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Ophthalmol Ther


COVID-19 Disease and Ophthalmology: An Update

Marı́a A. Amesty . Jorge L. Alió del Barrio . Jorge L. Alió

Received: April 28, 2020

Ó The Author(s) 2020

ABSTRACT suggest that ocular symptoms commonly

appear in patients with severe COVID-19
The worldwide outbreak of the severe and acute pneumonia and that it is possible to isolate the
respiratory coronavirus disease (COVID-19) virus from the conjunctival sac of these
caused by the coronavirus strain SARS-CoV-2 is patients. Conjunctivitis is not a common man-
currently the focal point of discussion due to ifestation of the disease, but contact with
the suffering this syndrome is causing to infected eyes could be one route of transmis-
humanity. However, the ophthalmological sion. Consequently, ophthalmologists need to
implications of this syndrome has not yet been have correct prevention strategies in place.
well described. Both eyes and tears as portals of Some guidelines regarding the prevention and
entry and sources of contagion have been the management of ophthalmology clinics are
subject of debate by many authors. The purpose reviewed. However, well-designed trials should
of this review is to summarize the evidence be conducted to rule out other ocular manifes-
currently available on COVID-19 and its ocular tations that may result from COVID-19 infec-
implications and manifestations, in both ani- tion and to understand the transmission of the
mals and humans, with the aim to facilitate virus through the eyes.
prevention and educate the ophthalmological
community on this subject. A review of the lit-
erature revealed that the results of some studies Keywords: Conjunctivitis; Coronavirus;
COVID-1; Ocular transmission;
Ophthalmology; SARS-CoV-2
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M. A. Amesty
Oculoplastic Department, Vissum (Grupo Miranza),
Alicante, Spain

J. L. Alió del Barrio  J. L. Alió (&)

Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgery Unit,
Vissum (Grupo Miranza), Alicante, Spain

J. L. Alió del Barrio  J. L. Alió

Division of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine,
Universidad Miguel Hernández, Alicante, Spain
Ophthalmol Ther

is characterized by a specific host range and

Key Summary Points genome sequence.
The most pathogenic of these four types of
The purpose of this review is to summarize coronaviruses is SARS-CoV, which causes a life-
the evidence currently available on threatening pneumonia [12–14]. This virus is
COVID-19 and its ocular implications and likely to reside in animals and can affect
manifestations, in both animals and humans through zoonotic transmission
humans, with the aim to facilitate [15, 16]. Coronaviruses have been identified in
prevention and educate the mice, rats, chickens, turkeys, swine, dogs,
ophthalmological community on this horses, rabbits, cats and humans. They can
subject. cause a variety of health problems in humans,
including gastroenteritis, respiratory tract
Conjunctivitis is not a common problems [17, 18] and conjunctivitis
manifestation of the disease, but contact [10, 11, 19–31].
with infected eyes could be one route of The authors of a recent study concluded that
disease transmission. one-third of patients with COVID-19 had ocular
Some guidelines regarding prevention and abnormalities, a frequent manisfestation in
management of ophthalmology clinic are patients with more severe disease and that
reviewed. although there is a low prevalence of SARS-CoV-
2 in tears, it is possible to transmit the disease
through ocular secretions [31]. Therefore, tak-
ing into consideration that there are more
reports in the literature associating coronavirus
and ophthalmic problems, the aim of this nar-
INTRODUCTION rative review is to summarize, from an oph-
thalmological perspective, the pathogeny, the
Since December 2019, humanity has been hav- portal of entry and implantation of the virus at
ing to deal with the emergence of a severe and the conjunctiva, its ophthalmic implications,
acute respiratory coronavirus disease (COVID- ocular complications, prevention in the oph-
19), caused by the strain of coronavirus referred thalmology context and possible treatment of
to as severe acute respiratory syndrome coron- the ocular disease. The relationship between
avirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The respiratory problems COVID-19 and the ocular surface (conjunctiva,
caused by this pathogen is well known, but the corneal epithelium and tear film) as a potencial
ophthalmological implications of the syndrome portal of entry and as a transmission mecha-
have not yet been well described. nism is currently under discussion due to the
Coronavirus disease is not a new pathology. high transmission rate of the disease.
Three human coronaviruses have been known This article is based on previously conducted
to exist since the mid-1960s: human coron- studies and does not contain any studies with
avirus 229E (HCoV-229E), human coronavirus human participants or animals performed by
OC43 (HCoV-OC43) and severe acute respira- any of the authors.
tory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus
(SARS-CoV) [1–9]. In 2004, human coronavirus
NL63 (HCoV-NL63), a novel human coron- CLINICAL EVIDENCE ON COVID-19
avirus to date, was reported in a 7-month-old AND EYE DISEASE
child suffering from bronchiolitis and con-
junctivitis [10, 11]. The Coronaviridae family of Etiology and Pathogenesis of COVID-19
viruses consist of enveloped viruses with a large
plus-strand RNA genome (27–32 kb) that is In general, coronaviruses are able to cause a
capped and polyadenylated. Each serology type wide range of upper respiratory infections
(common cold: alphacoronavirus HCoV-229E,
Ophthalmol Ther

