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Energy (kJ) 1021

Protein (g) 1.7  3

Glycaemic Carbohydrate (g) 2.0

Total Fat (g) 23.5

of which Saturated Fat (g) 4.8

of which Poly-unsaturated
Fat (g) 3

of which Mono-unsaturated
Fat (g) 15.6

Dietary Fibre (g) 5.3

Total Sodium (mg) 3

Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.2 12

Folate (µg) 29  7

Pantothenic Acid (mg) 0.8 16

Vitamin C (mg) 14 14

Vitamin E (mg te) 1 7

Magnesium (mg) 31 7

Potassium (mg) 583

* Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) for individuals of 4 years and older
[1] NRV: Nutrient Reference values, (from Regulations and guidelines as published in R.146 of 1
March 2010 (Regulations relating to the labelling and advertising of foodstuffs published under the
Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act 54 of 1972).


Avocados are not fattening

THE EXCITING TRUTH is 1/2 of a typical avocado contains approximately 160 calories ~ 20 calories less than a
small bag of peanuts, and slightly lower than a small slice of cheddar cheese. In fact, here’s a surprising finding :
Eating avocado can be part of a successful weight management program because :

     its monounsaturated oil speeds up the basal metabolic rate;

     its oil content may help reduce overeating because you get full faster.
     This same oil content reduces the urge to binge on unhealthy foods.
Avoided for years as a result of the common misconception that they are fattening and contain dangerous levels of
unhealthy oils and cholesterol, international scientists are now advocating avos as an important part of the
daily diet.

Avocados help your folate intake

THE TRUTH is avocado is particularly high in folate.  An Avocado provides 40% of the  recommended daily
allowance. Folate deficiency has been implicated in precancerous lesions particularly found in the cervix and colon.
Although folate is found in a variety of foods, as much as half may be destroyed in the cooking process.

Since avocado is primarily freshly prepared, folate benefits are maximised. Pregnant women and those trying to
conceive will benefit from the high levels of folate in avocados, essential for the development of the fetus. Eating
half an avo daily provides extra protection for both mother and baby. The soft, easily digestible flesh of the avocado
makes it an ideal first fruit for babies. Children get more vitamins from avos than they would from any other fruit.

Avocados contain fibre

THE EXCITING TRUTH is one hundred grams of avocado (less than 1/2 a medium avocado) provide 3.2 grams of
dietary fibre (0.9 grams soluble, 2.3 grams insoluble), giving it the highest concentration of dietary fibre of any
commonly eaten fruit.
High fibre intake is important because it lowers risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, high blood
pressure, diabetes and obesity

Eating Avocados is a modern day fad

THE EXCITING TRUTH is avocados were a vital part of the Aztec Indians’ diet ~ that’s as far back as
700 years BC.
Historical documentation reveals that in 1672, the physician attending England’s King Charles II,
incorporated avocado into His Royal Highness’ diet because he contended that it nourishes and
strengthens the body.
Avocados are a treasure trove of taste and goodness. Few healthy foods can claim to be as enjoyable as
the avo, and none as nutritionally rich.

Avocados are not high in cholesterol

THE TRUTH is avocados do not contain cholesterol and are very rich in monounsaturated oil an essential element
for lowering LDL cholesterol levels (in other words, for lowering the bad cholesterol).

In fact, their capacity to reduce chances of coronary disease led to the fruit being awarded the South African Heart
Foundation’s Heart Mark in 1997. This distinction is awarded only to those foods proven to have a role in
combating or lowering the rate of heart disease.

Mono and polyunsaturated oils make up more than 70% of the oil content in avocados.

These ‘good’ oils have been shown to protect the arterial walls and, therefore, protect against arterial heart disease,
one of the country’s major killers, which claims tens of thousands of lives every year.

Avocados contain few vitamins and minerals

THE TRUTH is, aside from folate, Vitamins A and C, avocados are very rich in Vitamin B6, which helps keep the
nervous system in good working order and is especially beneficial to some women suffering from PMS. Avocado
also contains Vitamin A in the safe carotene form.

In addition, avocados are brimming with Potassium, a mineral necessary for maintaining the right balance of water
in the body.

Half an avocado provides you with an eighth of your daily needs. Phosphorus, an important mineral for bone health,
is also found in avocados.
Avocados are particularly rich in these important antioxidants: Vitamins E and C. Antioxidants protect the body
from free radicals that cause gradual deterioration and aging. By eating an avocado a day you benefit from the daily
intake of Vitamin E necessary for boosting energy levels and strengthening the immune system.

As for Vitamin C, its benefits are numerous, ranging from common cold prevention to protecting the body from
stressful situations. The dual combination of Vitamins C and E is a major advantage because one strengthens the
fortifying action of the other.

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