Easy Ways To Resolve WordPress Htaccess Memory Limit Error

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Easy Ways to Resolve WordPress Htaccess memory limit Error

Keyword: dedicated server hosting in Pakistan

When it comes to the open-source website creation tool, WordPress tops the list as it is one of the most
stable platforms but it is not entirely immune to errors. There can be several common problems that you
might run across. Beginners can have an idea with little information about what should be done to solve
the problem. One of the most frequently encountered problem is the WordPress Htaccess memory limit
error. This error can occur due to different circumstances, specifically due to specific actions on your
website such as installing and activating a new plugin and uploading. These errors can be resolved.
Today, we are showcasing easy ways to resolve WordPress Htaccess memory limit error, before we
begin, we’ll have quick insight about what WordPress limit error is?

Some facts about WordPress limit error

As you know your website requires a certain amount of memory in order to store all of it’s data. And
memory is provided by your hosting server or your dedicated server hosting in Pakistan. Many first-time
owners start with a basic shared hosting plan which is not a problem. But there are increased chances
that your allocated memory will be on the low side. With time your website will grow and you will start
using complex plugins and scripts which can result in memory limit.

How to increase memory limit for WordPress

First login to your website using FTP and navigate to your wp-config.php file. Now edit this file with the
text editor of your choice and add the following line of code: define (‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, “25 6M’);

You have to be sure that the line of code doesn’t already exist in your wp-config.php, or of even, it does
then just update it with higher value such as ‘256 M’. ‘M’ here refers to megabytes that WordPress is
allowed to use. If you want to further increase, this is in intervals such as 256, 512, 1024 or 2048 and so

 Update your PHP Memory Limit

You may need to update your PHP memory limit so that your server would know that you require more
memory. Some simple steps will allow you to have it, using cPanel. Login to cPanel for your website.
Navigate to “Select PHP Version”. Then select “Switch to PHP Options”, on the top right of the
screen. Click on the value of “Memory limit”, it will be like “64M” then a dropdown will appear with
options then select a higher value and click on “apply” then save the settings.

 Edit Your PHP.ini file

If the error still appears, you can work through this method. A lot of hosting providers doesn’t allow access
to PHP.ini files but you should try. Change the line which shows 64M to 256M: memory_limit
= 256M; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (64MB)
 Edit your .htaccess File

This is a hidden file found in the root directory of your WordPress Installation usually. You can try to add
following code to your .htaccess file: php_value memory_limit 256M

 Contact your hosting provider

If you think that all of the above methods are not working for you then contact your hosting provider.

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