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Learning Activity:

For Activity #1
1. Are your manners a product of your cultural group manners? Or just a result of your exposure
to other social groups as they may have influence yours by reasons of “cultural otherness”?
My manners is actually a product of our cultural group. Ever since I was a little my parents are
actually always thought me on how to act and show myself in other people. For example my
mom always told me that if an elderly we're talking to one another she said that do not interapt
while they are talking and I always noticed that everytime they are talking to a person who are
much older than them they always say po and opo, as such I acquire that kind of habit from
them. We also thought to bless (mano) to our elders and gain their being respectful to other
people and giving other people in needs.

2. How will you describe your manners in a different group meal settings? Say, in a church; in a
home; and in any meal parties?
My parents told us all the time that where ever we eat always put proper etiquette of eating. For
example in church, I always put in my mind that before eating I must pray first before putting the
food inside my stomach. And of course since it is in a sacred place and a lot of people I must
take enough food that I can finish. In our home my parents said to us everytime that we must be
together everytime we eat, unlike in the church or somewhere else I sit more comfortable in our
house while eating just don't be too aggressive in eating. They said to me everytime that take
your time in eating so that I don't get indigested and when we burp cover our mouth and said
excuse me and thank you lord. And lastly, when there is a family gathering or parties most of the
time I always prioritize the elderly to eat first, I always use serving spoon so that the food won't
spoil easily. When talking to other I always make sure that there is no food inside my mouth. In
other words everytime I eat I always bring my manners and apply it so that other people won't
judge me who I am.

For Activity #2
1. In the three pictures above, which do you think is more appropriate and is decent to be
adopted for yourself to behave?
I will pick picture number one, which portrays good characteristics and have proper manners of
eating. I want to develop this kind of formalities in front of my family and with other people.
Sometimes what you already do into your house you will always bring it until you go outside,
that is why I want to practice myself being kinda little bit formal so that other people won't judge
me over my behavior. They seem eating with ease and peace but they are much comfortable
with it. This kind of family is like a role model of how to raise a good and well mannered family.
2. In which picture above you may wish to be learnt by the family that you may plan to build in
the future?
In the future when I have my own family I want to train my childrens on how to act infront of of
our meal like the picture number one. It is very important to eat with manners cause what you
are doing your children will definitely will follow it. I want them develop good behavior, I don't
want them to fought over a single food and I don't want them to cause any chaos. Because my
parents told me that when we are in front of our meal we should respect it cause it is a blessing.
I want them to learn the importance of food. They must learn that manners really matter that
they will bring wherever they go.

For Activity #3
In a brief and concise statement of the aforementioned questions, fill the matrix provided below
to qualify your answers:


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