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St. Lawrence’s Govt.

Girls Degree College

Preliminary Examination 2021

Botany Paper I

Total Marks: 45

Time: 30 minutes Max. Marks: 22

Section A

Multiple Choice questions (MCQs)

1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:

i. The basic unit of classification is:

a) Division
b) Species
c) Class
d) Order
ii. The hollow filamentous appendages that help during conjugation are called:
a) Flagella
b) Pilli
c) Cilia
d) Capsule
iii. The empirical formula of the chlorophyll ‘a’ molecule is:
a) C55H70O6N5Mg
b) C66H75O5N8Mg
c) C55H72O5N4Mg
d) C55H74O4N6Mg
iv. RUBISCO is the only enzyme found is:
a) Calvin cycle
b) Kreb’s cycle
c) Glycolysis
d) ETC
v. one molecule of glucose on complete oxidation produces____no.of ATP:
a) 28
b) 32
c) 36
d) 48
vi. In lichens, fungus protects the algal partner from
a) Desiccation
b) High temperature
c) Strong light
d) Both a and c
vii. The transport takes place at the expense of ATP is called:
a) Diffusion
b) Osmosis
c) Active transport
d) Facilitated Diffusion
viii. The withdrawal of protoplasm from cell wall is known as:
a) Plasmolysis
b) Photolysis
c) Deplasmolysis
d) Chlorosis
ix. The fungus Phytophthora causes a disease known as:
a) Late blight of potato
b) Late blight of tomato
c) Early blight of tomato
d) Early blight of potato
x. This group of plant produces naked seeds:
a) Bryophyte
b) Pteridophyte
c) Gymnosperm
d) Angiosperm
xi. inner membrane of mitochondria has infoldings. these are called :
a) Thylakoid
b) Lamlella
c) Cristae
d) Grana
xii. Non-Living part of plant cell is:
a) Tonoplast
b) Cell wall
c) Cell membrane
d) Nuclear membrane
xiii. Colorless plastid is called:
a) Chromoplast
b) Protienoplast
c) Leucoplast
d) Chloroplast
xiv. Sterigmata are characteristic feature of fungi:
a) Ascomycota
b) Deutromycota
c) Basidiomycota
d) Zygomycota
xv. A polymer that is resistant to almost all kind of environmental damage of spores and
pollen grain is:
a) Lignin
b) Tanin
c) Sporopollenin
d) Cutin
xvi. Animal like phase of saline molds is/are:
a) Fruiting body
b) Sporangia
c) Spores
d) Plasmodium

xvii. A plant requires potassium for

a) Synthesizing chlorophyll
b) Opening and closing of stomata
c) Synthesizing proteins
d) None of these
xviii. Horsetails belong to sub-division.
a) Sphenopsida
b) Pteropsida
c) Lycopsida
d) None of these
xix. Embryo-sac in angiosperms in also called.
a) Sporophyte
b) None of these
c) Female gametophyte
d) Male gametophyte
xx. Carbon dioxide enters the leaves through.
a) Gurad cells
b) Cuticle
c) Stroma
d) Stomata
xxi. The powerhouse of the cell is.
a) Mitochondria
b) Ribosome
c) SER
d) RER
xxii. oxygen released during photosynthesis come from.
a) Radioactive isotop
b) water
c) air
d) lumen

Time: 1 Hours Marks: 23

Marks: 14


Q2 Attempt any 6 part question each question carries one mark give answer not more than
two lines.

i. Why do scientists consider viruses as non-living thing?

ii. Name any 2 method of genetic recombination in bacteria.
iii. What are the factors which influence the opening and closing of stomata?
iv. Define water potential OR osmotic potential.
v. Name any four Fungal diseases in human being. OR Name the technique to isolate the
component of cells.
vi. Define any two of the following.
a. ascent of SAP
b. Genetics
c. oxidative phosphorylation
vii. Why do biologists consider Kingdom protoctista as a polyphyletic group of organism.
viii. What is plasmid?
ix. Why do insectivorous plant use insects as food? OR why bryophytes are called
amphibians plants?
Q3 Attempt any 6 part question each question carries one mark give answer not more than 5
to 6 lines.

i. Why is transpiration called necessary evil?

ii. Differentiate any one of the following:
a. Alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation
b. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

iii. Briefly describe the five kingdoms proposed by Whittaker.

iv. Justify the statement “ascent of sap is solar powered.”
v. Lichens are bioindicator of pollution. Yes, or No? Justify your answer.
vi. Write postulates of cell theory.
vii. Name four group of fungi with their reproductive organ.
viii. Why ATP called energy currency

NOTE: Answer 2 question from this section. Max Marks: 09

4. Define photosynthesis. Describe the light reaction of photosynthesis. Explain the

events take place during light reaction of photosynthesis.
Describe Light independent reaction in detail.

5. Define HIV. Describe the disease caused by this virus.

Explain the life cycle of Moss.

6. With the help of fluid mosaic model write the structure, properties, and function of
plasma membrane.

7. List and describe the adaptative characters exhibited by land plant.

List the changes after fertilization in plants.

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