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Se sionr 2020-2621

FxOnoiom Kou o 20Z45302646

Name g CoUTbe 6.Com

Semeses T Yeas

BAR Code 200loo 1D t1Ms

l oh pabes Buaine Ossani>adion pMonaqemerd

Oniaue pabet Code S4nI02

Nome a Slege dehml of open Neasnin

SubJect Code S2MN02

Dakef Timne detamiodiorne 1903]2o21 2.30 Pm

Emo id Toinhoney4s adqme:l. Com
PHone Nambet 965y216358

Novme'- VHSU UN sub- UMyirid cagntbal0n MAmagmet
Rol No-2034S302676
Dale'- 19|6a]2021
Coute B.Com
Oovdinafion h
ÉMencee Manaqernent.. Ceooinotion
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LoOTdtmation iNhe neult Cjnertional
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