alphacoronavirus HCoV-NL63, betacoronavirus infestation rather than the secondary immune

HCoV-OC43 and HCoV-HKU1), whereas other reaction that the infection may cause.
betacoronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV and Mid-
dle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Portal of Entry
(MERS-CoV), are responsible for more aggressive
lower respiratory problems considered to be It is known that SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted
atypical pneumonias. The different infection through direct or indirect contact with mucous
sites are likely to be related to the presence of a membranes in the eyes, mouth or nose
viral surface spike composed of a dipeptidyl [28, 44, 45] and that the respiratory tract should
peptidase 4 glycoprotein that has a human not be considered the only route of transmis-
receptor in the lower respiratory tract, known as sion. In fact, recent studies associate the enteric
angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Both symptoms of COVID-19, such as diarrhea,
SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV have this surface nausea, vomiting [46, 47], with invaded ACE2-
spike glycoprotein [32–34]. expressing enterocytes [48], with the oral–fecal
From the genetic point of view, SARS-CoV-2 route being another potential portal of entry.
is about 70% similar to SARS-CoV and, there- Additional studies are required to test dif-
fore, it is capable of using the same cell entry ferent portal of entries. Proposed theories
receptor (ACE2) to infect human cells [35, 36]. include [30]:
However, the SARS-CoV-2 glycoprotein spike
binds to ACE2 human receptors at a 10- to 1. Direct inoculation of the conjunctiva from
20-fold higher affinity than SARS-CoV [37]. infected droplets.
Once SARS-CoV-2 enters the alveolar 2. Migration of upper respiratory tract infec-
epithelial cells, its fast replication rate triggers a tion through the nasolacrimal duct.
strong immune response causing cytokine 3. Hematogenous infection of the lacrimal
storm syndrome (hypercytokinemia) and sub- gland.
sequence pulmonary tissue damage. In general,
hypercytokinemias consist of a group of disor-
Evidence of Ocular Manifestations
ders that produce an elevation of the pro-in-
flammatory cytokines. These cytokines are an
important cause of acute respiratory distress Our analysis of some of the studies included in
syndrome (ARDS) and multiple organ failure this narrative review (see Table 1) revealed that
[38–40]. One analysis of the first 99 cases of the most common ophthalmologic sign related
SARS-CoV-2 revealed that a cytokine storm to coronavirus infection was inflammation of
occurred in patients with severe COVID-19, of the conjunctiva (conjunctivitis). Among the
whom 17% had ARDS; among the latter studies reviewed, six were performed in animals
patients, 11% deteriorated very rapidly and died (feline, murine, canine and bird experimental
of multiple organ failure [41]. In addition, the models) [19–21, 24–26] and the other 11 in
number of T cells (CD4 and CD8) are decreased humans [10, 11, 22, 23, 27–31].
in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, suggest- The first time that conjunctivitis was associ-
ing a decreased immune function that subse- ated to a human coronavirus was in 2004, in a
quently allows a secondary infection that could 7-month-old child [10, 11], then in 2005
worsen the respiratory failure [42]. [22, 23], due to the great interest in under-
Both viral diseases and immune problems standing the clinical manifestations of coron-
can lead to ocular manifestations, such as con- avirus during the first SARS-CoV crisis.
junctivitis, uveitis, retinitis, among others. It is However, it is not until this new 2019–2020
difficult to determine the pathogeny of the outbreak that conjunctivitis has once again
ophthalmic involvement. However, since the been associated to a coronavirus outbreak and
virus has been cultured from conjunctival taken to be a sign of COVID-19.
secretions [43], COVID-19 ophthalmopathy is In a retrospective study, Vabret et al. inves-
more likely to be related to the own virus tigated HCoV-NL63 infection in hospitalized
Ophthalmol Ther

