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You work with your partner. Choose your own partner


1. Aufa Mifah Nurfa’izah / 06

2. Nilam Laisa Farah Fatimah / 26


The Expressions of The Expressions of The Expressions of The Expressions of

Offering Help Accepting Help Rejecting Help Asking for Help
1 How about I…? Thank you, I No, thanks Can you help me?
(formal) appreciate your help. Could you help me?
Would you help me?
2 Do you need a hand? Yes, please. It’s okay, I can do it by Would you mind
(informal) myself. helping me?
3 What can I do for Thank you, how kind Don’t worry, I will do Can you give me a
you? (formal) of you. it by myself. hand for a minute?
Could you lend me a
4 Shall I do something That is so nice of you, Thank, but I prefer Can you help me out
for you? (formal) thank you. not to bother you. with…?
5 Can I help you? That would be great, No, you don’t need Could you do me a
(informal) thank you so much. to. favour?
Can I ask you for a
6 May I help you?


Nini (1) : I feel worry about the spread of Covid 19 in Indonesia. Recently, new infected cases reached
38.391 on July 9, 2021. We must do something to help people around us who suffer from the
disease and isolate themselves at their home. Besides, there are also people who
cannot work like trader, pedicap driver, food seller, because of public activity restriction..

Nono (1): You are right, I support your Idea. Is there anything I can do to help you to make your idea
comes true? I can organize our friends who like do social activity. Then we arrange a program
for helping people who suffer from Covid 19 directly or indirectly. WeIl, I also can
our program through social media.

Nini (2) : That is great. It is very kind of you to help me, and to support me. Well you can organize our
friends who would like to have social activities with us. Then we have virtual meeting
to discuss our program. It must be virtual meeting for today , because the government still holds
social restriction. Do you need me to schedule zoom meeting?

Nono(2): That is ok. You are so kind. You can schedule a zoom meeting for tomorrow afternoon I think.
Today, I am going to invite our friends and create a WA group in order we can communicate
easily. Is there anything else I can do for this activity?

Nini(3) : Sure, we can plan to have physical and educational activities. What I mean about physical
activities are gathering food, money and then distributing to the needy. Educational activities
refer to the activities to make people more understand how to prevent, how to heal Covid 19
when they have been infected, how to isolate themselves at home. Anyway we need a room as
headquarters, can I lend my garage for this?

Nono(3): This is excellent idea, thank you. Can I help you to rearrange your garage into a representative
office?. I think we need some chairs, tables, cupboard, white board, board marker.
Computer. I can invite some friends to help me to set our headquarters.

1. What is the topic of the dialogue?

The topic of the dialogue above is about holding a program for helping people who suffer from
Covid 19 also physical and educational activities during the covid 19 pandemic.

2. In Nono (1), why does Nono say “Is there anything I can do to help you to make your idea
comes true?
Because Nono is agree with Nini’s idea and want to helps Nini to make her idea come true.

3. In Nini (3), why does she say” Sure, we can plan to have physical and educational activities”
Because Nini is accept help of Nono and communicate her opinion to have physical and
educational activities.

4. Why does the writer perform the text?

Because the writer feel worry about the spread of Covid 19 in Indonesia have reached 38.391 on
July 9, 2021.

5. If Nini wants to refuse what Nono says in Nono (3), what does she probably say?
Nini can say “Don’t worry. I can do it by myself”.


1. Choose your own partner.
2. Discuss a topic with your partner. You may have free topic, but it is related to covid 19
3. Then create a dialogue. The dialogue consists of 5 turns, each turns has min 5 sentences (you
can refer to the example of poin B. But it is only 3 turns. Yours are 5 turns)
4. It must include offering help, accepting help, and rejecting. You may also include asking for help.
Underline the expressions of offering help, accepting help, and rejecting.
5. Make video of your dialogue
6. Submit your script through WA group.
7. Your identity for your work is written : student’s number + name
01, 05 : NItya Jwalita ; Hanafi
8. Upload your dialogue into you tube channel that is shared latter.
06, 26 : Aufa Miftah N ; Nilam Laisa F. F


Nilam : Hey,whatsapp? We haven’t seen each other for a long time. I hope you always be happy and
healthy. Did you hear the recently news about covid 19 in Jember? The government of Jember
plans the distance learning for students again because the people who infected by corona virus
is significantly increased. Oh my god, I can’t stand it anymore. How about I send the screenshot
of the news to you?

Aufa : Hei Nilam, I hope you too. Hah, are you sure? Yes, please send to me. Let me read it. Huh, I don’t
like online school again. Well, it couldn't be helped in reality it is happen. Infected case of Covid
19 has escalation the second time in our city. We must be receptive so as a infected case of
Covid 19 can coming down. By the way, Did you have problem during the online school? Is there
anything I can do for you?

Nilam : I am so struggling with online learning. Sometimes I don’t really understand what the teacher
were explained the material by zoom. I can’t study at home by myself. I need a someone to
teach me more about the material, would you mind helping me? But it is not only me, you know.
Many students are struggling with online learning too. Like some of them may no longer have an
internet connection, a device to use, or a space to learn in

Aufa : You are right, Nilam. This sudden change in learning system has not been easy. In fact, for some
people it is very new. How about I help you reteach what you don’t already understand? After
class we make a new zoom to study together.

Nilam : Wah that’s really a good idea. Omg thank you, I appreciate your help. Can I help you to create a
room for zoom meeting? Btw Aufa… did you miss study at school? Because you know, we just
start the offline school before holiday, like we go to school for five times. But because corona
virus we start the new semester with online school again. I hope it is not long and we can study
at school as same as we at class 10.

Aufa : Okay, Nilam. If you can’t use zoom, we can use google meet, duo, or WhatsApp video call. Of
course, I really miss the moment at school. We all clearly want this pandemic be over and no
more online school. Is there anything else I can help you?

Nilam : Yes, there is. I have a work from my extraculiculer to make a poster about covid 19. I don’t know
how to make a poster, because I never make it before. I know you’re good at making it. So, can
you help me please? I don’t know what should I put first in this page.

Aufa : Of course, I will help you. The first you have to decide the title. For example, “What is Covid 19?”
or “How dangerous is Covid 19?”. Place the title in the top or center with a large font. Then you
can add some explanations of Covid 19, like definition, symptoms, and preventive measures. Do
you want me to help you print your poster?

Nilam : No, I can do it by myself. Thank you for your helping. It is a good idea. You’re so creative. I don’t
know what it gonna be if you don’t help me. It is really helped me. By the way, when I finished
making it, can you help me to promote this poster?

Aufa : Its okay, I am glad I could help you. When the poster’s done, just send it to me and then I will
promote through my social media. You can also add picture or animation to make your poster
more impresive. If you need any other help you can chat me up. I also can promote your poster
through social media. Well, I am sorry Nilam. I have got plan in a little while, so we can continue
through WhatsApp chat later. Bye, have a good day!

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