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Watch the following links and answer the question; 2-3 sentences The History of Anatomy The History of Human Anatomy

1. What can say about the history of anatomy after watching ? 5 pts
 Earliest examinations began with sacrifice victims
 Earliest evidence of anatomical examinations discovered in 1600 BCE by the
Egyptian people (paintings, scrolls and artifacts show diagrams of organs and
blood vessels)
 How the body works in order to combat illness and injury (how wound healed,
observed the effects of injuries, examined dead bodies to determine cause of
 During the time of Hippocrates (400 BCE), father of medicine; coined the
principle of physiology; first person to believe that diseases were cause naturally
(not because of superstition or the gods)
 Hippocratic oath taken by modern physicians
 Galen of pergamum (200 AD); a greek physician. To develop anatomical models
he dissect dissections in animals (monkeys and pigs). Well known work came
from the book de humani corporis fabrica (first ever printed illustrations and
descriptions of human anatomy). He also coined first anatomical terms based on
Greek and latin languages that are we use today!

Caduceus International Publishing. (2020). The History of Anatomy [YouTube

Video]. Retrieved from


Vid 2: The History of Anatomy Dissection

 Ranges from the earliest examination of sacrificing victims to

sophisticated analysis of the body performed by modern scientists

 Anatomy was the most prominent of the biological sciences of the 19th and
early 20th centuries.

 Understanding th functions of organs and structures of the body

 In medieval time, educated physicians practiced medicine on the

foundation of teachings by the ancient Greeks.
 However, there was dissatisfaction with the level of knowledge that could
be obtained which required fresh biomedical inquiry (eg. pursuit of a
systematic human anatomy)

 Ancient greeks, treated the human body as sacred and refrained from
dissecting dead bodies (common people and the church also felt misgiving
about dissection)

 In 1832, Britain passed the Anatomy Act, which allowed the dissection of
dead bodies for scientific pur

 poses

 opposition of dissection slowly dissipated during the black death period of

the mid 14th century (dissection was used to find the cause f the pandemic)

 In 1537, Pope Clement VII, aceepted the teachings of anatomy by


 Italy, the first country to commonly use dissection for scientific inquiry
(dissections were public occasions leading to the term theatre for the
observation area in surgery, not used for research but for teaching)

 In 1543, works of Andrea’s verse lists was huge breakthrough for in

medicine (the structure of human body); created a new atmosphere of
inquiry…. Surgeons back then used these illustrations of the muscles the
nerves the viscera and the blood vessels for anatomical investigation

 In 17th century and 18th century, only certified anatomists were allowed to
perform dissection to deal with the shortage of cadavers and the rising
number of medical students. In these era, body snatching and murder were
practiced to increase the number of cadavers available.

 In 19th century, researches including histology, developmental biology and

comparative anatomy

 Anatomical research has extended to evolutionary and molecular biology,

to understand the body’s organs and structures

 To save time and money, schools have gone to using pro sections (plastic
models) to teach anatomy.

 With recent improvement in technology, schools use computer animation

and 3D imaging of dissected bodies for instruction
 In the meantime, University of Kansas, one of the few programs across the
country that has human cadavers for undergraduate biology in the lab

Schott, V. (2015). The History of Human Anatomy [YouTube Video]. Retrieved from

 ‌ Homeostasis and Signs of Body Disequilibrium

2. Give examples of disequilibrium that you had experience 3pts

 Homeostasis = medical term for when all systems are in balance
 It refers to the dynamic equilibrium of the internal environment of the
body. It is maintained by the ever-changing process of feedback and then
regulation in response to external and internal feedback changes
 A disease can have signs and/or symptoms. These maybe the result of
disequlibrium or a disruption of the body’s homeostatic environment
(signs are obejective and physically verifiable).
 Common signs would be high blood pressure (hypertension), fast heart
rate (tachycardia), slow heart rate (bradycardia), low blood pressure
(hypertension), rash, fever and high temperature.
Caduceus International Publishing. (2020). Homeostasis and Signs of Body
Disequilibrium [YouTube Video]. Retrieved from What is the Definition of Pathology?

3. After watching the video what is the role of pathology to medical technology? 2 pts

 A disease is usually associated with laboratory and/or other abnormal

diagnostic testing.
 A disease may be due to an abnormality (may be due to a particular
organ, type of tissue, cell, specific chromosome, or gene) in the structure
or function of the human body.
 Sometimes the bnormality that is present will modify or interfere with how
the body normally functions.
 Pathology is the study of disease; pathologist is a physician who studies
tissues and disease (working in a hospital/laboratory)
 Patologist will perform autopsies and visual examinations of surgical
specimens (gross examination). He may then proceed to perform
microscopic examinations of the specimen, to help confirm the diagnosis.
They also examine and determine the diagnosis of biopsy specimens.
 Microscopic examinations of tissues and/or cells by pathologists are used
to help establish or confirm a diagnosis.

Caduceus International Publishing. (2019). What is the Definition of Pathology? [YouTube

Video]. Retrieved from

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