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Vision, mission, values and strategy are interrelated key pillars and frameworks of any business

or organization. These frameworks are inseparable and should build on each other. However,
when Vision, mission, values contradict strategy, all manner of things can go wrong. These may
Communication problems- A mismatch between mission, vision, values and strategy may impose
communication challenges among stakeholders resulting due to misunderstanding between them.
This may result in deviations from the right strategy that translates to stagnated growth. With
that, the organizations lose their focus and ultimately lower the ambitious power (Carpenter et
al., 2018).In addition, if a new strategy is contrary to the founders’ mission or vision, friction
may occur, particularly when their vision and mission is not solid (Carpenter et al., 2018. This
may make the company to lose focus on the original mission and vision in the quest of such new
vision and the presumed opportunities that it comes with, leading to lose of profits that were
initially intended.

In addition, erosion of brand trust and bad press- The inconsistent execution of mission and
vision that contradicts strategy may erode the consumers’ brand trust and may create bad image
on media and press.
A known example of when theses frameworks conflicted is the case of Kodak in the 1970s.
Steven Sasson and the team at Kodak had just developed the world’s first digital camera but did
not want to “hurt the performance” of their film division (which relied on non-digital camera
devices) by releasing it to the public yet. According to their mission, Kodak are to give people
the opportunity to capture memories, but their primary focus and strategy was to make money.
They did not keep up with the changing demographics in the industry and were outsmarted. Had
they released it at the time, they would be the first to do so in the market, and their market share
would significant (Wright, 2017).

How leaders ensure that strategy matches the vision, mission, and values
Leaders should consistently assess the organization’s to ensure that the strategy is in line with its
mission, vision and values. They must align the mission, vision and vision with the strategies and
communicate to employees about their roles in meeting such. They also have a role to re-
evaluate and modify the strategy where necessary to reflect the vision

1. Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2018). Management principles.  

2. Wright, T. (2017, February 22). The 5 Worst Business Strategies I’ve Ever Seen. Cascade

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