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LAB Assignment

Implement the following SQL Commands.

Note: Create the database and tables in order to run the following commands as well
attached the resulting screenshot is mandatory before and after implementing the query.

i. Selecting all columns from a table

ii. To select names of all jobs in a department, use

Note: The DISTINCT clause before a column name suppresses duplicate values

iii.To select all employees whose salary is greater than 2200.

iv. To display the name and department number of employees who were hired before 12 May,
v. To display the name and job of employees using literal character strings and
concatenation operators.
vi. Implement all comparison condition i-e IN,AND,OR,NOT or etc

vi. To display the employee name, department name, and location of all employees who earn a

vii. To display all the employee’s name (including KING who has no manager) and their
manager name.

viii. To display the name of all employees whose manager is KING.

ix. Create a unique listing of all jobs that in department 30. Include the location of department 30 in
the Output.

x. Write a query to display the name, job, department number and department name for all employees
who work in DALLAS.

xi. Display the employee name and employee number along with their manager’s name Manager
Number. Label the columns Employee, Emp#, Manager, and Manager#, respectively.

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