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Logical thinking – Rating tool

Rating tool (only one tick per line)

Item Question Agree
Agree Disagree What missed or not clear enough?
I could easily understand what was the problem and how
5W2H important it was, including what were the conditions when
the problem occurred ( such as TLR, historical data )
I could understand what the team learned from the sorting
activity to assist in the analysis of good & bad parts
Sorting comparison and quick response attitude (24 hours) has
been demonstrated
The team demonstrated with facts and data the factors
Compare which generated differences between good & bad parts
using the FTA method for non-detection and occurrence

I could understand that the team had verified each "why"

with data as evidence
Reproduce I could see clear evidence that the defect had been
reproduced. Then, countermeasures have been quickly  X      
implemented (within 5 days).
In the LLC, 5W2H and root cause are described easily with
picture and/or drawing. I could easily understand what
was the problem, how important it was and what was the X
root cause (depending of the type of LLC: occurrence,
detection, management)
The before and after explanation is linked with the type of
Learn LLC identifying clearly what has been modified. This is X
convincing me that solution is robust.
Item area is reflecting what has been learnt in line with
what have been modified. Method is explaining Who,
When, How and Where to control the factor. Criteria is
showing what is good and not good results with data.
LLC has been published quickly (within 10 days) after
VTES committee validation and VTES committee has
Share decided where and to whom share the LLC (at site level, in
project, to other sites, to the Branch,…)
The “item-method-criteria” allow me to perform stability
audit easily. Technical standards have been updated. LLC        
Keep has been integrated in generic FMEA and Design Review    X    

Number of ticks in column      

Number of points  8
SCORE 17 / 20
Logical Thinking rating tool V2 2007

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