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First to deal with the notion of conservation in

theone dimensional collision of bodies was the

French philosopher and mathematician Rene Des-
I 7th century cartes (1596-1650). In his Principles of Philosophy
(1644) Descartes asserts that the total quantity of
treatments of one motion in the universe remains constant. By the
quantity of motion of a body, he meant the scalar
dimensional collisions (geometrical) product of the size (mass) of the body
and its speed. The argument he presents for the con-
stancy of the quantity of motion, rather than resting
on experiment, is founded on apriorigrounds,namely
G DANIEL GOEHRING on the immutability of God. Godis conceived by Des-
Department of Philosophy, cartes as being the universal and primary cause of
The Ohio State University, USA motion, and His operations are conceived as being
constant and unchangeable. Thus Descartes asserts
that God conserves in matter a constant quantity of
When a body of a certain size moves with a certain motion.
speed, it can be assigned a certainmeasure of motion This primary principle of the constancy of the
which is proportional to its size and speed. Many total quantity of motion in the universe, however, is
such measures can be formulated which are directly not sufficient for the complete analysis of con-
proportional to the size of the body and to some servation in one dimensional collisions that Des-
power of its speed, ie to the speed, to the square of cartes intends to set forth. Descartes had reasoned
the speed, to the cube of the speed, etc. Two of these that from the immutability of God we can also
measures acquired great importance during the 17th know certain natural laws, and these can serve as
in considerations of conservation. The secondary bases for his analysis of one dimensional
question over which of the two is conserved in the collisions. In the first of these natural laws, reminis-
one dimensional collision of nonrotating bodies cent of Galileo’s special law of inertia, Descartes
received several answers from the great philosophers asserts that the state of rest of a body or the state of
and scientists of that century, motion of a body cannot change spontaneously
My aimin this article is to examine these answers, without an external cause. According to his mechan-
and in so doing to present the initial development of ical philosophy, the external cause could only be
the present day principles of the conservation of direct contact with another body.
momentum and energy-these principles receiving The second natural law states that a body which is
their original formulationsinthe analysis of the moving tends to continue its movement in a straight
one dimensional collisions of bodies. line. In these two natural laws, asserting both the
uniformity and rectilinearity of unimpeded motion,
Descartes announced the present day law of inertia.
From Galileo to Descartes The third natural law treats directly the case of
Since the time of Aristotle, it had been an accepted two colliding bodies. Here Descartes asserts that if
principle of mechanics that a body would remain in abody collides with another which hasa greater
motion onlyaslongas something, eg a force or tendency to persist in its present state, it loses none
cause, continued to move it. Everyday experience of its motion, and if it collides with another which
certainly seemed to confirm such a principle. The has a lesser tendency to persist in its present state, it
Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) de- loses as much motion as it imparts to the body with
parted from this principle and asserted that in the which it collides. It is important to understand that
absence of any outside resistance a body in ‘hori- Descartes distinguishes the quantity of motion from
zontal’ motion would continue to move. For the direction of motion. For Descartes, if the body
Galileo ‘horizontal’ motion was motion on a only changes its direction, then there is no change in
spherical surface concentric with the earth, and the quantity of motion.
therefore circular rather than rectilinear. Neverthe- Thisthirdnatural law, along with Descartes’
less, Galileo’s assertion of a principle of inertia, al- principle of the constancy of the total quantity of
though indeed a special one, represented a monu- motion, serves as the foundation for seven specific
mental advancein the science of dynamics. Although laws of collision which Descartes proceeds to derive.
Galileo made no direct contribution to the study of In the fist of these specific laws, Descartes considers
conservationinthe one dimensional collision of two elastic bodies of equal size, travelling in opposite
bodies, he was instrumental in advancing science to directions, colliding with equal speeds. Since he
the point at which such a study could be made. holds that in this case their tendencies to persist in

