Lesson Plan For Listening

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GRADE 8 ENGLISH, Philippines

Student: Heterogeneous, 14 yrs. Old & above

Lesson No. : 1 Date: 21 January 2019 Remarks Rationale

I. Objectives The students should be able to:

1. Appreciate the importance of delivering Among all domains, Affective
clear or vivid meaning with the use domain must be put at first. In
modifiers. every lesson, value integration
2. Identify the modifiers present in the must be considered and
listening text. integrated.
3. Organize the story based on the listening ACP- Affective, Cognitive and
text. Psychomotor
Materials PowerPoint Presentation with audio clip
II. Lesson MODIFIERS/ ADJECTIVE Introduction to Adjectives
(Integrate Listening)
III. Procedure
Group Task 1: A MOM Giving lead- in activities
Directions: The teacher will present a picture of a motivate student to participate
mother and students will be asked quickly to give in class. These listening
their insights about it. activities for this particular
Group Task 1A. Afterwards, the students will Recordin lesson will give them the heed
listen to a recording (love letter for a mom) and g to use their listening skill
will write down all the words used by the writer to duration (GROUP TASK 1). This is
describe his mom. Students will compare their 1min+2 good in eliciting ideas form the
answers with their groupmates and will provide students and can stimulate their
only two (2) modifiers and choose one to report. 3 mins. thinking skills by activating
their prior knowledge about
things usually our mother told
us to use, eat, etc. (GROUP
4 Mom 2
TASK 2).
Group Task 2: WHAT’S IN THE BOX?
Directions: The teacher will ask 3 pairs from the
class; a teller and a guesser. Each will be given 25 3 mins.
secs to guess the object. The rest will be asked to
write all the modifiers that they’ve heard.
1. What were the techniques you used to 2 mins. Raising questions about the
successfully complete the task? tasks presented will give
2. What made it difficult? Can you cite students the chance to think
problems that you have encountered? critically about the task to
3. Notice the words on the board, what do determine its purpose.
we call them? Reflecting from the task urges
the students to assess their
performance and address
discrepancies. It will also serve
as the bridge between lead- in
activities(ACTIVITY) to the
addressing the gap (if such
exists) during the class
ABSTRACTION -Presentation of Objectives 2 mins. Present to the students the
-The teacher will discuss the following: objective before the proper
a. What is an adjective? discussion.
b. How to identify adjectives in the
Group Task 3: DRAW ME A PICTURE 5 mins. APPLICATION is used (can be
Directions: Each group will choose two artistic individual/ group). This will
group members to make an illustration based on help them use their listening,
the story being told by the teacher. It will rely on retention, linguistic skills.
what are the adjectives being used by the teacher Students will realize also the
describing the character, the place, time, weather, importance of using modifiers
etc. to show a clear picture of a
situation (Obj.1), identify the
A tall boy in a red shirt is waking at the park. modifiers (Obj. 2), and organize
Along the way, he met an old woman with a small events from the listening text
red basket on her hand, attempting to cross the (Obj. 3).
The tall boy helped the old woman to cross and he
waited shortly at the bus station until the old
woman rode in a blue bus.
Artistry- 40%
Content- 60%
Total- 100%

IV. Evaluation No written test The teacher may decide to give

a quiz or not.
V. Assignment Pair work: Lesson Evaluation
Directions: Write all your positive (PLUS)and
negative feedback (MINUS) you encountered, and
the interesting ideas you learned from the story.
Present your answers tomorrow.

PMI Chart Reflection


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