Table 1 Clinical evidence of coronavirus ophthalmic manifestions

First author Year Type of Main ocular Other Upper respiratory Gastrointestinal
[reference] study problem problems tract problems signs
Hök K [19] 1993 Experimental Conjunctivitis Present
Hök K [20] 1993 Experimental Conjunctivitis Present Present
van der 2004 Clinical Conjunctivitis Present (bronchiolitis)
Hoek L
Ahmad K 2004 Clinical Conjunctivitis Present (bronchiolitis)
Decaro N 2004 Experimental Conjunctivitis Present (respiratory Present (enteritis)
[24] distress)
Loon S-C 2004 Clinical Not specified Present (SARS)
Chan WM 2004 Clinical Not specified Present (SARS)
Fouchier RA 2005 Clinical Conjunctivitis Present (pneumonia,
[22] SARS)
Vabret A 2005 Clinical Conjunctivitis Otitis, Present (rhinitis, Present
[23] pharyngitis bronchiolitis)
Terregino C 2008 Experimental Conjunctivitis Present
Ledbetter 2009 Experimental Conjunctivitis
EC [25]
Stiles J [26] 2014 Experimental Uveitis
Chang LY 2014 Clinical Conjunctivitis
Xia J [28] 2020 Clinical Conjunctivitis
Lai THT 2020 Clinical Not specified
Seah I [30] 2020 Clinical Conjunctivitis Uveitis,
retinitis, optic
Wu P [31] 2020 Clinical Conjunctivitis Epiphora
Chen L [43] 2020 Clinical Conjunctivitis Present (sore throat) Present (diarrhea)
Zhang H 2020 No evidence
Ophthalmol Ther

Table 1 continued
First author Year Type of Main ocular Other Upper respiratory Gastrointestinal
[reference] study problem problems tract problems signs

Cheema M 2020 Case report Keratoconjunctivitis Present (rhinorrhea,

[67] cough, nasal
Lan QQ 2020 Clinical No evidencea
Hu K [71] 2020 Clinical Conjunctivitis Present
A-Yong [72] 2020 Clinical Conjunctivitis
SARS Severe acute respiratory syndrome
No evidence to support conjunctivitis related to coronavirus

children diagnosed with respiratory tract infec- eliminated in such patients [28]. As ophthal-
tion [23]. Of the 300 samples analyzed, 28 mologists, we should be aware of this finding
(9.3%) were positive for HCoV-NL63. The because any sign of conjunctivitis in the clinical
medical reports of 18 patients with HCoV- setting should be considered to be a possible
NL63–positive samples were retrospectively coronavirus conjunctivitis, especially when
examined and the following symptoms noted: accompanied by other respiratory tract prob-
fever (61%, n = 11 patients), rhinitis (39%, lems or fever.
n = 7), lower respiratory tract illness (bronchi- A study carried out by Loon et al. in 2004
olitis, pneumonia [39%, n = 7]), digestive demonstrated the presence of SARS-CoV RNA in
problems (diarrhea and abdominal pain [33%, tears [49]. Tear samples collected from 36 sus-
n = 6]), otitis (28%, n = 5), pharyngitis (22%, pected SARS-CoV patients were sent for RT-PCR
n = 4) and conjunctivitis (17%, n = 3) [23]. analysis for the presence of SARS-CoV; SARS-
Xia et al. reported a prospective interven- CoV RNA was identified in three of these
tional case series involving 30 patients with patients [49].
confirmed novel coronavirus pneumonia [28]. In contrast, there have been studies which
Tear and conjunctival secretions were collected have assessed both tears and conjunctival
for reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR) assay. scrapes from 17 patients with confirmed SARS-
The authors demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 CoV infection, with no positive results from the
were present in the tears and conjunctival RT-PCR analysis [50, 51]. The authors propose
secretions of coronavirus pneumonia patients three explanations of these results: (1) low
with conjunctivitis; however, no virus was sensitivity of RT-PCR on ocular surface secre-
detected in the tears or conjunctival secretions tions; (2) if there is viral shedding in ocular
of patients without conjunctivitis. These results tissue, the window period may only last a short
could possibly indicate that tear and conjunc- period of time; (2) the possibility that SARS-CoV
tival secretions are not a common route of does not exist in ocular tissues.
coronavirus transmission, given that the Regarding the severity of the COVID-19 dis-
majority of COVID-19 patients do not manifest ease, patients with ocular symptoms are more
conjunctivitis. Nevertheless, this route of likely to have higher white blood cell and neu-
transmission could not be completely trophil counts and higher levels of
Ophthalmol Ther

procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, and lactate two main strains are JHM (JHMV) and A59
dehydrogenase than patients without ocular (MHV-A59), both of which were isolated from a
symptoms [31]. paralyzed mouse as a result of extensive
Another interesting detail regarding the demyelination and encephalomyelitis [57].
ocular implication of this infection is that the JHMV-infected mice were subsequently utilized
human eye actually has its own intraocular for intravitreal inoculation to study the mech-
renin–angiotensin system, and ACE2 receptors anisms of virus-induced retinal degeneration
have been found in the aqueous humor [52]. As [58]. This model is known as the experimental
previously explained, the main receptor for CoV retinopathy (ECOR) model, and it is used
SARS-CoV-2 is the ACE2 receptor, which indi- to examine genetic and host immune responses
cates that aqueous humor could be a target in that may contribute to retinal disease [30].
COVID-19 infection. More studies exploring the In the ECOR model, the infection has two
hypothesis of SARS-CoV-2 ocular manifestation phases, namely, inflammation in the early
through the ACE2 receptor need to be phase and retinal degeneration in the late
performed. phase. Following inoculation, the presence of
The study of ocular manifestations in ani- the virus in the retina and retina pigment
mals could improve our current understanding epithelium will result in the infiltration of
of eye disease in humans. Therefore, in the immune cells and release of proinflammatory
following section, ocular manifestations associ- mediators. After the first week of infection, viral
ated with coronavirus infections in animals are clearance is achieved. However, retinal and
discussed. retinal pigment epithelial cell autoantibodies
are subsequently produced, resulting in pro-
Association of Other Coronaviruses gressive loss of photoreceptors and ganglion
with Ocular Manifestations in Animals cells as well as thinning of the neuroretina [59].
In this case, the autoimmune process is the
Earlier studies have reported an association cause of the majority of the retinal damage.
between coronaviruses and ocular problems in MHV-A59 models, on the other hand, have
animal models. For example, feline infectious been used to create viral-induced optic neuritis.
peritonitis (FIP) is caused by a feline coronavirus This line of research is based on the increasingly
(FCoV). Vasculitis is a common feature in FIP, popular hypothesis that viral-induced inflam-
and ocular manifestations include pyogranulo- mation is the likely etiology of multiple sclero-
matous anterior uveitis, coroiditis with retinal sis. Shindler et al. inoculated MHV-A59
detachment and retina vasculitis, with perivas- intracranially into mice, inducing meningitis,
cular cuffing by inflammatory cells [53–56]. focal acute encephalitis and, most importantly,
These manifestations are more common in the optic neuritis [60]. Inflammation of the optic
non-effusive (dry) form than in the effusive nerve was detected as early as 3 days after
(wet) form of the disease. Also, it can be present inoculation, with the peak incidence at 5 days.
without other systemic signs of FIP [26]. The Axonal loss was highlighted by the significant
treatment of uveitis associated with FIP has decrease in axonal staining compared to control
been described: large fibrin clots in the anterior optic nerves 30 days after inoculation [60].
chamber were treated with intracameral injec- It is important to note that in animal mod-
tions of 25 lg tissue plasminogen activator. els, coronaviruses affect not only the anterior
However, cats with mild uveitis responded only surface of the eye; thus, we should be careful as
to topical therapy [26]. ophthalmologists and prevent any possible
A murine coronavirus, the mouse hepatitis ocular transmission of the disease. It is impor-
virus (MHV), has shown involvement of the tant to learn more about the transmission
posterior pole of the eye. The MHV neurotropic mechanism to the eye and try to understand the
strains are of particular importance in animal pathogeny of the virus in the ocular tissues. We
model studies in the ophthalmology field. The have clear knowledge of retinal and optic nerve
problems related to coronavirus in animals, and
Ophthalmol Ther