Physics Education September 1975 457

conservation of the quantity of motion requires that is moving with a velocity V, equal to the velocity of
they both rebound, thus reversing their directions of one of the bodies. From thepoint of view of the ob-
motion, while their quantities of motion remain server on the bank, this collision appears asa station-
unchanged. In this law then, his principle of con- arybodybeingstruck by a second body with a velocity
servation enables Descartes to derive correct results. of 2 V. After the impact then, for this observer on the
However, the remainder of the laws are incorrect, bank, the body originally in motion is now at rest
and manyquite surprisingly so. For instance, his andthe body originally at rest has acquired the
result is particularly astonishing in the fourth law, velocity 2V. Thus Huygens establishes his first law
in which he considers the case of a body in motion of collision, stating that whenever an elastic body
striking a larger body at rest. According to Descartes, collides with another of equal size which is at rest,
the larger body has the greater tendency to persist the body originally in motion remains at rest after
in its present state, and thus the smaller body cannot the collision, andthe body originally at rest ac-
move it. Since the larger body remains at rest, the quires the velocity that the other originally had.
principle of the conservation of the quantity of In order to deal with the cases of unequal bodies,
motion requires that the smaller body rebound with Huygens introduces his fourth and fifth hypotheses.
its direction reversed, and with the same speed, ie The fourth hypothesis states that whenever a body
with the same quantity of motion as it had before the collides with a smaller one at rest it gives it some
collision. Thus Descartes’ principle of conservation motion, and thereby loses some part of its own
is seen to be inaccord with a law that curiously motion. Using his principle of relativity of motion,
asserts that a moving body cannot, regardless of how Huygens considers such a collision from the frame
fast it is moving, move a larger body that is at rest. of reference in which the larger body is initially at
One might wonder how Descartes could assert rest. From this frame of reference, the motionlost by
these laws of collision which were so obviously in the larger body in moving the smaller one now ap-
conflict with experience. In fact, Descartes was pears as motion acquired by the larger body after
troubled by this problem and attempted to solve his the collision with the smaller one. Thus Huygens
dilemma by explaining that his conservation prin- derives his third collision law asserting that a body
ciple and specific laws assumed conditions which at rest is moved by a smaller body in motion, regard-
were not realized inthe world. Thisexplanation, less of the size or speed of the moving body. This law
peculiar to say the least, represented a vain attempt represents an obvious improvement over Descartes’
to salvage his incorrect principle of conservation. curious law asserting that a smaller body rebounds
from a larger body at rest, leaving the larger one at
rest after the collision.
Huygens’ introduction of reference frames After rejecting Descartes’ specific lawsof collision,
A different approach to the analysis of collisions is with the exception of the first, Huygens begins his
that of the Dutch mathematician, astronomer and analysis of conservation. His fifth hypothesis ap-
physicist, Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695). In De pears as a weakened version of Descartes’ principle
Motu Corporum ex Percussione (1656), Huygens of the conservation of the quantity of motion. It
begins his treatment of collisions by introducing states that when after a collision one body has con-
three hypotheses upon which he bases his solutions served all its motion, the other onealso neither loses
to the cases of the collisions of equal bodies. nor gains any motion.With the aid of this fifth
The first of these hypotheses is a principle of in- hypothesis, Huygens is able to demonstratehis
ertia, and corresponds to Descartes’ first and fourth collision law stating that in the collision of
second laws of nature. In his second hypothesis any two elastic bodies, the relative speed of approach
Huygens asserts that two elastic bodies of equal before collision is equal to the relative speed of
size, colliding with equal speeds, rebound such that separation after collision.
each retains its original speed and travels inthe Huygens proceeds to denounce Descartes’ prin-
opposite direction. The third hypothesis is a state- ciple of conservation. In his sixth law of collision
ment of a principle of relativity of motion which Huygens states that the quantity of motion does not
allows Huygens to consider the same collision from have to be conserved, but can increase or decrease
diflerent reference frames, and thereby to derive the after collision. His argument follows from his fourth
results forthe variousone dimensional collisions law, just discussed, stating that in the collision of any
between two elastic bodies. two elastic bodies, the magnitude of the relative
For instance, the first law of collision that Huy- velocity has the same value after the collision as it
gens derives involves the collision, described in the had before. He considers the case of a smaller body
second hypothesis, taking place on a boat. Huygens’ colliding with a larger body at rest. From this fourth
principle of relativity allows him to shift toan law, the sum of the speeds after collision must equal

