of
(C) Things looked pretty hopeless until Odysseus, a famous ancient Greek general, thought of a trick. It
“workaholics” seek quick fixes for stress and thinking green is becoming fashionable. Japan is among these
was the custom back then to leave a peace offering behind to admit defeat. Odysseus suggested the
Greeks build a huge, heavy, beautiful wooden horse, and leave it outside the gates of Troy. Then, the countries that welcome the idea of LOHAS. Japanese people take a nature-loving view on life and they enjoy
entire Greek army would pretend to leave, as if they were headed for home. But it was a trick. The horse everything that nature has to offer, such as hot springs and seasonal delicacies. A Tokyo department store
would be hollow. Thirty men would be hiding inside. The very best Greek artists got busy carving the even has a section for LOHAS goods, and many Japanese magazines are singing the praises of the LOHAS
giant wooden horse, adding great detail, because everything in the Greek world had to be as beautiful as lifestyle, including yoga, organic wine, and aroma therapy.
It seems that people can’t get enough of LOHAS, and undoubtedly, this LOHAS trend will keep going
on. It will continue to have a positive influence on people and the environment all around the world.
(D) There was an ancient city on the coast of Turkey named Troy. It was located across the Aegean Sea
from the Greek city-state of Sparta. When the king of Sparta heard that his wife, the beautiful Helen, had
been kidnapped by a prince of Troy, he called on the other Greek city-states to help him get her back. His 64. What is the main idea of the passage?
call was answered. A thousand Greek ships set sail for Troy.  (A) LOHAS is getting popular in developed countries, including Japan and U.S.
(B) The concept of LOHAS applies to food, cosmetics, body care, and clothing.
(E) When it was done, the Greek warriors pretended to sail away, leaving the horse behind. The people of (C) Green products are now widely available and the price has declined.
Troy rushed outside, cheering their victory! They dragged the heavy horse inside the city gates and put it (D) LOHAS consumption plays an important role in fighting global warming.
65. Which of the following statements is true about LOHAS consumers? 80. The manager a________ted that there would be dozens of applicants for the job, but there turned out to
be hundreds.
(A) They are mostly workaholics to live within means.
VIII. 翻譯:12%(未依指定句型作答者,不予計分)
(B) They are concerned about environmental issues.
81. 讓大多數人感到驚訝的是該公司在太陽能板的製造技術居領先地位。3%
(C) Their main shopping concern is the price. It c_______ as a s________ to most people that the company is _________the c________ ________
(D) They eat very little in order to stay healthy. of solar panel manufacturing t__________.
66. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? 82. 長髮的(複合形容詞)少女們在豐年祭中任意跳著舞,她們的頭髮在風中飛揚。(…, with…) 4%
(A) LOHAS consumers take up half of the American population.
83. 直到 Elle 的父母說服她不要做惡意的把戲她才跪下來求原諒。(Not….) 3%
(B) The LOHAS concept originated in America. ____________________________________________________________________________________
(C) Some LOHAS people from developed countries have worries from heavy workload. 84. Alikakay 一看到芒草(porong),他就立刻撤退。(Upon…) 2%
(D) LOHAS people avoid products that pollute our land. ____________________________________________________________________________________
67. According to the shopping and activity list, who might be a LOHAS consumer?
(A) Jojo (B) Bobo (C) Popo (D) Kiki
Names Jojo Bobo Popo Kiki
Things 1. Louis Vuitton 1. Cosmetics 1. Bubble milk tea 1. Organic soap
to buy luggage 2. Pizza 2. Carbonated synthetic 2. Herbal tea
2. Steak and beverage
Things 1. Spa 1. Swimming in 1. Working out in the 1. Having a Yoga
to do 2. A bus trip around the pool gym class and aroma
the island 2. A scooter trip 2. A downtown trip by therapy
along East Coast car 2. Going biking
with friends

VII. 文意字彙:13%(拼字、時態、單複數、大小寫全對才給分)
68. They set up a monument to c________te all the people who lost their lives in the massive earthquake.
69. Peter tried hard to s________n up his courage to propose to Lucy in front of everyone after they had
dated for years.
70. He underwent major surgeries for treatment because he sustained injuries to his arms, legs, and several
i________al organs.
71. As a professional mechanic, Jason can a________ble parts of machines in a short time.
72. E________ring has existed since ancient times, when people used scientific skills to invent bridges,
houses, wheels, etc., to make lives more convenient.
73. You will have to use a space t________pe to observe the faraway planets.
74. Graduate students are required to do a huge number of a________ts, including reading articles and
carrying out surveys.
75. For the old generation, it really bothers them why changing names to “salmon” only for a free meal really
i________gues young people in Taiwan.
76. Daniel was unwilling to take this job at first, but because he had to make ends meet, he r________tly
accepted it at last.
77. Many foreign visitors to Taiwan are impressed by the c________s convenience store staff, who always
say “Welcome” and “Thank you for coming” to customers.
78. It was rash of you to r________k that you preferred your friend’s old hairstyle to the new one.
79. Given that the share price could p________lly drop further in the next few days, Marvin decided not to
buy the stock.


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