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Job Description Termination Cable Control & Power, Install Cable Gland Date 12May2020
Contractor BVI - BOYA Prepared By Sonny Kuswoyo
Project TJB 5&6 Location Building 809
Project Manager Chen Fei Superintendent Pan Qing
Craft Safety Representative Muhammad Rendy Approved By      

Sequence of Job Potential Hazards Recommended Action, Procedure, and/or Equipment

Toolbox Meeting: Pinched Pastikan posisi tangan tidak berada pada titik jepit
Menyampaikan JHA Terjepit Make sure the hand position is not at the pinch point
JHA communication Pastikan memakai sarung tangan
Make sure to wear gloves
Tersayat Hindari kontak langsung dengan benda tajam/behati-hati dengan benda
Scratched Avoid direct contact with sharp object/beware of sharp object
Pastikan memakai sarung tangan
Make sure to wear gloves
Tersandung Letakkan barang pada tempatnya dan menjaga kerapian tempat
Stumble/tripped kerja
Put the object in place and maintain good housekeeping
Heat stress Pastikan ketersediaan air minum untuk pekerja
Ensure the availability of drinking water for worker
Glanding & Termination Cut from knife while peeling the cable - Approve termination drawing to be use
Work - Trained personal only to carry out the task
- All electrical tools need to inspect
- Close supervision by work leader
- Wear proper PPE (cut resistance glove)

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Sequence of Job Potential Hazards Recommended Action, Procedure, and/or Equipment

Cut from the cable armor while handling - Wear proper PPE (cut resistance)
- Competent person only can do the work
- Conduct safety briefing if necessary
- Use proper hand tool (insulated hand tools)
Slip, trip and fall: Physical injuries - Maintain daily housekeeping
- Wear proper PPE
- Waste cable to keep at designated area
- Provide plastics bag at workplace
Shock while termination Before termination of the Cable, ensure that the power supply is
cut off
Ensure that job permit is taken and LOTO Procedure followed
Housekeeping Tersandung, Terpeleset, Terjatuh (baik di Menyingkirkan benda yang tidak terpakai dari area kerja.
ketinggian yang sama atau beda level Get rid of unused object in the workplace.
ketinggian). Menata area kerja agar rapi. Membersihkan area kerja dari
Stumbled/Tripped, Fall (From height or a sampah.
place with different level of height) Arrange thw workplace to be neat. Clean up workplace from the
Saat membawa sampah, kondisi sepatu tidak licin, padangan mata
tidak terhalang.
While take the rubbish, ensure that shoes condition is not slippery
and the eye sight is not blocked
Terluka akibat benda tajam. Memisahkan sampah.
Injury by sharp object. Separating the waste.
Berhati-hati terhadap benda yang ujungnya tajam, pakai sarung
Beware with the sharp object. Use safety gloves.

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