the implications thereof; consequently, we and patients should be screening for COVID-19
should be meticulous when examining patients symptoms and contact history with confirmed
who have tested positive for COVID-19. Never- or suspected COVID-19 patients within the past
theless, to the best of our knowledge, there is no 14 days. Patients should be provided with a
evidence of human coronaviruses causing mask if they do not bring one from home and
intraocular ophthalmic problems, such as uvei- social distancing in the registration and waiting
tis, retinitis and optic neuritis, as observed in area should be practiced. Patients with con-
animals. junctivitis or other similar infections should be
seen in a separate clinic, and there should be a
Ophthalmological Prevention separate waiting area. Patients should be tested
more than two times for SARS-CoV-2 RNA in
According to a number of authors, ophthal- the conjunctival sac and tears. Inside the clini-
mologists could have a higher risk of contract- cal examination room, the number of people
ing SARS-CoV-2 infection due to face-to-face should be limited (1 doctor and 1 patient per
communication with patients, frequent expo- room), with the exception of visually impaired
sure to tears and ocular discharge and the patients, patients with communication/mobil-
unavoidable use of equipment, such as slit ity difficulties or small children. The room
lamp, tonometer, laser, etc. [29, 61]. Ssome should be well ventilated, and the instruments
guidelines have been recently published to used should be disinfected immediately after
minimize the risk of infection. each patient visit. Infection control training
should be provided to all clinical staff. Instal-
lation of protective shields on slit lamps, fre-
Before the patient‘s visit
quent disinfection of equipment and provision
The number of patients visiting the clinic
of eye protection for staff should be imple-
should be strictly limited, and there should be a
mented in all clinics. Universal masking, hand
strict timetable of appointments to prevent any
hygiene and the correct use of PPE should be
agglomeration of patients in the clinic waiting
promoted [29]. Direct ophthalmoscope exami-
room [29, 61]. Online platforms, such as the
nation is not recommended and could be
hospital‘s official website, should be used.
replaced by slit light lenses, optical coherence
Telephone assistance could be useful in helping
tomography (OCT) or fundus photography [61].
the patient distinguish between urgent and not-
urgent ocular problems, recommending treat-
ments for non-urgent diseases, reminding Inpatient management and surgeries
patients of the use of personal protection Preoperative infection screening of the inpa-
equipment (PPE) before coming to the clinic tients is recommended, especially before any
and answering questions on possible symptoms surgical procedure. General anesthesia should
relative to COVID-19 [61]. A triage system is be avoided, and local anesthesia is preferable to
also important to identify patients with fever, avoid contamination. Any emergency operation
respiratory symptoms and/or acute conjunc- of a COVID-19–positive patient should be per-
tivitis or who have recently traveled to outbreak formed in a negative pressure operating room. If
areas. Online ordering and delivery of pre- such a surgical area is not available, the patient
scribed medication, especially for chronic should be referred to another qualified hospital
medication for chronic eye diseases, such as equipped with such an operating room. Opera-
glaucoma, is also recommended [61]. tions on healthy patients can be performed in a
space with a positive pressure laminar flow, as is
standard practice [61].
During the patient‘s visit
The number of accessible entry points to the
hospital/clinic should be reduced and check- Staff management
points set up at the hospital entrance. The Infection control training for all staff is neces-
temperature of patients should be controlled sary. The taking of temperature and the query-
Ophthalmol Ther

and-questionnaire procedure before entering pseudodendritic keratoconjunctivitis with oral

