Abrantes Gil Carla LDM 2 Final 2020 2021

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I noticed in his outputs that he has difficulty in solving fractions involving
multiplication. I reached out with the parent and asked for some feedback on her child. I
visited him last January to conduct an intervention, and give enrichment activities. I also
asked the parent from time to time thru phone calls for monitoring.
Our school conducts learning delivery through Printed/Modular Learning since our
school is located in a remote area where online learning is impossible. We also conducted
home visitations to reach out to those pupils who were identified as struggling learners.
4.1 Planning and management of teaching and learning process.

In making lesson plans, I always consider the different learning capabilities of my

learners. Aside from their individual differences, I always wanted my lesson to be enjoyable
and engaging for my pupils. FUN while LEARNING is value added in lessons. Alignment
from MELC is a must and Value and Subject integration is just as important as MELC.
Every 2 weeks, we are crafting summative tests to measure the learner’s
understanding of the modules they answered. The summative tests were aligned with the
MELCs from the past module they finished. ( e.g. Module1&2 = 1st Summative)
5.1 Designing, selection, organization, and utilization of assessment

In organizing my assessments, I bind all the assessments of each pupil into a book
portfolio and give it back to them for Feedbacking. . The Learner’s Portfolio has a separate
space for the parents to write their feedbacks, comments, and suggestions for the
improvement of their pupil. In designing and selection, I only choose the activities that
would be appropriate for the learners.
4.5 Teaching learning resources including ICT

Since we’ve been conducting home visitations and interventions, I’ve been preparing
Powerpoints converted into tarpapels as my Visual Aids. Since not all pupils were
privileged and well-off, the materials were just printed and sent to their homes.
7.3 Professional Links with colleagues
7.5 Professional Development Goals

I got this certificates when I served as a Learning Resource Evaluator in the

Evaluation of Self Learning Modules (SLM) For Quarters 3 and 4. Being an Evaluator in
Area 3 (Design and Lay-out) is both a privilege and a responsibility. I am happy to be
chosen as one of the evaluators for it helped me hone my knowledge in Learning Resource
7.3 Professional Links with colleagues
7.5 Professional Development Goals

This one is still an ongoing activity. We were still in the process of Evaluating the
Learning Materials before sending it back to the publisher for printing. This activity made
me realize the hardship of producing quality Learning Materials suitable for our learners.
7.3 Professional Links with colleagues
7.5 Professional Development Goals

Our District is striving to produce quality Video Lessons for asynchronous learning
so that no learner would be ;left behind. In line with this, I’ve been chosen as one of the
Learning Facilitator/Resource Speaker during the District LAC Sessions on the
Development of Remote and Non-classroom Learning Materials.
7.3 Professional Links with colleagues
7.5 Professional Development Goals

These trainings were one of my favorites. I loved all the topics discussed and I
learned a lot since the resource speakers were really effective and efficient. I am a techy
one and these kind of trainings excite me a lot. Looking forward for more of these since it
is timely and will be very beneficial most specially during this pandemic.
7.3 Professional Links with colleagues
7.5 Professional Development Goals

Being one of the LRMDS Team was the biggest turn over in my career. This has
been the greatest break I ever had. My skill in Arts was known in the department because
of it. I am thankful for this opportunity. This activity had given me confidence in terms of
Media Arts. Being a member of the team is a great achievement for me.
7.4 Professional reflection and learning to improve practice

The first time we’ve heard about this LDM, confusion and
worry came to me. Thinking about the things that we should do, what is
expected to happen, and the burden that it will bring. Little did I know
that this course is already helping cope up with the current situation.

As I was starting to craft this portfolio, memories came

flooding into me. The worries that I had for myself, my pupils, and the
parents before the start of the school year. Knowing how hard the
situation would be.

As I go through my portfolio, I can see how the pupils and

the parents struggled and tried their best to cope up and support
DepEd’s motto “Education Must Continue” despite their situation.

I am proud to say that we all did well. The school year is

almost done and the pupils are still holding on and trying their best to
learn independently. And because of that, all the hardships are worth it.

This LDM Course had given us lots or realizations. One of

which is that consistency is important. The passion we had when we
started should still be seen until the end. This pandemic setting might
have been exhausting (emotionally, physically, and financially) but still,
we’re stronger than COVID-19. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL

Based on my Reflection, I can finally see how important the support from your
peers, community, and stakeholders would be.
5.2 Monitoring and Evaluation of Learner Progress and

I’ve been monitoring my pupils through messenger. Since not all pupils have access
to internet, I am texting and calling them for monitoring and information dissemination.
Also, I am conducting Home Visitations to those pupils who were identified as struggling
5.3 Feedback to Improve Learning.

I’ve been monitoring my pupils through messenger. Since not all pupils have access
to internet, I am texting and calling them for monitoring and information dissemination.
Also, I am conducting Home Visitations to those pupils who were identified as struggling
7.3 Professional Engagement with Colleagues

Being with colleagues is the sweetest. Attending seminars and sessions with my
peers make the activities easier. We are always ready to help and support each other.
Professional growth with them will never be impossible. We love to grow together where no
one should be left behind and that is Family.
5.4 Communication on learners’ needs, progress and achievements
to key stakeholders
6.2 Engagement of parents and the wider school community
In the educative process.

We’ve been conducting meetings with the stakeholders and the community to update
them about the SMEA and ask them for feedback. We are also giving awards to those
outstanding pupils to motivate and congratulate them on their achievements quarterly.

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