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A way for people, teams and organizations to deliver value by

working together more efficiently at solving complex problems

Scrum is a lightweight framework using the scientific

method of empiricism to gain knowledge through experience
and observation to make decisions

It uses lean thinking to eliminate waste through

continuous improvement by identifying opportunities to
change work for the better

Scrum consists of Theory | Values | Framework

Progress is made
by observing reality

the Facts
Making work visible and
presenting the facts so everyone
Transparency knows what’s going on, they trust
You Can each other, and collaborate to
Change Direction ensure everyone is aware of both
good and bad news
The Scrum Team uses
feedback or results from
inspecting their work to
adapt to change

Adaptation Inspection Checking Your

Work as You Do It
Everyone on the Scrum
Team inspects product,
practices, and continuous

Direct the Team’s work, actions and behavior

Living these values is what makes Scrum successful! Everyone works

together reinforcing the values and supporting each other

Commitment Focus Openness Respect Courage

Scrum Team Everyone focuses The Scrum Team Team members Scrum Team
members commit to on the work in the and Stakeholders respect each other members have the
achieving their goals sprint and making agree to be open to be capable, courage to do the
and supporting progress towards about all the work independent people right thing and
each other the Team’s goals and challenges treating each other work on tough
with it respectfully problems

Structure applying the theory and values to the daily
interactions of people

The Framework consists of a Scrum Team of Developers, a Product

Owner, and a Scrum Master who work in time-boxed Sprints.

Scrum Team is accountable for creating a valuable,

useful increment in every sprint

Less than 10 people




NO hierarchies or sub-teams

WHOLE team works together

Commit to delivering a usable increment in each
sprint.This term broadly describes people with specific
skills or knowledge of a specific area

Scrum Master
True leader who is Scrum Product Owner
accountable to the Scrum Team Maximizes the product
Team, Product Owner and value the Team produces
Organization ensuring and collaborates with the
everyone Team to deliver a
understands Scrum valuable, increment in
the Sprint

The Sprint contains four events the Team uses to inspect and adapt
their Scrum Artifacts: Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review and
Sprint Retrospective

Fixed length of 1 month or less

with all 4 events occurring
within the Sprint

Team works toward the Sprint

Goal and quality doesn’t

Team refines Product Backlog

as needed

Team may need to clarify and renegotiate Scope with PO

No changes are made to endanger the Sprint Goal

Daily Scrum
Daily 15 min meetings for the Scrum
Team to inspect their progress towards
their Sprint Goal and make any
adjustments to their work in a Sprint

Sprint Planning Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective

Scrum Team Scrum Team reviews the Scrum Team reviews the
decides what work outcome from their outcome from their Sprint
they plan to do for Sprint with Stakeholders, with Stakeholders,
a Sprint progress towards their progress towards their
Product Goal, and any Product Goal, and any
adjustments to make adjustments to make

All necessary work to achieve the Product Goal and 4 events occurs in a Sprint. A new Sprint
immediately starts when the previous Sprint Ends. Each new Sprint builds an increment of
product value with each !increment building on the next until the team achieves the Product Goal

Scrum Artifacts consist of three artifacts which are the Product

Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment. Each artifact supports three
corresponding commitments of the: Product Goal, Sprint Goal, and an
Definition of Done

Product Backlog

A prioritized list of items to improve or build a product.

The Scrum Team works together to refine or decompose
the Product Backlog into smaller, work items they
determine ‘Ready’ for Sprint Planning.

Developers who are doing the work will size work items
during Product Backlog Refinement or Sprint Planning.
Products can be a service, physical product or
something more abstract.

Sprint Backlog
Developers plan and manage the work in the Sprint Backlog of what they will
accomplish in the Sprint to achieve their Sprint Goal. The Sprint Backlog contains:

Sprint Goal (Why is this Sprint valuable?)

Product Backlog Items selected for the Sprint
(What can be done in this Sprint?)
Actionable Plan for delivering the Increment
(How the chosen work will get done?)


The increment is a concrete step towards achieving the

Product Goal with each step building onto he next one
until the goal is reached. An increment must be usable to
provide value.
The Scrum Team can produce multiple increments within a
Sprint or at the end of a Sprint. The Team can deliver theses
increments to stakeholders during or at the end of a
Sprint-delivering value at any time, not only at a Sprint Review.

All products deliver value with a clear boundary, known stakeholders and with a clear
definition of a customer or user


Product Goal Sprint Goal Definition of Done

Long-term objective of the Commitment by the Formal description for what
future state of the product. Developers of what they will the outcome of an increment
achieve as the outcome of should be and the quality
It’s a target the Scrum Team
the Sprint. measures for a product.
plans their Product Backlog
items towards defining what The Sprint Goal When a Product Backlog
items will achieve this goal. encourages the Scrum Item meets the Definition of
Team to work together to Done, an increment is
achieve this goal. completed

Tatijana Aleksandrovic

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