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Geography Connections
This yearlong series is presented in collaboration with the Connecticut Geographic Alliance. For more information about NIE visit or call 241-3847.

Riddle of Russia
By Jason T. Archer, Assistant Director of Education, New England Air Museum

Boris Yeltsin was elected the President of Russia in June 1991,
in the first direct presidential election in Russian history.
The first human to travel into space was the Russia pilot and astronaut Yuri Gagarin.
In 1957 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, starting the Space Age.
• Russia’s lakes contain approximately one-quarter of the world’s fresh water.
Everything about Russia is huge; its chaotic
• The Russian village of Oimyakon had the coldest recorded temperature for any permanently
past, its rich culture and, of course, its size. inhabited place on Earth of minus 93 degrees Fahrenheit.
Russia has long been a mystery to outsiders. • Moscow, Russia’s capital, boasts the most billionaires and most expensive cups of coffee.
Sir Winston Churchill in 1939 described Notes...
Russia as “a riddle wrapped in a mystery • Russia has the deepest lake in the world
inside an enigma.” • Has limited access to the sea
• The official beginnings date back to 862 with that of the Eastern Slavs, the ancient ancestors of Russians. Step
Since the beginning of the 7th century, by step they became the dominant power. The Rus’ or Russians were one of the Slavic tribes and is the origin of
the country’s name. The Slavs, Finn tribes, Tatars all worked their way through the land mixing different cultures
Russia has continually been transforming and and traditions defining today’s unique character.
re-shaping itself. In the last century it
has found and lost at least three distinct References...
ideologies. The collapse of communism in
the early 1990s led the way for the
Russian Federation and a new
form of capitalism.
Given their long-lasting Insight Guides Russia Belarus & Ukraine
winters, Russian meals
consist of high energy
foods. Traditional dishes
include borshct (a beet MAP IT OUT
soup), pirozki (pastries filled With the collapse of the Soviet Union over 20 years ago, Russia lost a significant population
with potatoes, meat, cabbage or cheese) and resource base. On a blank map of Eurasia fill in these former republics of the USSR:
and blini (pancakes rolled with jam, cheese, Ukraine • Kazakhstan • Belarus • Azerbaijan • Uzbekistan • Lithuania • Turkmenistan

onions and even chocolate syrup). Latvia • Estonia • Georgia • Armenia • Tajikistan • Kyrgyzstan • Moldova
These countries from top to bottom are listed by Gross Domestic Product at
Most families live in small apartments Location: Russia shares boundaries with Purchasing Power Parity according to the CIA Fact book 2010-
or flats. They are proud of their country the Arctic Ocean on the north, northern
and history. Russians are highly educated Pacific Ocean on the west, China, Mongolia, Use this information and other maps and resources to answer the following questions
and very well trained in music, art and Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, 1. Which countries border Russia today?
Georgia on the south, and the Black Sea, 2. Which countries would have helped Russia with its access to seas or oceans?
the sciences. They are taught to learn for Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Finland 3. Select 3 countries and research a type of resource---natural, agricultural,
the joy of learning; not just for a career. on the west. or industrial that would have benefited the Soviet Union?
Unfortunately, the cost of living is on the rise Place: Russia covers eleven time zones, 4. Choose a former Soviet Republic and tell us what Olympic sport they might excel in and why?
while wages remain low. With a population with a total land area of 17.1 million
of over 140 million, there are hip crowds square miles. All kinds of terrain, from
of young people, old women (babushkas)
wearing big fur hats and coats in the snow
tundras, taigas, and steppes to huge
seas, mountains and plains can be found. Community Connections:
Summers are warm to hot while winters Below are headlines from recent news events from Russia.
and working professionals. get very cold in much of the country.
• One American and Two Russians Safely Blast Off For Space Station.
Human-Environment Interactions:
The most densely populated area is west Russia has vast mineral riches of coal, • Drillers Reach Long Buried Antarctic Lake Vostok
of the Ural Mountains where Moscow, the iron and natural gas. Chief exports are • Thousands of Protesters Rally in Bolotnaya Following Parliamentary Elections
country’s capital, is located. East of the petroleum products, natural gas, wood, • Fire Burns Docked Russian Nuclear Submarine Along Barents Sea.
Urals is very underdeveloped and very rural. and metals. For all its natural beauty,
Russia is the largest country on Earth. Russian industry has had a catastrophic 1. Where in Russia did these news events occur? Locate them on a map.
effect on the land. The Chernobyl disaster
of 1985 and the Chelyabinsk-65 nuclear
2. Why are each of these events newsworthy?
site has caused long-term radiation 3. How did the terrain and climate affect these events?
damage in those areas. 4. Scan today’s news and look for additional stories involving Russia.
Movement: Russian’s travel by road, rail,
water and by air. Russia has the world’s
second-largest railway network. NEXT PAGE - March 15th
Regions: Russia is broken into 83 federal
subjects each with equal rights and For students who are blind, learning disabled or print challenged, visit CRIS Radio at
representation in the Federation Council. and click Kids On-Demand for a free audio version of Geography Connections.

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