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Let’s implement stress debriefing among frontline troopers


 Ladies and gentlemen good morning my topic is (Lets implement stress

debriefing among frontline troopers)

 Being deployed in the frontline or combat zone is a very stressful situation.

 Often times, soldiers have different mechanisms to cope up with stress.

o Drug addiction and excessive alcoholism are also results of stress due to
the nature of works and deployments
o Problem with their reluctant attitude brought about by stress because of
traumatic experience in combat

 Sometimes worst things happen because of stress

o Cases of amok and AWOL are results of stress.
o Recently, a military personnel run amok and fired indiscriminately inside
their barracks, killing 1 military personnel and leaving 2 injured. According
to police investigation, the said military personnel may have suffered from
mental health problems due to stress

 This is an example of stress out of control. As a Marine officer, this

problem concerns me, and it should concern you.


 Let me show to you the implication of stress to human

 When stress develop, it will result to the following:
o Increased of cholesterol and fatty acids in blood or energy production
o Increased blood pressure
o Increased production of blood sugar for energy
o Fast blood clotting- leading to stroke
o Increased stomach acids
o Fatigues
o Restlessness
o Irritability
o Anxiety
o Depression
 Imagine when these develop and struck to our frontline soldiers. It’s really
a big problem and risky that needs to be addressed…

 What is the purpose of stress debriefing in our soldiers?

o To mitigate or lessen the psychological impact of traumatic events

o To reduce the frequency of post-traumatic stress disorder

 Then what are the benefits of regular conduct of stress debriefing among
our frontline troops?
o Boost morale of troops
o If will not totally stop it will minimize morale related problems and incidents
o Will promotes efficiency at works
o Avoid domestic related violence


 In order to attain excellence our organization, we should first promote the

well-being of our soldier, both physically and mentally.

 Lives were lost because of these silent wounds that we failed to address
properly. Again, there is really a need for a regular debriefing session in
our frontline units.

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