458 Physics Education September 1975

the speed of the smaller body before collision. After formulation of the principle of the conservation of
the collision, the larger body has acquired part of momentum represented a significant advancement
the speed, and, therefore, the quantity of motion of over Descartes’ principle of the conservation of the
the two bodies has increased. Letting the bodies now quantity of motion. Descartes had asserted, in
reverse their directions and collide with the same accord with his conservation principle, that a mov-
speed with which they rebounded after impact, the ing body cannot, regardless of how fast it is moving,
larger body will remain at rest after collision, and move a larger body that is at rest. According to
the smaller bodyagain possesses all the speed. Newton’s ‘vectorial’ principle of conservation, it is
Therefore, in this case the quantity of motion of the obviously impossible for the larger body to remain
two bodies has decreased. at rest after the collision.
Thus Huygens shows that the quantity of motion Newton applied his principle of conservation of
is not necessarily conserved in all cases of collision-
momentum, before his formal statement of it, per-
as viewed from certain reference frames. In fact, onlyhapsas early as 1664 in a work which he never
in the cases of the collision of equal bodies is the published. In this unpublished work, Newton &st
quantity of motion conserved in all reference frames. applied his principle of conservation in an analysis
Inthe cases of the collision of unequal bodies, of collision between two completely inelastic bodies,
Huygens realizes that the quantity of motion is con- ie bodies that move together after impact. His
served only in the frame of reference in which the vectorial treatment of these one dimensional
colliding bodies rebound with their original speeds. collisions consists simply of plus and minus signs to
Huygens states in his eighth law of collision that this
denote direction. In the various cases of inelastic
reference frame is the one in which the speeds are collisions there is only a single velocity, ie one
inverselyproportional tothemagnitudesofthebodies. magnitude and one direction, of the bodies after the
In the collision of unequal bodies then, the quantity collision. Knowing the size of each body and their
of motion is conserved only in this one specific velocities before collision, Newton’s principle of the
frame of reference. conservation of momentum is sufficientin solving for
What Huygens recognized as being conserved in the commonvelocity of the bodies after the collision.
all reference frames was the sum of the products of Shortly thereafter, in the same writings, Newton’s
the magnitude of each body and the square of its principle of conservation appears in a discussion of
speed (corresponding of course, butwithoutthe one dimensional collisions between two elastic
factors of a half, to the present day statement of thebodies. For elastic collisions his principle of con-
conservation of kinetic energy). For Huygens this servation is not sufficient for obtaining the velocities
conserved quantity was just a number, to which he of the bodies after the collision. Newton asserts here
neglected to even assign a name. He realized, how- the additional principle, holding for the one dimen-
ever, that its total remained a constant before and sional collision of two perfectly elastic bodies, that
after collision in all frames of reference-in con- the relative velocity of separation of the bodies after
trast to Descartes’ quantity of motion, which, as collision is equal to the relative velocityof their
Huygens had shown, did not. Regardless of the approach before the collision. From these two prin-
relatively little importance he placed on this quantity,
ciples, and the sizes of the bodies and their velocities
his analysis of Conservation in the one dimensional before the collision, the velocities of the bodies after
collision of two elastic bodies represented a signifi-the collision can be found.
cant advancement over that of Descartes. It shouldperhaps be pointedout that since
Newton did not have this early work published, he
is not credited with formulating the general principle
Newton’s vectorial approach of the conservation of momentum. Instead, the
Huygens had shown thatthetotal of Descartes’ English mathematician John Wallis (1616-1703)
quantity of motion was not in general conserved usually receives credit for its formulation.
and hadintroduced a quantity of different magnitude Induced by a request issued by the Royal Society
as that whose total remained constant. The English of London, Wallis investigated the one dimensional
philosopher, physicist, and mathematician, Isaac collisions between completely inelastic bodies. In
Newton (1 642-1 727), however, retained Descartes’ his paper The General Laws of Motion, published in
quantity of motion as having the magnitude of the 1668, Wallis employed the principle of the con-
quantity conserved, but introduced the vector (alge- servation of momentum, using, as did Newton, plus
braic) replacement for it. and minus signs to denote the directions of ‘vector’
The statement of Newton’s principle of conserva- quantities.
tion appears, in its polished form, in his Principia
(1 687) and embodies the present day principle of the Leibniz and vis viva
conservation of linear momentum. Newton’s correct The last 17th century figure to be considered is the