the hospital also applies to the staff. Strict hand valacyclovir 500 mg orally three times per day
hygiene is required, and gloves should be and moxifloxacin 1 drop once daily to the right
changed regularly; one pair of latex gloves eye, based on a presumed diagnosis of herpetic
should not be used for long periods of time [61]. keratoconjunctivitis; this patient, however,
According to current evidence, human turned out to have a positive SARS-CoV-2 con-
coronavirus can remain infectious on inanimate junctival swab result [67].
surfaces for up to 9 days [62]. Therefore, reduc- The most common cause of infectious con-
ing the viral load on surfaces by disinfection is junctivitis is human adenovirus (HAdV),
very important. The World Health Organization accounting for up to 75% of all conjunctivitis
recommends cleaning environmental surfaces cases and affecting people of all ages and
with water and detergent and applying com- demographics. As a coronavirus, it can also
monly used disinfectants, such as sodium cause systemic infections in the form of gas-
hypochlorite [63]. Bleach is typically used at a troenteritis and respiratory disease. HAdV cau-
dilution of 1:100 of 5% sodium hypochlorite, ses lytic infection of the mucoepithelial cells of
resulting in a final concentration of 0.05% [64]. the conjunctiva and cornea, as well as latent
It has also been suggested that a concentration infection of lymphoid and adenoid cells. De-
of 0.1% is effective in 1 min. It therefore seems spite it being the most common ophthalmo-
appropriate to recommend a dilution 1:50 of logical viral infection, there is no U.S. Food and
standard bleach in the coronavirus setting. In Drug Administration-approved antiviral for
case of small surface desinfection, ethanol treating HAdV keratoconjunctivitis. Therefore,
(62–71%) has shown an efficacy against coron- managing viral persistance and dissemination
avirus [62, 64]. Other biocidal agents, such as constitute a challenge. Some treatment modal-
0.05–0.2% benzalkonium chloride or 0.02% ities have been investigated, such as systemic
chlorhexidine digluconate are less effective [65]. and topical antivirals, in-office povidone-iodine
Duan et al. found that irradiation with ultravi- irrigation, immunoglobulin-based therapy,
olet light for 60 min on several coronaviruses in anti-inflammatory therapy and immunother-
culture medium resulted in undetectable levels apy. Other posible therapeutic options are sialic
of viral infectivity. acid analogs, cold atmospheric plasma, N-
We speculate that some ocular spray disin- chlorotaurine and benzalkonium chloride [68].
fectants that contain hypochlorous acid, usu- Although viral conjunctivitis can cause dis-
ally applied to treat blefaritis in order to reduce comfort to patients, it is not a life-threatening
bacterial and viral load on the skin and eye- condition. Therefore, all the treatment efforts in
lashes, could be used as a measurement of pre- patients testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 are
vention for the facial area where many other destined to be vital problems rather than serious
chemical agents cannot be applied. threats to the eye itself. Treatment for viral
conjunctivitis is mostly supportive, and the
Treatment of Ocular Problems in Patients majority of cases are self-limited. Nonetheless, it
with COVID-19 is important that ophthalmologists to decrease
the possible viral load on the conjunctiva and
Little evidence exists on the treatment of the decrease the potential of transmission through
viral conjunctivitis associated with COVID-19. tear and eye secretions. Some of the general
Some antiviral systemic drugs have been used ophthalmic recommendations for viral con-
during this outbreak, such as umefenovir, lopi- junctivitis could apply to COVID-19 patients in
navir, ritonavir [43], but not specifically for the terms of reducing both the transmission rate
ocular problem. Chen et al. reported the possi- and possible complications; these include
bility that ribavirin eye-drops could help the hygienic measures (frequent hand washing,
ocular symptom treatment [43]. Cheema et al. especially when eye drops need to be applied or
recently treated one patient who presented with contact lens are worn; avoiding touching or
rubbing the eyes; changing pillowcases, sheets,
Ophthalmol Ther

towels, regularly; not sharing personal items, Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This
etc.). article is based on previously conducted studies
More studies should be conducted to estab- and does not contain any studies with human
lish a specific antiviral ocular treatment aimed participants or animals performed by any of the
at reducing the viral load, if present, on the authors.
conjunctiva of patients and reducing the
transmission rate from the ophthalmological Data Availability. Data sharing is not
perspective. However, it is very difficult to applicable to this article as no datasets were
determine a treatment when so many doubts generated or analyzed during the current study.
still remain regarding the ophthalmic implica-
tions of SARS-CoV-2 infection [69, 70]. Open Access. This article is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-
cial 4.0 International License, which permits
CONCLUSION any non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation,
distribution and reproduction in any medium
Our review of the literature reveal that some or format, as long as you give appropriate credit
studies suggest that ocular symptoms com- to the original author(s) and the source, provide
monly appear in patients with severe COVID a link to the Creative Commons licence, and
pneumonia and that it is possible to detect viral indicate if changes were made. The images or
RNA from the conjunctival sac of these patients. other third party material in this article are
Apparently, conjunctivitis is not a frequent included in the article’s Creative Commons
manifestation of the coronavirus disease in licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit
patients with non-severe COVID-19. Despite line to the material. If material is not included
conjunctivitis generally being a self-limited and in the article’s Creative Commons licence and
benign condition, it is an important route of your intended use is not permitted by statutory
viral transmission and, therefore, prevention is regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you
the most important aspect to remember as will need to obtain permission directly from the
ophthalmologists to protect our patients and copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence,
ourselves. visit

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