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Notice of Common Task

Year 8
Subject French
Task Date
Nature of the task Unit 9 and 10 Task
Duration or length 30 minutes

Outcomes / Content
-listening - organises and responds to information and ideas in texts for different audiences LFR4-3C
-reading - identifies main ideas in, and obtains information from texts LFR4-2C
-grammar - identifies variations in linguistic and structural features of texts LFR4-7U
-writing - applies a range of linguistic structures to compose texts in French LFR4-4C
-speaking - applies features of French grammatical structures and sentence patterns to convey information and
ideas LFR4-6U

Achievement criteria
You will be assessed on how well you:
- know and understand the vocabulary and grammar structures of the units (daily activities, household items and
rooms, prepositions of place, venir, prendre, reflexive verbs)

Description of the task

1. You will listen to a person's daily routine and match times to activities.
You will listen to a text and match items to their precise location.
2. You will read 2 descriptions of rooms and compare them in English.
3. Conjugation of reflexive verbs, prendre and venir.
4. You will write describe where specific items are in a bedroom in relation to other objects.
You will be required to know how to use prepositions and the vocabulary of items and furniture.
5. You will talk about what you do in a day (reflexive verbs and daily activities with time)
Additional Information
You must inform your teacher in advance if you know that you will be away.

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