Physics Education September 1975 459

German philosopher, mathematician and scientist, REFERENCES
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). In his Descartes (trans. E Anscombeand P T Geach) 1971
CriticalRemarksConcerning the GeneralPart of Descartes Philosophical Writings (New York: Bobbs-
Descartes’Principles (1692), Leibniz argues, like Merrill) pp21 5-21
Huygens and Newton, that it is not Descartes’ Galileo (trans. S Drake) 1957 Discoveries and Opinions of
quantity of motion thatis conserved. In his Essay on Galileo (Garden City: Doubleday-Anchor) p1 13
Dynamics (1692), Leibniz introduces an equation Galileo(trans. S Drake) 1970 Dialogue Concerning the
Two Chief World Systems (Berkeley and Los Angeles:
expressing the conservation of Descartes’ quantity University of California Press) pp214-5
of motion, but with the appropriate directional plus Leibniz (trans. A G Langley) 1949 New Essays Concern-
and minus signs added to correct it. Hence, Leibniz, ing Human Understanding (LaSalle: Open Court)
like Newton, recognized that it is the vectorial sum ~~657-70
of the ‘quantities of motion’ that is conserved in the Leibniz (trans. L E Loemker) 1970 Philosophical Papers
collision of two bodies. and Letters (Dordrecht : D Reidel) pp296-302
Leibniz also recognized that the total of a scalar Leibniz (trans. P Schreckerand A M Schrecker) 1965
Monadology and Other Philosophical Essays (New York
quantity, which he called the visviva, remained Bobbs-Merrill) pp47-50
constant. Inthe collision of two perfectly elastic Newton(edited F Cajori) 1971 Principia (Berkeley and
bodies, this conservation of vis viva is expressed as Los Angeles: University of California Press) p17
the sumof the products of the mass of each bodyand Newton (J Herivel) 1965 The Background t o Newton’s
the square of its speed being the same both before Principia (London: Oxford University Press) p p 1 3 2 4 3
and after impact. This is exactly the conservation
principle that Huygens had set forth.
Thus Leibniz recognized both the conservation of
vis viva (corresponding, but without the factors of a
half, to the conservation of kinetic energy) and the
conservation of momentum in the collision of two
perfectly elastic bodies. Furthermore, he was aware
that the principle of the conservation of momentum
held in all types of collisions (perfectly elastic, semi- Schools CouncilResearchStudies-NuffieldSecond-
elastic, etc), while the principle of the conservation ary Science: An Evaluation
of vis viva seemed to hold only in the collision of Dorothy J Alexander (for Schools Council) 1974
perfectly elastic bodies. (London: Macmillan Education)
viii+ 70pp price E2.95
This is a useful addition tothe disappointingly
Summary scanty shoal of research studies following behind the
As we have seen, the issue of conservation in the wave of Nuffield Science Projects. It asks some im-
collision of bodies aroused considerable interest in portant questions to some of which it gives depress-
the period of its initial investigation. Descartes as- ing answers. For example, it shows that, despite the
serted that thequantity of motion, thescalar product hopes of the Project organizers with their emphasis
of the mass and speed, was the quantity that was on relevance, the views of the pupils in the sample on
conserved. Huygens, with the aid of his relativity the role of science in society deteriorated. We need
of motion principle, recognized that it was not longer andrather different induction courses for
Descartes’ scalar quantity that was conserved, but teachers if we want to see changes in attitudes of this
instead another scalar quantity, the product of the sort; those we have had in the past have tended to
mass and the square of the speed, whose total re- give too much prominence to the new content and
mained constant. Newton discovered that Descartes’ experimental work to the neglect of the methods
quantity was conserved if considered a vector which might be used to obtain these less tangible
quantity, and thereby announced the principle of changes.
conservation of momentum. Leibniz recognized the Many of the answers are tentative which will dis-
conservation of Newton’s momentum, and also the appoint scientists used to more clear cut answers to
conservation of vis viva,the same scalar quantity that research but in fact thismodesty is one of the study’s
Huygens had earlier proposed. Although recogni- strong points. Its limitations lie in its lateness in the
tion of the immense importance of these principles life of the Project, in the totally inadequate resources
had to await further developments in physics, the devoted to it and in its adoption of the traditional
original formulation of these conservationprin- scientistic view that the methods of science are the
ciples, resulting from the analysis of one dimen- only research methodsapplicable to this field. I
sional collisions, was completed by the end of the believe that the blindman’s buff quality of much of
17th century. the interpretation would have been reduced if less

460 Physics Education September 1 9 7 5

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